Double double double double date

It's Never Too Late

HAHAHAHA! Sorry for the lamest of all lame chapter titles. It was derived from the lyrics of Knock Out-GD&TOP. Hence the repetition of the word double.



Seunghyun's POV

She asked me to go on a date again on my day off. Why can't we just stay at home and cuddle? I'd rather spend my day-off like that.

"Park Bom. Why don't we just stay here in my apartment? I can't deal with the outside world right now. We can just order pizza. I rarely get a day-off. I want to relax!" I complained.

She pulled a big WTF face, "Your apartment is boring! Besides, I have a lot of plans for this day. But I promise you won't be tired!"

"Excuse you! My apartment is exciting! I happened to have a room full of Bearbricks we can play with. There is a new member in the family. I bought him recently. I will introduce you to him if we stay." I coaxed.

She pulled a bigger WTF face "Go introduce him to a five-year-old instead, okay? What I'm planning is much more fun than playing with your...dolls. Trust me, you will worship me by the end of this day. You'll be like 'Park Bom, thank you so much. Apart from the day I met you, this is the happiest day of my life' " she said the last sentence in a deep voice which sounded nothing like mine.

Happiest day of my life? Is she going to propose? Crap. I should be the one proposing not her! But if she insists...

I should prepare myself. Seunghyun, when she finally asks you THE question, DON'T CRY!

"Okay. Fine. I will go with whatever you're planning." I tried to sound uninterested but I'm now curious and anticipating to what she had prepared.

"Really?! Good! You'll never be disappointed my Seunghyunnie!" she pinched my cheeks "Now go get yourself ready!" as she pushed me towards the bathroom. 

I better not be. Make sure you get down on one knee Park Bom!

Hmmm..will there be fireworks too?

Bom's POV

Great. He's not insisting on staying in the house anymore. Better text Chaerinnie!

To: Chaerinnie
From: Bommie
Chaerinnie, report the whereabouts of the dragon. Over!

She replied, "He's still in his apartment. I'm on my way. How about Seunghyun?"

"He's getting ready. He doesn't know a thing. I'm so excited~~kkkkkk ^^"

This day is gonna be good! I need to dance off this excitement. Let's go that bodeh!!

Chaerin's POV

I arrived at Jiyong-oppa's apartment and I must say the security guard was beyond annoying! I've been standing in the lobby for about 15 minutes already pleading for him to let me in. Didn't Jiyong oppa tell him that he will have someone to pick him up today? The stupid guard thought I was just a random fangirl dressed up nicely pretending to be his friend. What the hell?!

"Please, guard, sir. Let me in. I'm not a fan. Wait. I am a fan. But I am not a crazy one. I am actually his friend and I'm gonna treat him out for dinner." I pleaded.

"I've encountered a lot of your kind for the past 2 years I've been working here. I'm not buying your lie. Go away! I was not told of any visitors coming today." he said aggressively. For the past 15 minutes he had been nothing but rude to me.

"How old are you? You look younger than me, you should respect me!" I told him.

"I'm 24 already, and you?" he smirked as if he was sure he was older than me.

"25, punk! Now let me in." I retorted.

"Now you're lying to me about your age! These fangirls really. I told you, he's not expecting anyone today!" he shouted at me. I started to feel my blood boil.

"Then, ask him! Call him, now! I am REALLY his friend."

"Okay. But if he said you're not, you're going to be dragged away." he huffed. Argh, he's so annoying! If he said I was his friend, can I drag THIS PUNK away?!?!

"Okay now, GO! Ask him." I demanded. I was losing my patience. If we are late Bommie's gonna kill me.

He shot me with an evil look while waiting for Jiyong-oppa to pick up, "Oh yes sir, someone is waiting for you here." he covered the mic of the phone and turned to me "Your name?"

"Chaerin. Lee Chaerin." 

"Lee Chaerin.....Yes sir.....Oh r-really sir?.... Oh..... Okay...... I'll send her right up" he put down the phone. "Y-You can go upstairs now, miss. 7th floor."

So now you call me, miss? I gave him a hah!-see?-i-am-really-his-friend look before heading to the elevator.

I knocked on his door and he answered the door right away.

"Chaerin! Wow! You look...gorgeous." he said smiling.

"You too oppa. You look very handsome" he indeed looked very handsome. He wore a simple outfit: a blue blazer over a plain white shirt matched with cropped jeans and slip-ons. He pulled the ensemble off really nicely.

I think he sensed a hint of exasperation in my voice so he asked, "Everything alright? Have you been waiting long?"

"Oh no. Not really. Only FIFTEEN minutes" I said sarcastically. I told him the little incident I had with the guard downstairs.

"What? Why didn't you call me?"

"I don't have your number, remember? I only have your email."

"Sorry Chaerin. I informed one of the guards beforehand. But I think his shift ended so the guard who replaced him had no idea." he apologized.

"It's okay oppa. I'm here now so let's just forget it. Anyway, are you ready?" I asked him as I glanced at my watch. Ohmygawd! It's nearly 6.15 pm! Seunghyun and Bommie will be there at 6:30 pm and Bommie specifically said we have to be there first.

He fixed his hair a bit with his hands and said, "Yeah. I'm ready." 

"Great! Let's go."

On our way, I think he nearly had a heart attack as I drove at a crazy speed. We reached our destination at exactly 6:25pm. Only 5 more minutes before the alien couple arrives. I held Jiyong-oppa's hand and dragged him inside the restaurant.

"Woah. Chaerin. If you were really hungry you should have said so! We could've eaten something in my apartment first" he chortled. I just smiled awkwardly at him.

Bommie told me she made a reservation under my name so I told the attendant,"Hi. I made a reservation. I'm Lee Chaerin."

"Oh. Miss Lee Chaerin. Right this way please" he lead us to a room in the restaurant with no people inside. Wow. Bommie planned this well and thought of Jiyong-oppa and the risk of him being seen by fans.

"Wow Chae. You even reserved a whole room!" he looked at me in amazement. 

"Y-yeah. I-i did." I was actually amazed too.

We were lead to a table near the window. It was decorated with candles and a very pretty centerpiece. When will they arrive? Bommie said 6:30 and it's already 6:32! Oh wait, I forgot. That couple is always late!! I think Jiyong-oppa was starting to think that I prepared a romantic dinner date with all these fancy decorations infront of us. I never imagined how awkward this would be!

There was a minute of uncomfortable silence before he decided to break it,  "Chaerin, thank you for inviting me to dinner. I actually haven't expressed my thanks yet and I want to give-"

He was cut by the door opening. We both looked at who came in. It was Bommie, wearing a short dress and 5-inch heels.

"Excuse me, miss. friend here, she reserved the whole room. So sorry but I think you should just find a table downstairs" he said to Bom who was approaching us.

"I reserved this room too. Omo! I know you! You're G-Dragon right? My boyfriend is a huge fan of yours. He would love to meet you. Wait, I'll call him, okay?" Bom exclaimed. Her acting was slightly exaggerated but Jiyong-oppa seemed to have bought it.

He said, "But miss, me and my friend-"

"Babyyyy! Come in~~~!" she lilted to the door.

I saw Seunghyun walk in blindfolded and guided by two waiters. I silently laughed at the sight of him. Jiyong-oppa had his mouth open.

"Yah! Park Bom! What is this?!" Seunghyun yelled.

"You can take off your blindfold now." Bom said.

The waiters let go of him and he instantly took off his blindfold. He blinked his eyes a few times then he saw me, "The surprise is Chaerin?!?!" he asked.

"Chaerin, you know them?" asked the guy sat in front of me.

Seunghyun turned to his direction, "Ji-jiyongie?"

"Ne. I'm Jiyong. According to your girlfriend you're a huge fan of mine" he took out his hand to shake the hand of Bommie's confused boyfriend.

Seunghyun's fist landed on his head "Yah! I'm not a fan of yours!"

"Ow! What was that for?!" he yelped as he held his head with both his hands.

"Do you not recognize me, Jiyong?! You already forgot about me?!" Seunghyun moved his face closer to Jiyong-oppa.

He stared intently at him and suddenly blurted, "T-TOP?!"

"I thought you already forgot, bastard!"

"H-how...h-how did..." he was obviously speechless.

Bommie, for the third time tonight, interrupted his talking "Can we sit down? I reserved the chairs next to you." Bom sat next to me and Seunghyun sat next to him.

"Chaerin, so, y-you know TOP and this lady here? Are they dining with us?" he questioned.

I smiled at him, "Yeah, oppa. This lady here is Park Bom, she's one of my bestfriends and she actually prepared all of this for us" I explained.

"Impressed, dragon?" Bommie smirked at him.

"Y-yeah. I thought this was a thank you dinner. But, I'm so happy to see you TOP!" he said smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm happy to see you too bastard!" they hugged each other and then did a special handshake.

"Aigoo..these two. They also have a special handshake. So sweet" Bom chimed in.

"Ignore my crazy girlfriend. Anyway, I didn't even know you're famous now!!!" Seunghyun exclaimed.

He responded, "Have you been living under-"

"Yeah yeah. Bom already asked me that question. Anyway, you haven't changed a bit. You look exactly like when we were still 13!"

"You, on the other hand, changed a lot" he said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"How? Seunghyun has never shown me any childhood pics yet! Tell me, how did he look like? Don't leave out any details!" Bom said with her head leaning on her hands ready to listen to whatever the famous celebrity will say.

"Well...He had the same eyes, nose, mouth but he was a bit over-" Seunghyun covered his mouth.

"You can stop there now." Seunghyun said "How have you been all these years? Are you dating Chaerin?" he changed the topic.

I choked on the water I was drinking "S-seunghyun! *cough* We're not dating!"

"Why not? Jiyong is handsome guy" Seunghyun told me.

Bom faced Jiyong,"Yeah, why not Dragon-ssi. My Chaerinnie is a gorgeous girl"

Is this supposed to be a reunion or a matchmaking night?

"What the hell Bom?! We've only known each other for a few days." I pushed her slightly.

"Ah..taking the slow, long route huh?" Bom teased.

"I thought you girls wanted to all marry by 27? You should grab this opportunity now Chaerin." Seunghyun encouraged. What is with this couple?!?! Can we focus on the reunion of the childhood buddies and not me and Jiyong-oppa's lovelives?

"27?" Jiyong-oppa asked.

Bom explained the plan Dara came up with 18 years ago. She also added the unnecessary detail: me being single since birth which caused Jiyong-oppa to look at me in disbelief.

"You? Never had a boyfriend? With your pretty looks you never had a single one?" he said to me.

I blushed at his compliment"Yeah" I said. It was nothing to be ashamed about, really.

"So Jiyong, wanna be her first one? You guys make a good couple. She only has 2 years left~~~" Bom asked him.

Before Jiyong-oppa could answer I said, "Ohmygad! Bommieeee! Can we stop this?!" I felt my hands getting cold and my cheeks warm already.

Apart from trying to pair me and Jiyong oppa up, the weird couple spent the night talking about how they met although I was sick of hearing the story already after hearing it a thousand times. Bommie told me they have to retell it again for Jiyong's sake. She was just finding an excuse to reminisce!

The two childhood friends also shared some of their childhood stories. We found out that both of them were aspiring rappers when they were little. 'TOP' was Seunghyun's rapper name. But because Seunghyun was expected to take over their company when he grows up, he wasn't able to fulfill his dreams of becoming a rapper. But he said, "I'm glad Jiyong is a famous rapper now. He fulfilled both our dreams."

We left the restaurant at about midnight. Seunghyun and Jiyong-oppa exchanged contact details. They were really happy to see each other.

"Jiyong-oppa, let's go?" I asked him

"I feel bad. I'm the guy. I'm supposed to drive you home." he bit his lip.

"Don't feel bad, oppa. I was the one who asked you to dinner, anyway. And besides,the plan could've been ruined if you're the one who drove." I assured him.

"Good point. It was a really good surprise! I was so glad to have met TOP again. Thank you Chaerin and please thank Bom as well for me" he smiled. "Oh yeah, I was planning to give this to you as a thank you present a while ago" he took out a box from his pocket and opened it. It contained a Chrome Hearts bracelet. It was really pretty! The bracelet looked familiar though, then I saw his wrist. He had the same one.

"Is this the same as that bracelet?" I pointed at his wrist.

"Ah yes. I b-bought t-two cause I thought it was really pretty. And so I want to g-give the spare one to you"

"Thank you, oppa. I will treasure this." I wore the bracelet.

We finally headed to his apartment. I saw my arch enemy look away when I turned to his direction. Jiyong-oppa and I got out of the car

"Thanks again for this day Chaerin. The double date was fun. I wish we can do it again. Have a safe drive home!" he gave me a quick hug and headed inside.

"Wait. That wasn't a double date! That was a reunion dinner!" I objected but I think he didn't hear me as he was already inside.

......"You're right, oppa. The double date was actually fun" I muttered and drove home.




Chaerin and Jiyong are slightly comfortable with each other now.:P

So yes, Jiyong's 'thank you' present (which looks like this: has a dual purpose: it's a thank you present and a couple bracelet! Oooooh. I see your ways Jiyong. HAHAHA.

I had so much fun writing this chapter so I hope you also had fun reading it.:)

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wu_lee #1
Chapter 20: I've found this cute fanfic just now...
So adorable..
Like it
mbubbly #2
Waaaaaait are youuu back?! Pretty sure i've been trying to read this for a few years now after i first read it way back then. Im so happy!!
Chapter 20: Cute!!!!
I don't know why I've only seen this adorable fic just now???
nienie11289 #4
Chapter 20: Aww..I loved your fic! I loved the development of the skydragon story line! So sweet! And yay for skydragon babies! =P
Chapter 20: I love couples also its so funny and romance too :) :)
a2p4r1l #6
Chapter 20: thank you so much for setting this story back to public. i actually reread the whole thing. same feeling. love love love :))
FINISHED!! yet again AMAZING, themagic word! you just are too good. :( huhuhu
what am i going to do now!? i read all of your completed stories! i'll get hooked and suffocate in waiting for new chapters!! T-T why oh why?!
keep up the good work! FIGHTING!!
ROFLMAO . EPIC WEDDING . love the fic btw :)