And then there were two

Our Unofficial Official First Date

It started off like any other night…or so I thought.  4minute had just won their first Inkigayo Mutizen for Muzik.  Before leaving the stage, I quickly made my way toward Hyuna, drawn to her like a magnet to a refrigerator door.  

With open arms and a dorky grin plastered on my face, I ran up to Hyuna and gave her a big bear hug.  In my excitement, I nearly lifted her off the ground as we started to spin.  I couldn’t help it; I was completely and utterly head over heels for her and didn’t care if the whole world knew.  I can’t say for sure, but I swear at one point Hyuna’s hand grazed my .  Scouts honor.              

Okay, getting back to the story.  As we embraced, the subtle scent of Hyuna tantalized my senses as her hair tickled my nose.  Out of nowhere, I felt a jolt course through my body and images of us kissing flooded my head as if I had been struck by a y lightning bolt.  The thought of sharing a hot and passionate kiss with Hyuna made me cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.    

As I contemplated whether the use of tongue would be appropriate for the situation, I was pulled back to reality as Nicole tugged on my jacket, indicating that it was time to leave.  

Before letting go, I held her a little tighter and whispered in her ear, “Meet me outside after the show.  There’s something I want to tell you.”  This was it.  I was finally going to ask Hyuna out on a date.  
Feeling a sense of relief after Hyuna smiled and nodded yes, I reluctantly made my way off stage.  To my surprise, I realized Hyuna was still in my arms!  I had almost dragged her with me and didn’t even notice.  I quickly let go and spun around just in time to see Nicole flash me a ‘WTF’ look.  Not knowing what to say, I tried to laugh it off as I turned three shades of red.


“Helloooo, earth to Amber,” Sulli said slightly annoyed.  “Are you even listening to me?  You have a missed call.  Here, catch.”  

I fumbled my cell and nearly dropped it after she tossed it in my direction.  “Dang girl, could you be a little more careful?  I just bought this phone last week.”

“Just be glad it was me and not Vic.  Remember her opening pitch for the Doosan Bears?  Instead of a toss, it would have been a fastball right to your head.”  Sulli couldn’t help but giggle as Vic nodded in agreement.

“So, who called?” Luna asked inquisitively, nudging me in the ribs.  “I would have guessed Hyuna, but she was here performing so…..”  Not wanting to let her finish, I tried to land a swift kick to her .  Quickly dodging my attempt, she hid behind Krystal who stood there with arms firmly crossed and an icy look on her face.  

“For your information Sailor Moon, it was my mom.  She keeps forgetting about the time difference.  I should call-”  

Tired and cold, Krystal interrupted, “Can we go now?  I don’t understand why we’re hanging out in the parking lot when everyone has already gone home.”  I could tell the rest of the members were getting restless, but I didn’t have the guts to tell them the truth.  

Before I could think of something to say, Vic shouted, “Oh, it’s 4minute!”  I turned around and saw five gorgeous girls walking toward us.  Vic immediately ran over to Jihyun and gave her a big congratulatory hug.  Sulli and Sohyun exchanged hi fives while Gayoon and Jiyoon showed Luna and Krys their mutizen.

A feeling of uneasiness started to set in as Hyuna slowly emerged from the group.  I caught her gaze and my legs nearly gave out under me.  Her long tresses dancing gracefully in the wind, her piercing brown eyes locked onto mine, her lips and swaying her hips, mouthing my name as she walked toward me in y slow motion.  Okay, so maybe that didn’t really happen, but you gotta admit, that would have been pretty awesome.  

To be honest, I was actually a little surprised to see Hyuna dressed in casual clothes.  It made her look so….normal.  She had on a light pink tee with rhinestone hearts, skinny jeans, and white one stars.  I must admit, I was looking pretty fly myself all in black; Stussy shirt, cargos, Nike sneaks and an LA cap.            
Finally standing face to face, I swallowed hard trying to get rid of the knot that had formed in my throat.  She flashed me a smile and I almost melted.  “Hey Amber.  I hope you didn’t wait long.  Between the photographers and the press, I thought it would never end!”  

“Oh, it was n-n-n-nothing really,” I said grinning as I lowered my head and shuffled my feet.  “I mean, I would have waited forev….I mean, it was nothing.”  I could feel my face getting hot as I stared at my shoes.  I was so lost in thought that I didn’t notice the eerie silence that suddenly filled the empty parking lot.  “So Hyuna, ummm, I was just uhhh wondering if you know….” As I looked up, I noticed everyone had shifted their focus to our conversation.  

Luna and Sulli were flashing ghey smirks while giving me the thumbs up.  Vic and Jihyun were standing off to the side with proud, motherly smiles on their faces.  Krys was sitting alone in the back seat of our van while Sohyun, Gayoon, and Jiyoon were grabbing each other’s faces, pretending to kiss one another.

Not wanting Hyuna to see the zoo that was going on behind her, I started to distance myself from everyone and motioned for her to join me.  Finally having some privacy, I was about to ask Hyuna the big question when a flash of light caught my eye.  For a second, I feared it was another y lightning bolt.  Before I had a chance to react, a second wave of flashes illuminated the night sky.  

We turned around just in time to see a mob of paparazzi yelling the names of the 4minute members as they quickly made their way across the parking lot.  With 4minute’s car nowhere in sight, everyone frantically jumped into our van.

“Quick, Hyuna, Amber.  Get your butts in the van now!”  Vic shouted to us.

“Let’s go, Hyuna.  If we run, I think we can make it,” I said with an unexpected excitement in my voice.

“Amber, let’s just get out of here.  Since it’s only you and me, I doubt they’ll follow us,” Hyuna said with a strange calmness.  

I tried to stay focused, but Hyuna’s words kept pulling me back into my own thoughts.  I couldn’t help but replay her saying ‘you and me’ over and over in my head.  Her y voice combined with the thought of us being ‘us’ gave me warm fuzzies.    

“But where would we go?” I asked, finally snapping out of my Hyuna obsessed trance.  I won’t lie; a small part of me wanted to get into the van with the others and go home.  The rest of me wanted to run off with Hyuna, desperate to have some alone time with her.  

Before I knew what was happening, Hyuna grabbed my hand and we started to run in the opposite direction.  

“Don’t worry, I have an idea.”

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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 6: I just found this story and I can't wait for you to update it!!
Nimamafong #3
Update soon ! :)