
It's Never Too Late



Jiyong's POV

Nothing's going right this day. And there is something wrong with my album! Why did I write a lot of love songs? There are more interesting themes. I could've just written songs about my pet dog, Gaho.

"Hyung. It's horrible. I'm gonna re-record the whole thing again!" 

"What do you mean it's horrible? It's fine Jiyong! It's perfectly fine! We're done. Your album is now ready to be released! Stop fiddling with the songs already!" Teddy-hyung grunted.

"No hyung!!! I said I want to amend it!"

"Okay grumpy. Let's talk. What is wrong with you?" 


"Like I would believe that. Jiyong, I've known you for years and so I can tell whether there is something wrong with you or not. Tell me, I'll do my best to help." Here goes another counselling session with Teddy-'omma'.

"I'm just..hungry"

He laughed, "That's it? I thought you had sandwiches with Chaerin a while ago?"

"No. I wasn't cute enough to have lunch with her."

"What?!" he furrowed his brows.

"Well she thinks this new janitor is cute and she agreed on having lunch with him!" I explained.

"Oh. I see... You're jealous. Why don't you just admit that you like her?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, hyung. I'm just a concerned friend. Chaerin is my only girl best friend. And so I feel the need to protect her. You are her friend too. Aren't you worried that the creep might take advantage of her?" this hyung doesn't understand the meaning of friendship.

"Hmm. I'm concerned about Chaerin of course. But you see, I don't get infuriated when someone's trying to hit on her or being sweet to her. She's a beautiful girl. That is to be expected. I can only think of one reason why you're being like this, Ji. And that's because you're jealous. Come on!"

"I'm just -"

"Don't use the 'I'm just a concerned friend' line to me again. I ain't buying it. There is an obvious difference between being jealous and being concerned. Ji you should know this. You've been in relationships before."

"But, I've never felt this...bothered before" as a matter of fact, I haven't felt this irritated and confused and also, somehow, I felt slightly disappointed with myself for reasons I couldn't fathom.

"Maybe you've never been truly in love until now?"

Maybe Teddy-omma is right, maybe I am in love with Lee Chaerin,  "You really think so? Is it a bit obvious?"

"Yes! Now come clean and confess." he persuaded.

"But what if she doesn't like me back?"

"Wow. This is new. Kwon Jiyong? Not confident? When most of his songs are about how girls are in love with his swagger? And so what if she doesn't like you back? Make her!"

Oh yeah. He has a point. Since when did Teddy-hyung become so knowledgeable of these stuff? "You're right. Teddy-hyung, thanks! I love you!"

"I know. But don't confess to me. Confess to her"

"You think I have a chance?" I bit my bottom lip in doubt.

"If you tone down the attitude, I guess. But better hurry. The janitor is slightly ahead of you now."

"He will NEVER be ahead of me."

"That's the Kwon Jiyong I know." he smiled


Chaerin's POV

Empty cafeteria, yet again. I started eating the fried rice I prepared.

I thought about my feelings for Jiyong-oppa. I realized that maybe, this has developed because we've hung out a lot the past few days and I mistook his kindness for something more. I've decided to stay away from him for a bit to forget about these feelings that will never be reciprocated.

"Chaerin" speaking of him...

"Jiyong-oppa? I thought I'm not allowed to talk to you?" I said remembering what he told me yesterday.

"Why? Is Wednesday lunch with Young Don still on?" he asked.

"Yeah." I took a mouthful of rice.
He sighed, "Well, we agreed on having lunch today. So I'm gonna sit here and have lunch with you"

"Where's your lunch then?" please Jiyong-oppa, stop approaching me. I want to avoid you as much as possible.

"Well. I brought you lunch yesterday. You're supposed to bring me lunch."

"Huh? I didn't know that was the deal"

"Is that fried rice? I guess that will do"

"But, this is my lunch"

"Aaaahh" he opened his mouth.

"You want me to feed you as well?"


"Jiyong-oppa, are you normally like this to other girls too? 'Cause I'm not used to this kind of...friendship" I just wanted to clear out everything. I don't want to be deluded by his sweet actions.

Jiyong's POV

"Jiyong-oppa, are you normally like this to other girls too? 'Cause I'm not used to this kind of...friendship" she asked. 

How do I start this...

"Noona, there you are! For you! They're your favorite flowers right?" YES YOUNGDON. YOU ARE JUST WHO WE NEEDED HERE. What is this guy doing again?! Holding a bouquet of flowers? Where's the funeral?

"How did you know I like yellow roses?" Chaerin seemed really touched.....

"I asked Dara-noona last week. Do you like them?" this guy has really utilized his stalking skills!

"Yes! Thank you so much. You're really sweet. No one has given me flowers before." Chaerin smiled brightly

Damn it! This has got to stop before Chaerin's heart completely softens for this infant, "Yah! Kiddo. Can't you see I'm here and I'm having lunch with her? Can you be a little bit polite and leave us alone? If you don't want me to interrupt your lunch tomorrow, don't interrupt my lunch with her" I said sternly.

"Ah, it's already 3 pm. Lunch time is over. I didn't know you guys were still having lunch." he reasoned.

"I can have lunch with her until midnight if I wanted to. Don't disturb us!"

"Noona, how does strawberry cake sound? I heard that's your favorite as well. I know it's not on the Dara menu but I can make one for you for tomorrow." My lawd! He's rude! He completely blanked me!

Chaerin's face once again brightened up, "Omo! Really-"

"Are you deaf or are you having difficulty in comprehension? I said, don't disturb us. Now Chaerin, aaaah" I distracted her.

"Oppa, you're so embarrassing" she pouted.

"Excuse me! You're the janitor right? Can you help me clean up my studio?" Teddy-hyung called him.THANK YOU TEDDY-HYUNG. THANK YOU!!!

"What are you waiting for, Young Deuk?" I smirked.

"I need to go back to work now, noona. See you tomorrow!" 

"Okay bye!" she waved.

Once the kid left, she turned to me, "Oppa, you don't have to be so harsh on him"

"Harsh? He was rude to me! I just reprimanded him for his awful behavior." 

There was an awkward silence.

I decided that I should be the one to break it again, "About your question a while ago, I-"

"Ah. Forget about that oppa. Of course you treat everyone in like this right?" she forced an awkward laugh then glanced at her watch  "Oh look. My lunch time is over now. I need to get some work done. I'll see you later. You can have my fried rice if you really want it." she said quickly then she stood up and hurried away.

"No Chae. WAIT. CHAE!"

Chaerin's POV

What was I thinking asking that question? He must be thinking right now, 'Oh Chaerin, you must think you are special.' What he was doing was mere fanservice - cause he knows I am a fan. How stupid was I thinking that it could be something more? 

Jiyong's POV

I need to step my game up. I think she is slowly falling for that Young Don guy that she doesn't even have time for me now. 

Truth be told, although I am better than Young Don in many aspects, he has something important that I lack of.


That's it. I'm gonna confess my feelings to Lee Chaerin.

...Wow the fried rice is really good!

Later that day...


G-Dragon Dating?!

Pictures of the charismatic rapper, G-Dragon and an unknown girl, attracted the attention of netizens. According to sources, the photographs were taken 2 weeks ago. The said lady went to pick up the rapper from his apartment.

At about 12:30 midnight, the couple were seen hugging each other before the lady left.

G-Dragon's company, YG entertainment, has not yet made a statement regarding the issue.

Are they dating? And who is this unknown girl?


"Jiyong, in my office. Now."


Uh oh, troubleeeee.:S

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wu_lee #1
Chapter 20: I've found this cute fanfic just now...
So adorable..
Like it
mbubbly #2
Waaaaaait are youuu back?! Pretty sure i've been trying to read this for a few years now after i first read it way back then. Im so happy!!
Chapter 20: Cute!!!!
I don't know why I've only seen this adorable fic just now???
nienie11289 #4
Chapter 20: Aww..I loved your fic! I loved the development of the skydragon story line! So sweet! And yay for skydragon babies! =P
Chapter 20: I love couples also its so funny and romance too :) :)
a2p4r1l #6
Chapter 20: thank you so much for setting this story back to public. i actually reread the whole thing. same feeling. love love love :))
FINISHED!! yet again AMAZING, themagic word! you just are too good. :( huhuhu
what am i going to do now!? i read all of your completed stories! i'll get hooked and suffocate in waiting for new chapters!! T-T why oh why?!
keep up the good work! FIGHTING!!
ROFLMAO . EPIC WEDDING . love the fic btw :)