Chapter 2

Clash of the Heirs

Soojung, Suhwa, and Chanyeol all walked towards the Jung residence.


"Oppa, my legs are tired~ Can you give me a piggyback ride?" Soojung asked cutely, batting her eyelashes.

"But Soojungie, my legs hurt. You should be the one carrying me!" he complained.

"You'll break me." came her simple rejection.


Suhwa merely chuckled at the two lovebirds' bickering. She loved to see her little sister as happy as Chanyeol on sugar.


"Last one to reach the gate doesn't get any of Omma's food!" Suhwa suddenly called out, knowing that she would have the upper hand over the other two.

"Food?!" Chanyeol screamed, attempting to run. However, he was quickly pulled backwards by a certain Jung Soojung who immediately gained the second place lead.


Suhwa, being the turtle she is, was easily caught up to by her sister.

", unni!" Soojung teased.

"Yah, Jung Soojung! Watch out! THE GATE." Chanyeol's desperate call went unnoticed by the sprinting girl.


Soojung tilted her head to the side in confusion while continuing to run backwards, turning around just in time to see black metal bars... and then nothing.


“Yah. Jung Soojung. Wake up, you little shet.” Suhwa smacked the younger sister right across the face. Nothing. “Get up. Or... Or I’m stealing your boyfriend-”

“DON’T TOUCH MY CHANYEOL.” In less than a second, Soojung flung up and slapped Suhwa with her own purse.

“MAH GUCCI. Oh my god. Did you get my face blood on it? Dude that costed so much. DON’T TOUCH MY GUCCI.” Suhwa screamed.


Soojung took this as an opportunity to reach for Suhwa's neck. She took hold of it and shook her older sister. "Yah! Chanyeol is mine, 'kay?!"

"Relax, relax, it was just my plan to get you up. It worked, apparently."


Chanyeol just walked in carrying a tray of snacks when he saw Soojung at Suhwa's throat. He whistled. "Well, good evening, princess."

Soojung smiled at the tall creep as she let go of Suhwa and allowed her to breathe. "Mian, unnie... got a little carried away," She looked down sheepishly.  

"A little? Gosh, remind me never to piss you off. My neck is gonna have bruises now.." Suhwa complained, massaging her neck.

“Good good. FOOD.” Soojung jumped up and ran into the kitchen.


“Omma. Did you make Chanyeolie food?” Chanyeol bounced around and hugged Soojung.

“Yes, I did. I made you your giraffe food.” The Jung sisters’ omma patted Chanyeol’s head and continued cooking.


While the young couple was fangirling about food, Suhwa muttered a little “I’m not hungry” and went upstairs.


“Hey, where’s unnie?” After about ten minutes, Soojung finally noticed her sister wasn’t there.

“She went upstairs a while ago because she wasn’t hungry.” Omma said, putting the pasta on two individual plates.

“Suhwa? Jung Suhwa?” She paused to gasp dramatically. “Not hungry? She's sick, isn't she? My Jung Suhwa unnie is never not hungry."

"I don't know, maybe? She seemed a little off." their mother replied.

"She's always off." Soojung joked, starting on her way up the massive stairs.



Soojung gently tapped on the door that led to her and Suhwa's shared room. "Unnie..? Are you dead?" She could hear small, awkward, animal-like noises coming from the room.

Slowly she turned the doorknob and saw a heap of clothes just left everywhere. "What the- I didn't even know we owned this many clothes."


She carefully stepped over all the random crap just lying on the ground when she finally found her sister. She was hunched over in the corner, rocking back and forth.


"What in the actual..." she thought to herself. Soojung stuck her index finger out trying to poke Suhwa's shoulder. "Unni--"

"SSSSSSSSSSS." Suhwa hissed. Normal people don't hiss.

Soojung, having lived with this dying walrus for many years, didn't budge. "Hi, there."

Suhwa just continued to flail around. "Myungsoo.... Myungsoo... HE CHEATED ON ME."

"Suhwa, there is no person named Myungsoo. I think you've finally cracked."


"Soojung, what the heck is going on- oh." Chanyeol stepped inside the room. “Oh ok. Soojungie, do I need to, you know, call the mental hospital?” He awkwardly mouthed the last two words.

“I think yes. Buuuutttt, since pretty pretty Suhwa is probably going to fall asleep right about now, let’s just have some us time.” She was right, Suhwa was peacefully asleep, rolled up in a ball. “Should I roll her into a corner? Nah, that would not be nice.”


The two of them went downstairs to go finish their food.


“Omma?” Soojung called out, her voice echoing throughout the entire house. There was no response, so Soojung looked around the house. “Oh my god, I lost my mother.”

“How do you lose a mother? OMMMMMA?” Chanyeol also called, but once again, nothing.


After looking around the house, they found a sticky note stuck to the front door.

Out to get food! Be good children~


“Aww, Omma is so cute.” Chanyeol squealed before running back into the kitchen. “Soojungie, let’s eat!”

Chanyeol eats like the world will eat the next day, but Soojung eats like the world will end the next minute. They have a lot of eating competitions, and this is one of them.


“GULL, YOU EAT TOO SLOW.” Soojung screamed with a mouth full of food. It was obvious Chanyeol didn’t like her for her looks.

“GULL, YOU EAT LIKE A MONSTER. MONSTER.” Chanyeol shoved another huge spoonful of pasta in his mouth.


“I feel fat.” Patting her stomach, Soojung lied down on the ground.

“Wanna go on a wa-” When Chanyeol looked over to her, she had already fallen asleep. “How can she be just like Suhwa? Oh twins.”


-Soojung’s POV-

The second I opened my eyes, I saw the Creepyeol face of what I call my boyfriend. It was terrifying. I screamed but he clamped his hand over my mouth. "Rapis-"


"Shhhh, it's just your little giraffe. Girin oppa," Chanyeol said quietly.

"Oh, okay." I replied in a daze.

"So, wanna go for the walk now? You just fell asleep."



Together, the two of us linked our hands and headed out the front door. The cold winter wind bit at our noses, but Chanyeol was really warm. "Yah, you're like some kind of heater. So warm," I commented.

"Well.. aren't I always hot?" He flipped his bouncy brown curls.

"Aish, you babo." I slapped his head.


Now, being the clumsy little cow I am, I managed to trip over my feet-- something I tend to do a lot. I let go of Chanyeol's hand for two seconds and look, I end up falling. I fell straight into his arms though, and I swear, it was the cutest thing that ever happened to me.


"Oh, annyeong." I smiled up towards him. He cleared his throat awkwardly since, you know, our faces were about four centimeters apart. "Aigoo, is my giraffe blushing because of the cold or because of me?"

"U-uh. The cold," he replied quickly.

"Right. Just the cold~" I joked, bobbing my head upwards and pecking him on the lips. "Muahaha," I laughed, running away.


-Normal POV-

Chanyeol smirked to himself before running to catch up with his bubbly girlfriend. "Yah, wait up!" he called out.

She turned around suddenly, attacking him with a bear hug. "Chanyeolie oppa~ my girin~ giraffe!" she cooed.

He smiled and replied, "This girin is strong." He swooped Soojung up bridal-style and ran off with her to who-knows-where.

A/N- Lol Suhwa is high xD The last fluff part omg it was so cute <3 Chapter three should be up in a day or two!!


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Chapter 3: kekeke... hyunsik fan!!! so cute!! where's BACON???
lovetoreadlol #2
Chapter 2: Too cute!!! *fangirls* lol
AptonKey #3
Chapter 2: Awwwww so cute