
Idol Kyu & Fanboy Won
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    Siwon didn't even know what's running through his mind, the fact that you get lock out of your own house by your closet idol may have cause ones mind to go jello.  Staring at the door and then back at his own shoes (thank god he got shoes on!) then back at the definitely closed door, Siwon finally remember to breathe and blink again.    Once his mind have decided to join back the body that's currently outside the house, yep... kyuhyun just kicked me out... ahmmmm.  With no wallet and no phone, he could simply just re-enter the house using the spare key he hides beneath a rock for emergence reason.  this is an emergence right? i'm confusingly locked out of my own house the twenty years old ask himself.  But when he replays the utterly sad expression Kyuhyun had on before the door was shut in his face.  His better(?) judgement tells him that it'll only anger the young more if he were to just waltz back in there.  Instead of being the cause of Kyuhyun's sadness or more, Siwon slowly and depressingly walk himself away.  He couldn't think of anywhere else beside down to the park where they use to play years ago. 
It's still early in the morning, Siwon sat on the swing with his barely there sweater.  The snow have reduce, but still coming down softly from the grey sky.  As time goes by, more frequently Siwon watches students making their way to school in their uniform with a very heavy looking school bag.  Some walks in group, chit-chatting or throwing snow balls at each other, while some were only in pairs.  Siwon smile fondly when he watches a particular pair (5 or 6years old) that surely reminds him of the best time he have with Kyuhyun. 
The slightly chubbier boy held on tight to his taller and protective hyung.  How Siwon knew the hyung was protective, well, plainly by the way he carries both their school bag's on either side of his shoulder, while his dongsaeng busy himself with holding on to his arm and hands afraid from slipping under the icy cold ground. 
Siwon recall how his cutesy chubby Kyu use to whine in embarrassment whenever Siwon would bring along an umbrella to shield him from snow or rain or even the sun.  The taller loved how he was able to make the pink on those cold ample cheeks turns red.  Although Kyuhyun always sulk when Siwon babies him too much, but never once Kyuhyun refuses Siwon's extra fluffing attitudes around on him.  Somehow Siwon believes coaxing Kyuhyun should and always will be his first priority. 
"Yunho-hyung, i'm cold!" One of the boy whines out as he stood still from where they were walking. 
"Come on max, hyung will buy you bongeobbang when we get to school" The taller of the pair, which should be Yunho negotiate while the whiny-one rise his brows and budge his eyes at him. 
"only if you start walking and not fall down anymore?!" A smirk was clearly plaster onto the child face. 
"yah! hyung, i only fell once today!"
"i know...look at that, i'll have to wash them when we get to school as well."  Yunho sighing out loudly as he shook his head.  It made Siwon also smirk when he notice the slightly older boy was grinning victoriously when his dongsaeng was pouting sulking.  He guess there's forever a charm in making your dongsaeng mad for no particular reason. 
At that though Siwon mood dampen by the memory of his much, much more adorable and angel-face dongsaeng.  The one he haven't seen (in real life) for such a long time, is currently sulking and totally pisses off at him for no particular reason he could remember.  All he did was made a comment about Kyuhyun calling him hyung again.  Isn't he allow to make even a comment now?
Slumping back down into the swing like a deflated balloon, its Siwon turns to mope over the thought of making Kyuhyun upset...very upset!.  Siwon didn't pay much notice to the snow as they stop after the early morning only to get much heavier soon.  It wasn't till a rather large snow flake landed directly on his nose, Siwon's thought was cut.  Picking the flake with his index, Siwon made a wish to the snow angel
"I wish Kyuhyun would stop being mad at me"
Siwon blew the flakes off his finger as he stood up, he hesitated as to where to head off.  But it suddenly daunt on him that he still have no money and no phon
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Kyuteuksung #1
Chapter 5: very cute.. loved it :) thanks
Chapter 5: Subscribed this story a while ago. Didn't get the chance to read it, though. But now that I've made some time to read it, oh Holy Crap! Why the hell did I put off reading the story for so long? It's so heart warming... And Kyu is crying again. Ya! U made my baby cry again! Now look at my tear-stained face. See what u did to me? Well, I'll tell u what. You've moved me with your touching stories yet again :')
montselech #3
Chapter 5: <3 aww I love them ^^
Chapter 5: Wonnie really can take a good care of baby kyu.... So glad kangin appa stoping teukie umma so that two lovebird can enjoy their time to cuddling more....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 5: what a waste of ten years...
Chapter 5: I laughed at the part were Teuk mama was about to wake them. XDDD
heartbabykyu #7
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaa so sweet :)
I'm glad they aren't gonna face anymore eventful days like these
Chapter 5: To read such a sweet wonkyu fics in this ty-condition for lots of wonkyu author out there really makes me happy :D

Thank you so much for writing a sweet story dear <3
Saravy #9
Chapter 5: This was super cute! Kyu is just like a baby sometimes.^^ Glad they worked out the problem and are together. Great job!! :D