chapter 5

the only straight i am is straight up b*tch

Yuri was cleaning herself from the dirts while Jessica helped her. Jessica felt guilty since Yuri saved her from Mrs. Park’s dirts prank.


“well, Yul. I think I should stop to ignoring you, you didn’t something wrong, it’s just me. Me and my stupid pride can’t accept the fact that I’m rejected.”

Jessica started to speak up first.


“no, I’m not rejecting you. I said I love too and I want to be with you. But it’s not right to break his heart since I’ve accepting Minhoo, he’s my boyfriend. And if only me and Minhoo were to ever break-up, then I’d like to be yours. Sorry Sica, maybe I’m such a coward but I don’t wanna hurt him.”

Yuri said as she keep whipping the dirts from her hairs.


“I know, I know you’re such a good person. I’ve known you since we join the cheerious, I should’ve understand you so well, cause you’re my bestfriend.”

Jessica smiled as she hug the tanned girl.


“yeah, we are bestfriend  right?”

Yuri said and smile as she hug her back, Jessica just nodded.


Well, I’m not giving up, Yul. I’m just waiting the right time to dig a space between you and Minhoo then I’ll snatch you out of him. I’ll use Siwon to make you jealous and you’ll realized that I’m the one for you *smirk evily* – Sica






~at the music club practice room~


“Well, kids I have a new list for you to do! For preparing our next national competition, we have to win the regionals so we can go on Natioals competition. And I want you to sing our originals song, so that’s why here I want you to start to write a song. We’re gonna try to write an anthem of our own. Now, these are rhyming dictionaries for all of you.”

Mr. Kang said as he gave them some books.


“uhm, Mr. Kang? Sunny and I have been already work on a song that I wrote.”

Jessica interrupted


“oh, really? That’s amazing, can we hear it?”.

Mr. Kang asked her to sing the song in front of the members. Jessica took a glance at Yuri and Minhoo who was doing lovelydovey and smirk evily.


“this song that I wrote for Siwon, it’s called ‘Trouty mouth’”

Jessica said with a y face. The members cheering excitedly. Siwon smiled bitterly.


“wait, what’s it called?”

Siwon was shocked and asked.


“trouty mouth”.

Sooyoung wishpering to him.

(you can see the original scene about this part on GLEE here : )


*Sunny playing the piano* *music started* *Jessica open her jacket ily*


Gruppy face..

Trouty mouth..


She started singing as she move and swaying her body ily. Sooyoung chuckled when she heard the lyrics and stared at Siwon with a ‘mocking face’. Siwon just widened his eyes.



Is that how people’s lips look..

Where you come from in the South?


Mr. Kang felt awkward as he looking at Siwon’s worried expression. Siwon seemed felt uncomfortable.


Grouper mouth…

Froggy lips…

I love on those salamander lips…

Jessica keep swaying ily as she pointing out to siwon. Sooyoung giggling then looking at Siwon once again. Siwon just covering his lips with his hand a she felt embarrassed.


Want to put a fish hook in those lips so cherry red..

If  you tried hard enough..

You could a baby’s head..



“Okay, can we stop?! Stop the mouth jokes.”

Siwon seemed mad then he interrupted.


“hey, sit down! I’m not finished.”

Jessica said madly.


“yes, you are!. Mr. Kang we’re not doing a song at Regionals called ‘Trouty Mouth’.”

Siwon protested to Mr. Kang


“y-you know, i.. I have to agree with Sam, but such a good effort, Jessica. Good!”

Mr. Kang said awkwardly as he trying to make the situation calm.






*skip the regionals competiton*

Few days after regionals competition..





~at the canteen school~

Jessica, Sooyoung, Key, and Hara were gathering at the canteen while discussing about their permofances in the Regionals, yes they won, and they’re happy. But there’s still one problem, they didn’t have so much money to join the national competition. So here they’re discussing about how to got the money, Mr. Kang asked them to sell ‘cupcakkes’? and they thought that it’s ridiculous. But the topic moves on ‘Prom night’ that’ll be coming up this month. Jessica was spacing out as she staring at a couple who doing loveydovey on the corner not far from their table, yes they’re Yuri and Minhoo. While the other keep talking, Jessica didn’t give so much attention to their talks.


“well, we’re going to performs at national, but now we have to think about the Prom first.”

Key said excitedly as he enjoying his potatoe sticks.


“uh.huh, scores! But the problem is I don’t have a date who will accompany me to the prom. Why there should be a rule that you have to come with your date. well I’m not coming in.”

Sooyoung complaining. As they keep talking about the Prom, Jessica still spacing out as she felt jealous of the couple on the corner.


Hmm, I don’t care about Prom. All I want now is getting Yuri but I don’t know how to make her be mine and dump that geek sunglasses away from her. Well, I’m with you Sooyoung. I’m not coming too. – Sica


“wait, but there’ll be voting for Prom King and Queen. Didn’t you want it?”

Sunny asked to Sooyoung. She just raised her arms lazily.


“Well, Sunny is right. you know? Prom King and Queen is everything!in this school If you wanna be shine and want the whole school keep staring at you for a year, then you have to be Prom King or Queen to rule the school.”

Hara adding. after Hara mentioned about Prom King and Queen, Jessica awaken from her jealousy-desperate-daydreaming of getting Yuri.


“wait, Prom King and queen?”

Jessica asked in a sudden.


“yeah, and that’ll be great if I and Taeyeon would be the Prom King and Queen.”

Hara said as she getting excited about her wish.


“wait, but you’re getting married. What about Taecyeon?”

Sooyoung asked.


“hell about him, I don’t care. He .”

Hara said abominately.


“what a .”

Sooyoung mocking her, but Hara ignore it.


Hmm. Prom Queen? Well, I’ve got an idea! I have to be Prom Queen and I will make Yuri regret that she reject me. But, wait. Who would be my Prom King then? I need a partner. Siwon? No! he’s a dumb! Hmmm.. *look at around* *a cool man walking to the door* gotcha! Kim Hyun Jung, the hottest captain of football team. *the cool man checking Siwon’s out* *shocked* holly crap! I’m a closet lesbian and a judgemental which mean one thing : I have awesome Gaydar. *smirk* - Sica


“hhuhm, I’ve gotta gay.. *crap!* i-I mean g-go! I’ve gotta go.”

Jessica said nerveously and left. Her friends chuckled while Key giggling.





~at the music club practice room~

Taeyeon was alone in the room as he keep busying himself with some pappers. Hara took  a glance and she approaching him.


“well, Taeyeon. Did you get your date to go to Prom night?”

Hara asked him as she sitting next to him. Taeyeon sense something from her question, but he ignore it since he doesn’t want to be rude.


“ouh, Prom? Nope, I don’t have anyone to come with. Why?”

Taeyeon said sincerely.


“then.. would you come with me?”

Hara asked as she getting closer to him and smirk seductively.


“uh-huh? W-well I’ll think about it, Hara.”

Taeyeon got nervous.


“it’s better if you come with me, or I would be sad if you don’t.”

Hara said as she pouting and cried fakely. Taeyeon felt bad about it then he caressing her face.


“hey, are you okay? W-well, I don’t mean to reject you but how about Taecyeon?”

Taeyeon said carefully.


“he’s okay. He wouldn’t mind it. He doesn’t have any interest to come with me.”

Hara lied to him. Taeyeon felt pity for her since he once ever loved her, he still has a feeling for her. Hara took a chance of him and kissed him on the lips. Taeyeon was shocked but he can’t dogde it since that’s in a sudden. Unfortunately, Tiffany was coming. And crap!! She saw them kissing then all brooke loose.


“how dare you, Tae! I believe in your words when you said you like me, and now?! You’re just a jerk as bad as Taecyeon! I hate you!”

Tiffany yelled and make them shocked. Soon he pushed Hara away.


“w-wait! Fany, this is not like what you see. Listen to me.”

Taeyeon stammered and trying to explain, but Tiffany ignore him and left. Taeyeon crusing frustatingly.





~at the canteen~

Jessica asked Kim Hyun Jung out on a lunch date. Then he accepting her invitation, now they’re having a lunch together.


“I knew you’d ask me out eventually. I’m kind a dude stud of Soshi High School.”

Hyun Jung started to speak.


“give it up. I know.”'

Jessica said sacarasticly.


“know what?”

He asked curiously.


“that you’re gay.”

Jessica said clearly.


“what? Who told you that?”

Hyun Jung was shocked then he lower his voice to ask since he was afraid of judging.


“no one had to tell me. First of all I saw checking out Siwon’s at the canteen. You really need to be more careful with your leering.”

she said calmly since she has got his weakness.


“I dind’t. I was just seeing what jeans he was wearing.”

He defense himself.


“like that’s any less gay. Second of all, I know about you and Key. You kissed him last other day. It’s just coming out.”

Jessica mocking him.


“whoever told you that, it’s a lie. I’ll kick their asses!”

Hyun Jung was mad.


“wait, *grab his hand caressly*. Why don’t you just settled down and let Auntie Jessie here tell you a little story. It’s about you. You’re what we call ‘a late in life gay’. You’re going to stay in the closet, get married, get drunk to have a relation with your wife, have a couple kids, or maybe be a deacon and get caught in the men’s room tapping your foot. And you know what? I accept that about you.”

Jessica pretend like a-mother-marry and giving him some advices.


“why are you doing this?”

Hyun Jung stammered and felt unsecured.


“because I need you. And you need me. We play on the same team.”

Jessica released his hand as she answered and sighed.



Hyun Jung surprised.


“w-wait look, I’m not r-ready to put on that label.”

Jessica said carefully as she looking at around.


“this is pointless. I’m not gay!”

He stil refused.


“I’m trying to help you out here. Have you ever heard of term ‘beards’? when a gay man and woman date each other to hide the fact that they’re gay. Like the Roosevelts. So you and I are going to be each other’s beards and we’re going to win Prom King and Queen and rule the school. “

Jessica said calmly.


“and what if I say no?”

Hyun Jung asked annoyingly as he crossed his hands.


“then I’m going to tell everyone about you, and your life will be over. The only straight I am is straight up .You in or not?”

Jessica said as she smiled in victory. Hyun Jung seemed has a deep thinking about it.









~to be continue~


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Chapter 8: Lindo
Aish1994 #2
Chapter 8: update this pleasee......
Chapter 8: update soon please
update please.... ^^
Chapter 8: Love this chap :)))))
Chapter 8: I can't help but say Yuri is an idiot. Kekeke...
Be strong Sica!!
Chapter 8: i hope yuri will get a little smarter coz shes too innocent
Chapter 8: wow... just the sica pov? how about yuri? her parent approve too??
yulsic be strong...
can you make yuri more smart? ekekkeke
Chapter 7: Sica is gonna have a hard time i think.
BTW this story is great!!!
Chapter 7: Dnt make it so hard for sica author. And daamn yuri is so idiot here. Hahahahahahah