Chapter 3: The Witch did... Good?

Save me from my Noona!!

**Chapter 3**


Losing...  was never a part of Noonas dictionary , she hates it, no matter what the situation is she must always win whether its against child or old man she  won't sympathy

"i'll do anything as long as i 'll win,"  that she say.... 




Luhan POV


Today in P.E class our teach. Decide to let us play soccer I was on the same team with baekhyun, sehun, Tao, Kai while the rest were on opposing team.

“you going to lose!” yelled Chanyeol from the opposite side

“no, you are!” Baekhyun shouted back

they shouting at each other when they were just a few feet from each other. “idiots” I muttered, I kicked up the soccer and  started bouncing it with my foot actually I was really good in soccer, it was the only sport that Noona didn’t force me to learn and beside that I enjoy playing it too.

“Wow hyung your pretty good” commented Sehun, I smiled and continue to dribbling the ball with my knees

“ did you join a soccer team back then Hyung?” Tao ask as he watched me play around with the ball “yeah when I was in middle school” I answered as I kick the ball high.


Yeah, until noona made me quit and join the wrestling club.


Anyway the game ended and my team won it wasn’t really much of match since Suho cant really run that fast, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were to busy arguing with each other and Kris didn’t even cared he was sitting on the side lines.

Anyway I scored most of the points which caught our teachers attention “Lu han!” he called and gestured me over.

you quit good luhan why don’t you join the soccer club we could use a good player like you” he suggested wasn’t sure if I wanted to or not so I told him “I’ll think about it, sir” the  teacher hummed.

“ok, just tell ok” I nodded before I headed back to my friends


After school I was heading home and  alone this time Chanyeol had to do an errand for his mom, anyway I decide take a wlak through the park, there much people around, and soon i found myself alone again the area i was walking was soo quite and Erie.

And I felt eye on me watching my everyomvemt. I stopped and turn around checking if there was someone but no one, I started to walk and again I felt someone eyes on me.  i didn't look back, i was to scared so I did any normal person would do i run at full speed.

When I got home but double checked if someone followed me , after i made sure no one did I went inside



~-Next morning-~


Authors POV 


Mei was doing her usual work but she typing down her work in an inhumane speed, she didn’t have to look twice at the paper she was doing in one glance she knew what to type down. Until she heard a familiar name being spoke

“Dong hae!” exclaim one of her co-workers  “hey, Eunhyuk… you called?” he said Mei Ai lower pace and listen to the converstation carefully

“wanted to ask if you would like to watch the soccer game with me” Eunhyuk said with a  gummy smile

“really? a game between who?” Dong hae ask “our School and TS high”  he answered

“Ts high?” Victoria spoke out as she happen to pass by “yeah, you know that school Sunbae?” Eunhyuk ask Victoria smiled “why yes it my little brother goes to that school”  she said

“well our high school and Ts high is going to have a soccer match tomorrow” Dong hae say, Victoria grin more “my what coincidence my brother is in the  soccer team too”.


Mei Ai bite her lip she could imagine the ugly grim on victoria face right now “well then see you there…hey Eunhyuk catch ya later, ok” with that Dong hae bid farewell and Euhyuk headed back to his seat.


“um… Eunhyuk shhi” Mei Ai called out Eunhyuk look up, quite surprise that Mei ai calling for him “yes?” he questioned.

“what's the name of the school you and donghae sshi went?” she ask, Eunhyuk raised his brow but then smiled


“aw… we went to EXO Academy” he said, Mei Ai was surprise Dong hae went to the same School as Lu han


“but lately our school soccer team isn't doing well.. for some time now, but what the harm going there supporting our school right, Ms. Lu?”   eunhyuk chimed, Mei Ai gave a stoic look and return back to typing “yes, your right” she said. Making Eunhyuk a bit disappointed.




“umma! Really I was being followed” I yelled, as I was helping umma clean up the dishes.


“are you sure Lu han… you are a bit of an air head” she countered making pouted  “ no I wasn’t” I grumbled


“ did you turn around to see anyone” dad ask as he walked out of the bathroom “nope I was to scared I run away and didn’t look back” I told him he nodded “this dangerous” he looked at  umma worriedly.

“Honey come” he said in serious tune and umma nodded and followed him in to the living room, i followed behind curious what he was going to do I watched him rampage the drawer of our old cabinate and pulled out a stun gun.

“Wow!… we had that” I exclaimed as I jump over the sofa and took closer look at it. “yes I keep it  hidden just in case”  Appa said

“now.. honey I want you to use this… carry it  all the time” he said and gave it umma, she grab it and press on one of the button

Making it zap electricity

All of us jump and keep a good distance from it. “what was that?” echoed a voice, we turn around to see Noona with her usual poker face standing by the door way “aw…  It was that” umma pointed at the Stun gun on the coffee table.

“a stun gun…” she walked toward it and pick it up “how manay volts does have appa” she ask,   appa thought for a while “I think…  50,000 volts” he said, I cringe a little “that got to hurt” I muttered.


“  what will happen if that much volt hits your body appa” she said

“hmmm… you’ll faint” dad answered but sound unsure of it unnie nodded and then left.  After a while i decide to head up to my room only to get scred to see my noona in my room sitting on my bed with cross legs she looked at me dead in the eye. She up to something

“luhan your school has a soccer team correct” she ask out of the blue, I nodded “yeah…the EXO Wolves”

why she is asking?.


she pointed at me with her index finger “you joining the team.” She uttered I my eye widen “Eh!? WHY?!”  I exclaimed

She gave me a stoic look “why because I want you too…” I shook my head “but Noona their practice take 4 hours and my dismissal time is 6 pm I’ll be home around 10 then!” I shouted but Noona sat there unfazed.

“I wont do it noona no way!” I shouted

“really?” she  mumbled “yes! No way I’m Doing it that’s Final!” i shouted louder. 



~Next day~


“hello, everyone I’m Luhan your new teammate, please take care of me” I greeted and bowed to the team member they kindly clapped and welcomed me.


Now you wondering how I end joing the team well…


Last Night


I was to continue ranting on not wanting to join the team, when she stood up shutting me up from my long rant.


“Oh.. xiao Lu have you forgotten the debt you still owe me” she started as she cross her arms aover her chest


“what do you mean debt…” I gulped.


She frown “when you stepped on Dog poop and was tease Stinky by the other kids, I was the one that placed the blame on Jundo our fat Neighbor!”  she exlcaimed, taking a step forward, while I took step back and also biting my lip.


“ and that time you cried when saw your so called snake when it just a long ground worm,  who was it that took it away from you?” she ask ,  “you” I croaked.


“and who was the one that convince Umma and Appa to let you go to that ridiculous name school of your instead of appa old ragged school, huh?!” she sneered


“you” I mumbled


“yes me! , and if weren’t for me, you would be at the old fashion, low quality standard school Full of Gangster that scares the SH*T out of you!!” she ranted, I just stood there with my head down low.


“so luhan…what will it be” she ask softly


“I’ll do it” I grumbled, I could tell she smirked and patted "very good Xiao LU” with that she left the room, once the door shut I collapsed down  to my floor and sighed


My noona is cruel


“so team lets stretch first” order CNU the team captain everyone started to stretch so did I. 


“luhan!” I turn to see CNU approaching me “hey welcome to the team” he said sticking his hand out I happy complied to kind gesture and shook hand with him “thanks” I said.


I looked around looking for the coach “umm, where's the coach?” I ask he gave a smile and gesture me to right with his head, I followed his gesture to see an old man sitting on bench with big fan “his our coach?!” I exclaimed


CNU only nodded “yeah… he was the only one willing to coach us losing team.” CNU bitterly said, making feel a bit guilty cause i didn’t want to join our team has been losing for 3 whole years.


“well anyway let get to practice ok, even if have a lot of lost it doesn't mean were loser, right we still got a chance to win if we practice.”  CNU chimed, I grin and nodded, I admire CNU enthusiasm.



Author POV

Mei Ai was arranging her work when she over heard a conversation “Sunbae what are you doing tomorrow?” ask Luna

“we’ll I’m going to watch my little bother match tomorrow against that Loser team… it wont be even be much of a match for them” Victoria arrogantly boast.

“if Donghae wasn’t there I wouldn’t going there and watch boring game” Luna timidly laugh “ well yeah, I guess but we don’t know they might have a chance to win this year” Victoria flip her hair

“Ha!, that school! What Tough luck that gonna be” She laughed.

Mei Ai sat there quietly with her usual poker face but underneath it she was not amused.


Luhan POV

I was home around 11 pm practice was tough and tomorrow there going to be a match. What tough luck I have. Anyway the moment I open the door, I jump out of fright, Standing right front of me was my Noona with her arm folded over her chest.

“Noona! Gud, you scared me!”  I yelled clutching my racing heart  

“what are doing just there in the dark!” I ranted


“Xia Lu… Tomorrow, what time does you games start?” she ask suddenly, I frown how she know there going to be a game tomorrow.


“um… around 4pm Noona”  I told her she nodded and went up the stair. “ok what just happen” I mumbled.


i get  bad feeling about this....


Anyway the next day was the game Day CNU and other first Line were  Nervous cause our match today were against unbeatable Red Rooster’s I pity my team we had to go against a strong game.

“Hyung!” I heard Sehun called out from the bleachers with the rest I waved at them, they had flags for support and banners to I smiled and went back stretching.


And I notice our CNU looking anxiously on the opposing team I looked over to see the RED Rooster getting ready and one player in particular standing there looking back at CNU.


“whose that staring at the Captain” I heard one of bench warmers like me talking.

“oh..him that YoungGouk he and Captain use to close friend but become enemies when got to high school” other said “eh? Why?” other exclaimed.


“well apparently Yongguk way of playing is dirty and CNU didn’t like that they argued about it a lot untl finally CNU move out of TS high and transferd here”. I was surprise when I heard that I looked back at CNU as hissed before turning away while Yongguk just chuckled and turn away.

They must hate each other. I thought i continued my stretching

“Xiao Lu!” someone exclaimed, I frown there only one person that calls me that I slowly turn away and saw something shocking my noona, I feel down and stared up to my Noona.


“n-noona! What are you doing here?” I ask , she was wearing a  black tight jean and pink blouseand  she had her hair in a ponytail. And she looked serious “Xiao lu!” she called again snapping out of my thought.


“Don’t call me that  and what are you doing here” I whispered the last few parts.


“I came here to watch” and with that she sat on bleachers I stared at her with wide eyes, she defiantly up to something!.  


It was game team both team bowed and tension between CNU and Yongguk were over whelming the whole grounds the whole time cheer from both sides got louder and louder. And the filed somewhat become a battle grounds it harsh and brutal.


What the other kid say is true Yongguk way of playing is dirty and referee in't even blowing the whistle,  I was still in the bleachers watching them and shouting for support. 

When suddenly I was pulled back by collar causing me to tumbled down from my sit,  I looked who pulled me to find out  it was my Noona “tell me why aren't you playing” she ask and she sounds mad.



Author POV


Through out the whole game Mei Ai found boring, she constantly yawned and un entertained, until she saw Victoria on the opposite team. She hissed and watched her cheer for someone. Mei Ai followed her gaze  toward a tough looking male with stupid gummy smile, Mei Ai assume that was Victoria's Little brother.


“if she here…then” Mei Ai look around form left to right and finally found what she was looking for, on top benches there sat was Donghae next to him was Eunhyuk cheering and yelling for the team.


Mei Ai turn back and looked at the score bored it was 4 against 10 they were losing by that much and Mei Ai hates losing, and if Victoria find out she'll rub it all over her face tomorrow. but didn't have to worry she had a plan but she needed luhan for that.


“why aren't you playing” she ask . Luhan sat up and rubbed his head “that cause I just join the team” he told her,

she looked at the team “they are losing…and you know I hate losing” she hissed “but noona…you not even playing” Luhan retorted

“but your in the team…I don’t want anyone to know that I have a brother that came from a losing team” she snapped.


then the whistle blew, signing of the first half over. Luhan stood up and looked at the team before turn to his Noona who is now gone. Luhan looked left and right and couldn’t find her.


“where she go.” He muttered before turning his attention to his teammates.


Luhan POV

I was handing out water bottle to my thirst team mates after I gave last one I looked around looking for my Noona, I turn left and right so happen to glance over the opposite and saw a familiar figure.


“noona!” I whispered un sure at first then I realized  it is her, she was standing behind the table with the large water container. What is she doing there?.


The coach notice her but she only smiled and walked away. She made her way over to our side and I rushed to her “what were doing there noona?” I ask she only gave me a stoic face, before proceeding over to my teammates were.


“hey you’re the captain right” she said to CNU, he  nodded “are you going to let those over grown chickens get the better of you?” she said


“Huh?” CNU exclaimed, She took step forward and glared down to all of my team mates “I said are going to let them, stomp all over you and call you loser…” everyone stay quite not one spoke out.


“tch… this reason why they easily spit on you…you don’t have the guts to fight bag…l your wolves with all brak but  no bite… no wonder those headed chicken easily push you around cause like a cowardly dogs you hide you tail behind backs and run” she mocked everyone getting a bite mad by her mockery


“wolves… ha more like puppies that need their mother protection…that what you are puppies especially the captain…” CNU hissed and stood and shouted. “ I AM NOT!” this was the first time I seen and Heard CNU angry. I looked at Noona who was an fazed by his outburst


“oh… really, then prove it” she challenged


CNU purse his brows and looked at the team   “Team listen up! we may have alot is the pass but we are not COWARDS!" he shouted.


"We are EXO WOLVES aren't we!?,  let show those cocky  what our Fangs are for! and who their messing with! ,  AAARRRGH!” he roared the rest followed, 


I was quite shock , did my noona do this... "Lu han your playing in for Gongchan!" i heard CNU say


“ah yeah…” I said I was about head over and prepare for the game when Noona grab the hems of my collar and whispered something


“you better not embarrass me” she whispered and pulled away  and walked to the bleacher with a blank face. I gulped and prepared for the game.




Sound of the whistle blown I was assign as a midfielder, it was Red ..i mean rooster ball and they came at us full on Yongguk passed the ball to dark skin boy with brown hair. I think he was daehyun the girl on bleacher were giggling over him.

He came my way at first he came full speed ready to tackle me down. whe he suddenly he started to lug a bit  looking a bit uncomfortable and he was clutching his stomach.


But I pushed that thought away and steal the ball from him quite easily I didn't waste time and charge my way to the goal.

I heard my friends Shout and cheers, it gave more confidence. “ Luhan! Score!” i heard CNU shout as he was being blocked by two players.

I nodded push my way to the Goal when I was block by Yongguk. and Man he looks meaner up close. I dodge left and right but I couldn't shake him off.


 “haha over little boy” he mock I knew doing to do something dirty so I prepared my self when “Aggh” I saw Yongguk  had clench his teeth together he was sweating bad and holding stomach tightly

“you ok-” I was about to ask concernedly when

“XIAO LU!” I heard my noona scream I turn to her she standing on the bleachers with furious look


“ don’t just stand there! MOVE” and like good doggie I followed her command and run pass yongguk and scored the goal.


“YEAH!!” I shouted , i was celebrating with my team, when my noona shouted “Hey! Get you mind on the Game!”
 we stiffen and nodded.


then rush back to our places. The whole game was cool and fun I score most of the goals it good cause we were wing same time weird most of the players were lagging, they looked uncomfortable for some reason and Yongguk looked the worst out of all of them.



Author POV

The whole game Mei Ai was cheering.. well more like mocking luhan team


“you call that a kick you idoit, my grandma can better than you!”


“Xiao Lu! Move your !” but thanks to the shouts and cheer from people on the bleachers her shouts were covered and  you easily think she was cheering along from the distance.


Well that was donghae thought. He had notice Mei Ai since the start of the second half he notice him Talking to Luhan and his team, from his and eunhyuk point of view it look like she was giving them adive or word of support, especially when CNU Roar of enthusiasm


“that must be Ms. Lu brother… wow I never thought she was so supportive” Eunhyuk said, Donghae silently smile “me to..”


As  the game went on Donghae glance over to Mei Ai who screaming her lung out to the team, he sort felt touch or admire her strong support for the team.


After the game when Luhan scored the winning Goal Mai AI stood and did a little fist punch.




“WE WON!!!!!” roared CNU


Yes we won by  18 to 13 everyone on Exo team shouted and cheered my friend run up to me and gave me round hug. " LU HAN!!!!" they shouted


 the referee gave us the trophy and said “good job.. Exo boys”  he said as walked away CNU took it and looked at Yongguk glaring at him, he smirk and looked away we continued our celebration but then I remember something.


“where my noona?” I mumbled.


“right here” I jumped and turn around “noona!” I yelp clutching my heart, my noona rolled her eyes


“umm… Lu han Noona” the old Coach called to our attention, “yes sir”  Noona answered.


“we should thank Luhan Noona with out her Word we wouldn’t have been able to wake up and fight back” He said

The team nodded and started to cheer for Noona name I only laughed and just look at the smug look that Noona had.


“Noona remember the screams when I scored the wining goal.. they were like WHOA!!!!” I shouted spinning around the place.


We were heading home but not empty I was given the MVP medal award I was so happy. As I lost in my thought when I remember something.

“hey noona” I spoke out, Noona only hummed, not looking at me she was a few feet ahead of me

“did you notice the painful expression the Red Rooster had, or their slow sluggish movement.. they seriously looked like they were in pain most looked uncomfortable” I explained


Yeah especially Yongguk…


Noona stopped walking, her back still facing me “I wonder” she uttered, before swinging  her shoulder bag up and when it did something fell from it.


It was small bottle I quickly pick up only to  found out it was Laxative written in front, then it hit like a wrecking ball…


I slowly looked up to noona “no way… Noona you didn’t” I uttered.


Noona turn around with stoic expression “like I said I don’t like losing and if people find out you my brother that came from a losing team… that would make me a loser as well”  she snicker and walked off


I only gawked at my noona as we she walked away like she didn’t do any thing wrong…


“NOONA!!!” I scream " Don't you think that a bit too cruel! i mean spiking their water with Laxative"


yeah that what my Noona did... did you remember when she on the opposite side and she so happens to be standing behind the water area was, yeah while the  Red roosters were busy Noona add the whole content of the Laxative bottle into their water.


"Tsk, tsk, oh Xiao Lu should know by now … I’ll do anything to win”. She smirked


I don’t whether I should be thankful to her or not but for sure …  I know my Noona is cruel



Mean while

“ WHAT THE HELL WRONG WITH YOU!” Scream the Coach as he and victoria watch the whole team running in and out of the bathrooms

“Yongguk what happen!” she yelled at her little brother who clutch his stomach and rush back inside the bathroom screaming “I DON’T KNOW!”

“ARRRGHR” victoria Screamed out frustration

Out of frustration she grab of one the cups of water same water that Mei Ai Spiked with Laxative

Once she drank it in matter of minutes she felt the effects and rushed to the ladies room.





well what ya think? in the next chapter well you'll be seeing or reading a lot about Dong hae... 

so Stay tune :)

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Chapter 9: Awwww poor Luhan :(
I could cry a river!
Author-nim, pease send him a girl who will stay by him and make him happy! Someone who won't be affected by anything his sister might do to try and sabotage them!
Update again soon!~~
Chapter 7: This was funny! I love how Luhan was laughing so much when he realised that his sister wouldn't be able to torment him after she gets married!!
Still, I hope that Luhan will find a nice girlfriend who will stick with him no matter what and who will stick up for him. :3
Update again as soon as you can~~
Chapter 6: I am glad I don't have a sister like that! I have a half sister who is really nice!
I would definitely save Luhan from his evil Noona! I would give that harpy a piece of my mind! I wouldn't let her trick me like she tricked that other girl at the beginning! If it was me and she said he didn't wash his hands I would just say "boys will be boys, good job I have hand sanitiser with me" coz I always have hand sanitiser me! Unlike that dimbo I would stick with him no matter what if I had the chance to be with him! Aish!! His sister really drives me crazy!! I would tell her exactly what I think of her! I would say "look here you manipulative little witch! I don't give a crap if people think you're a goody two shoes! You're nothing but a nasty brat! How can you treat Luhan the way you do!? Huh!? Are you proud of yourself? You shouldn't be!! You're a horrible horrible person!! Luhan doesn't deserve to have someone as nasty as you tormenting him and black mailing him!! I wonder what everyone would think of your true nature huh! You're a disgrace! A disgusting human being, if you can be called a human! Because anyone who would treat someone as nice, sweet and thoughtful as Luhan the way you treat him, is nothing more that a monster!" I would like to see that harpy try to defend herself after that!
Chapter 5: I really hate Luhan's sister! I HATE her SO much!!!!
She is so selfish and y! She bullies Luhan!
She says going up to someone and asking them what their interests are is "cheap"? Skulking around and forcing your brother to stalk someone is CHEAP! And just plain wrong! If I was Luhan then i would just collect evidence against her and then tell everyone who she really is!
She could deny All she wants but the evidence would be there.
If I were Luhan then I would tell Donghae all about what Mei Ai is really like so he won't like her.

Anyway, enough raging at that...PERSON...
Hope Luhan can witness some Karmic retribution
Chapter 4: I hope that Luhan can get to see the results of some karmic retribution, when his sister eventually gets her comeuppance!
His sister is an evil, nasty person! I feel really sorry for Luhan
Chapter 2: Awwww I feel so bad for Luhan!
His sister is so evil to him!! :(
Update quickly!! :3
Chapter 1: She is so mean to Luhan!
Gotta admit that she's really funny though!!
Update quickly~~