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My Baby Daddy
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First date. After seven months of living in the same home, one month living in the hospital, one hellish day and night of labor pain and tears, and one year living in the same home as husband and wife…they were finally going on their first date.


Dara stared curiously around her with a frown on her face. Jiyong was being so sneaky this morning. He left her a note on their bed asking her to go on a ‘first date’ with him. He even requested that she wear the same dress she had on when they first met on the beach two years ago. The same beach, the same dress…Dara wondered if Jiyong was hinting he wants another child?


Dara’s frown deepened as she lifted her face upward towards the sun. At least it was a beautiful day outside, a perfect day to be at the beach, playing in the warm sun, splashing water, swimming…just not for making babies. Of course she plans to have more brothers and sisters for JiEun, after she graduates from college and Jiyong established his career in business.


Dara shook her head; she was over analyzing again, what was wrong with going on a first date? It’s not like her relationship with Jiyong started off the traditional way…their relationship started backward, , pregnancy, marriage then love. Dating makes perfect sense.


From the corner of her eyes, she saw JiEun lifted her body up, stood for a few seconds and fell on her behind. Dara grinned when she saw the delighted look on her baby’s face. JiEun giggled loudly and started crawling away from her mom. The once clean pink spaghetti strap tank top and cute pink short she put on JiEun was now covered with sand. At one year and two months, JiEun was like an energizer bunny crawling all over the place.


“JiEun …not again!” Dara groaned and gently lifted her daughter up and placed her back on the king size towel. JiEun wiggled and tried to pull out of her mother’s grasp.


“Pa pa! Pa pa!” She yelled.


“Daddy’s little girl! He’ll make you stay on the towel too darling.” Dara kissed her daughter on the forehead.


“Ma ma, ma ma!” JiEun smacked a wet kiss on her mother’s cheek and proceeded to wiggled her out of Dara’s hold. JiEun finally pulled out of her mother’s embrace and started crawling out of the towel towards the sand.


Dara lifted her sunglasses and pushed it on top of her head all the while keeping an eye on her little energizer bunny.


“Careful baby.” Dara called out as JiEun lifted her body up attempting to walk again.


Beach...the same beach she first met Jiyong. Dara bit her bottom lip trying to figure out why Jiyong asked her on a date and of all places...he chose the beach. Again, Dara wondered if Jiyong wanted another child, this was the beach JiEun was conceived. Lost in thought Dara did not hear her name being call until she heard someone shout in her ear.




Someone with a very loud, familiar voice.


“Taeyang! That hurts!” Dara playfully punched him. Taeyang handed Dara a card and said,


“I’m JiEun’s baby sitter for the whole day. Follow the directions on the card.”


“Where’s Jiyong?” Dara asked. Taeyang nonchalantly shrugged,


“Read the card. JiEun-ah!!!!” He ran over to JiEun and hugged her.


“I miss you, here give uncle a kiss!”


JiEun giggled as Taeyang tried to kiss her.


“Can uncle play too? Can I? Can I?” Taeyang asked in a baby voice. Dara rolled her eyes at them before dusting the sand off her dress. She opened the card and briefly scanned the writings. It was Jiyong’s writing.

To my wife,
Meet at the place where we shared our first drink and our first kiss. I’m waiting for you.
P.S. Thank you for agreeing to go out with me. Thank you for sharing

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Janaky011203 #2
Chapter 29: This story is really good. I like Daragon story having children. Thank you so much. My Daragon heart
phoenix3880 #3
Chapter 21: hindi q m gets si dara oo n may gf si ji pero sana iniisip din ny n ang anak n mghhanap din ng ama and hindi nmn sila mayaman at high school cy and pregnant paano ny bubuhayin ang anak ny ngdedesisyon cy ng pr s sarili lng ny
phoenix3880 #4
Chapter 9: hindi q m take anung situation un ginawa ng parents ni dara sn ng support nlng sila kesa un mgksama un anak nila at gf nito n nkikita ni dara n prng wl sila pakiaalam s nraramdaman nito
22 streak #5
Chapter 29: A quick read! But a very nice story
RaiNa7017 #6
Chapter 29: Loveeedddddddd ittttt. Its soo sad nothing like all these stories would ever happen in reality. Even though everyone has a story in real life its never always happy all because men are soo clueless and blind to see what their wife/ girlfriend want ?. ?? no offense to the men here. Got alittle emotional ??.
Chapter 29: Wow beautiful story i love it and thanks authormin for this beautiful story and most of all i follow your
another amazing idea what story is all about specially u involve our daragon couple.
Chapter 22: ♡w♡
LiLa_Lo #9
Chapter 29: I will definitely not accept that goodbye kiss explanation. And why is Taeyeon still in the picture? Oh well, it is your story. You are the boss kekeke...thank you for sharing!
Chapter 29: loved it.. I loved the drama,the fluffiness,the love;all of it.. thank you for this story.. :)