A new day. happy day...?

My Love Story

Myungsoo holding his mothers hand tightly crossing the road .

A thousand thought flow through his mind .Am i handsome ?

how would hemi look like ? would she talk to me today ?

can i show her my singing skills (i think i sing well)?

Would the two be here ruining my chance?...

KIM MYUNGSOO OMMA IS TALKING TO YOU HERE !aiyo so rude what is bothering my son ? His mom asked him waiting for a answer .

"Nothing much hehe bye mom i am going to school now bye bye ;)"myungsoo dashed to the classroom sitting near infinite looking for Hemi 's existence."where is she that girl where ..."looking around


"THERE!THERE IS MY GIRL"Myungsoo thought he stood up walking towards Hemi.

"hemi-ah!our maknae "eunkye and angelea put their arms around hemi making hemi pout.

"THERE GOES MY CHANCE TO TALK TO HER AGAIN "myungsoo scream out loudly.

"opps..."everyone stared at myungsoo

sungyeol rush to myungsoo covering myungsoo mouth "yah you crazy guy" he settled myungsoo on a chair i think you "L"ove her ?Infinite nod their heads furiously

."really how old are you kiddo ?"Sungyu asked

"hyung you are also young why are you acting like a grownup?"maknae sungjong ask while scratching his head.

"Anyway if u love hemi we would help you myungsoo-ah trust us cause we are infinite"

"although she is too cute to be shared "woohyun whispered while gazing lovingly to Hemi

myungsoo turned and glance at Hemi at the other table making eye contact with her .when when could we get closer?He sighed



On Hemi side

hemi:do you think that myungsoo is weird

angelea :no he is so cute look at him

eun kye:but he bullied our maknae

Hemi : eun kye i am 3 months older than u. u r the maknae not me.

eunkye :oh really haha .so i am maknae omg 0.0

They laugh loudly at their cute maknae and coincidently hemi made eye contact with L she saw how his eyes were glowing he had the brightest eyes we must agree but he must hate me so much or he would not hit my head .Hemi shook her weird thoughts at resume her talk with her friends.They knew more about each other like how they all like singing and dancing but eunkye cannot sing but she dances beautifully and she said that she liked sungyeol from the "infinite"in our class as for angelea she can draw very well and sing very well



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fivesixsevens #1
Chapter 7: I want more. Of this story.! Hahahah! ♡♥☆★ please?
fivesixsevens #2
Chapter 1: I just re-read your foreward and...I like my picture:) hahahahhah!!!
fivesixsevens #3
Chapter 7: Wah~! Jeongmal daebak!!! I really love all the chapters you have written!!!
fivesixsevens #4
Chapter 4: Hahaha!!! ^-^ I loved reading it!! Kept laughing to myself...HAHAHA!!! :DDD I really love to read your stories!!!!!
fivesixsevens #5
Please faster write the story ok? Haha!! Just kidding! Take your time and write with all your emotions ah! Hahaha!!!:D