Remember Me Graphic Portfolio ft. Lee Jongsuk


After watching 'I Hear Your Voice', I've been completely obsessed with Lee Jongsuk. He's so hot! I had this random idea when I was practicing my graphic designing skills, a series of posters for this story I'm thinking about writing called 'Remember Me'. So I'm going to be making a bunch of posters for it although I have no idea why. Hope you guys like them!



"If I disappear... I'd like it if you never knew, and instead thought that I was living well somewhere, studying hard, hanging out with friends, dreaming of becoming a police officer. I'd like you to believe that I was living well that way. If I disappear... I'd like it if you didn't cry. I'd like you to be happy. And once in a while... just once in a while... I'd like you to remember me."

-Lee Jongsuk as Park Sooha


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Chapter 3: lol you`ve made those amazing posters for what?
post a story will ya! i`ll read it! GLADLY!!!!