chapter 3

the only straight i am is straight up b*tch

Tiffany was putting her things in the locker, then she dropped her book. she shighed as she was about going to pick it up, someone pick it up for her.


"thankyou for y-,"

she was cut off by the person in front of her.




Tiffany called that person's name surprisingly.



"hey, Fany. i just wanna say sorry for last day when Hara scolding you and warned you to stay away from me. but, really i'm not dating her, i swear! she said she loves me, i ever loved her once when i join the music club but when i know that she's having a baby with Taecyeon. so i,-"

Taeyeon was about finishing his words but Tiffany cuts him.



"i know that she's a player. she just want to use you to fulfill her selfish-desires, i'm sorry too for acted harshly towards you. i was just so jelaous w-,"

Tiffany cuts her words and her eyes widened when she realized about her slipped tongue. Taeyeon was surprised that finnaly he knows that she has a feeling for him, then he smiled happily.


oops! pabo, Tiff! you are pabo! how can you tell him your feeling? oh my gosh, this is so embarrasing! - Fany


"So, Fany. do you want to go for a date with me tonight?"

Taeyeon asked her out with a wide smile on his face while Tiffany just shocked.





~at the music club~


The members of music club was gathering at their practice room. Then Mr. Kang suddenly cames and speak up.



“alright, folks. This week we’re going to set our list,-“

He said but then he cut off by one member. He saw that Minhoo looks so terrible.



“Minhoo, are you okay?”

Mr. Kang asked.



“My life is over. How am I supposed to support a babby? Yuri, I never remember that i ever ‘did that’ with you, we didn’t even ever kissing. then how could you not tell me about this?”

Minhoo said weakly, he was too shocked.



“wait, Yuri are you pregnant?”

Mr. Kang asked worriedly.



“definitely. I’m sorry, Minhoo. I didn’t want to get you in a trouble, I’m surprised too but I thought it’s cute and I want this baby. I want to put on him a mickey mouse costumes when I dropped him off. I’m pretty sure it’s boy.”

Yuri said as she smiled dorkily. The other people in the room stared at her. Tiffany felt pitty at them, Jessica was spacing out.



“um.. well, babies don’t get dropped off..”

Taecyeon said cause he felt that it weirds. Since Taecyeon gots Hara pregnant, he knows about babies stuffs.



“what? Wait, have you been to a doctor yet? That’s the only way to be sure.”

Mr. Kang asked Yuri.



“I don’t need to go a doctor. I just need looked outside my window *grinned* *Taeyeon stared at her weirdly*. Three days ago a built its nest on top of my garage.*sunny chuckled and realized something* I’m not stupid, but it’s obviously getting ready to bring me my baby. *Tiffany got her jaw dropped*. I know where babies come from.

Yuri said as she grinned happily. Minhoo got his jaw dropped widely. Jessica stared at Yuri as her jaw was dropped too seems like she didn’t believe how can she has a stupid bestfriend like Yuri. Donghae and Key chuckled almost giggling. Mr. Kang just sighed frustratingly.




Jessica and Yuri were at their dorm. Since today Yuri made a stupid claimed with her weirdo pregnancy-thought, Jessica scolded her along day. So that’s why they're sharing a bed together this night. Jessica was preparing the bed for her to sleep while Yuri still bussy with her mickey stuffs. Then Yuri trying to speak first.



“I wanna talk to you about something. I really like when we make out and stuff.”

Yuri said unsecuredly since she never talk about it with Jessica.



“wait, you’re not thinking that you cheat on Minhoo with me, right?”

Jessica asked as she put a pillow on the bed and took a blanket.



“well, you said that what we did is just our crazy experiments. But I found it’s not only for fun, I loved it and I feel something about it. Minhoo and I was talking about a stuff like feelings.”

Yuri said innocently.




Jessica was shocked with her sudden question and then she asked.



“because with feelings it’s better.”

Yuri said doubtly.



“are you kidding? It’s better when it doesn’t involve feelings. You know we’re just take it as our crazy experiments. We don’t need feelings.”

Jessica said stammered as she face the tanned girl.



“I don’t know,  but I feel something about us, and I can’t figure it out. Didn’t you feel the same?”

Yuri asked.



“wait, let’s be clear here. I’m not interest on any labels. We don’t need to figure something out.”

Jessica said as she felt nervous. Since the first time she met Yuri, Jessica has a feeling on Yuri but she denied it cause she’s afraid about people’s judging. While Yuri felt the same way that she might has a feeling for Jessica, but she’s too innocent to figure it out. She’s okay about being lesbian but she just concerns about Jessica’s image.



“I think we should talk to somebody, like an adult. This relationship is really confusing for me.”

Yuri said as she stared at Jessica sadly. Jessica was stammered and felt uncomfortable.



“Mickey mouse is confusing for you.”

Jessica defense and tried to move the topic on to cover up her nervousness.



“sometimes I feel happy, sometime it’s sweet, but we can't keep acting like this everyday. We may thought that it’s fun, then what is it? We need to be sure about us, I don’t mind about put on a label like ‘lesbian’ or ‘biual’ stuff. But I just want it to be more obvious.”

Yuri said seriously, Jessica was thinking deeply as she stared at her.




~the next day at the school~


Jessica and Yuri decided to talk with somebody. Then they want to meet Mrs. Shin to consult about their problem. Mrs. Shin is a good teacher, she never judges anyone, she is so friendly, she is a good listener, so they think that Mrs. Shin was the right person to be shared. this morning Mrs. Shin was at the Library reading some books, she was about putting a book on a rows then Jessica and Yuri appeared and stop her.



Mrs. Shin greet them, but she saw that their expression were so serious.



“Mrs. Shin, we need your help.”

Jessica said doubtly. Mrs. Shin just blinked confusedly.



Mrs. Shin invited Jessica and Yuri to join her sitting on the floor at her office. Yuri and Jessica were staring at each other confusedly .


“why are we sitting on the floor?”

Yuri asked.



“cause we’re in Japan. *chuckled* no, I’m kidding. Welcome to my scared, y sharing circle! *smile widely* I wanna thank you guys for confinding me, cause I know that this is tough. And I wanna ask both of you, if either one of you thinks that you might be a lesbian.”

Mrs. Shin asked softly.



“I don’t know.”

Yuri said innocently.



“yeah… I mean who knows? I’m attracted to girls, and I’m attracted to guys. I never made out with a boy, it’s just with Yuri but I found that I like it too when I kissing boys. I like boys but at the same time I had a feeling when I’m with Yuri.”

Jessica shared her feelings.



“hmm.. yeah, we’ve all been there. When I was young I wanna try some experiments too like you guys. Then I figure it out with conviencing myself about feelings. ooh! but well, It’s not about who you are attracted to, ultimately. It’s about who you fall in love with.”

Mrs. Shin said.



“well, I don’t how I feel because Jessica refuses to talk about it”

Yuri said as she stared at Jessica. Jessica just looked down her face and denying to face her.



“okay, I know it’s really hard when talking about feelings. But I have an idea, why don’t you guys find a song and maybe the lyrics of the song can help you start the dialogue going?”

Mrs. Shin suggesting to them.



“I could be down with that. I have a perfect song. But I thought we need your help to sing it.”

Jessica said as she smiled bitterly. Yuri just staring at her confusedly.



“with a pleasure”

Mrs. Shin answered as she smiled to them.









~to be continue~



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Chapter 8: Lindo
Aish1994 #2
Chapter 8: update this pleasee......
Chapter 8: update soon please
update please.... ^^
Chapter 8: Love this chap :)))))
Chapter 8: I can't help but say Yuri is an idiot. Kekeke...
Be strong Sica!!
Chapter 8: i hope yuri will get a little smarter coz shes too innocent
Chapter 8: wow... just the sica pov? how about yuri? her parent approve too??
yulsic be strong...
can you make yuri more smart? ekekkeke
Chapter 7: Sica is gonna have a hard time i think.
BTW this story is great!!!
Chapter 7: Dnt make it so hard for sica author. And daamn yuri is so idiot here. Hahahahahahah