
My Love Story

"hi i am woohyun from infinite"

"Hi i am hemi btw what is infinite?"she asked curiously

"infinite is a group of seven boys whom are meant to be friends since birth because of our parents and we have leader sungyu ,maknae sungjong ,hoya yaho dancing machine,tall sungyeol, childlike dongwoo ,handsome l and charasmatic woohyun which is me.^^'

"more like flirty woohyun " myungsoo commented with a cold glare

"so should we start discussing ?what should we do?" hoya asked

"what about a rhymn like hoya yaho hoya yaho hoya yaho hoya yaho hoya yaho hoya yaho ....."

"WOOHYUN STOP IT .what about a song we can dance to like suju's sorry sorry it would be simple yet nice for us to do so....."

everyone agreed to myung's suggestion and decided to follow myung's lead

"actually he is not that bad i am being too judgmentive..." hemi thought to herself while staring into space.

the teacher asked the students to gather and sit on the floor but hemi was still stoning not realising what was going on.myungsoo realised and walked towards hemi he tried calling hemi while waving but she continued stoning

"Yah kim hemi are you coming the teacher ask us to assemble at the floor" myungsoo stretched his hand out for hemi to hold.

hemi held myungsoo'shand and got up.

"thank ...y.ou.. myungsoo"hemi said as she heard loud thumping sounds she blushed furiously.

"you are welcome "myungsoo said and left to sit with infinite actually myungsoo was screaming out loud in his heart.she called me by my name so gently ahhhh



"ok so class i wished...." the teacher was saying the closing statement


"why i was just curious of hemi nothing much myung did not even say anything"

"STILL.."GUYS STOP FIGHTING YOU ARE ATTRACTING ATTENTION teacher is still talking"sungyu said

they kept quiet untill " hey but sungyeol were you like flirting with eunkye just now and you maknae thought you were innocent but you were flirting with angelea right?" dongwoo innocently said

"but guess what sungyeol got rejected" "ha in your face " "so embarrasing you got rejected" infinite continued teasing sungyeol untill lesson end except for one person......


L!!!!!!!! he was still thinking about the incident awhile ago^^









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fivesixsevens #1
Chapter 7: I want more. Of this story.! Hahahah! ♡♥☆★ please?
fivesixsevens #2
Chapter 1: I just re-read your foreward and...I like my picture:) hahahahhah!!!
fivesixsevens #3
Chapter 7: Wah~! Jeongmal daebak!!! I really love all the chapters you have written!!!
fivesixsevens #4
Chapter 4: Hahaha!!! ^-^ I loved reading it!! Kept laughing to myself...HAHAHA!!! :DDD I really love to read your stories!!!!!
fivesixsevens #5
Please faster write the story ok? Haha!! Just kidding! Take your time and write with all your emotions ah! Hahaha!!!:D