(In)convenience store

Our Unofficial Official First Date






“I don’t think I can hold on any longer…..”


“You can do it, Amber.  Just relax……”


“Hyuna, slow down.  I can’t keep up…..”


“Just a little more.  You’re almost there……”  


“Hyuna, I think…I think I’m gonna……”


“We’re here, Amber.”

Chased by crazed paparazzi, we ran nonstop for five minutes until we reached a small, mom and pop convenience store.  Of all places, I couldn’t believe this was Hyuna’s idea of a hideout.  

Hunched over with my hands on my knees and completely out of breath, I couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed as I imagined what the other members were doing at that moment.  “Probably relaxing at home,” I muttered under my breath.

Overwhelmed with a feeling of frustration, I lifted my head and caught Hyuna’s gaze.  She had a strange look on her face as if she had been worried about me.  Too tired to care, I shrugged it off and blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

“What the hell, Hyuna?”  You drag me all the way out here and for what?  To hide out in some convenience store?  I don’t even know why I went with you in the first place.”  Saying those words left a bitter taste in my mouth.  I wanted to apologize, but I didn’t know how.    

With eyes a little hazy, Hyuna bit her lip and walked past me.  I won’t lie; it scared the crap out of me.  Alone and cold, I had no other choice but to follow her inside.

As I entered the store, an old man smiled at me from behind the counter.  Without even saying a word, he pointed down one of the aisles.  Through the clearing, in between the toilet paper rolls and stacks of canned tuna, I saw her.  I took a step forward and stopped; I had no idea what to say.  I’m sorry just didn’t seem to be enough.  Not after the way I acted.  

Standing there, shifting my focus from Hyuna to the snacks on the shelf, a familiar song caught my attention.  It was Drunken Tiger’s “Convenience Store”, a song I loved and knew by heart.  I found it a little ironic and laughed to myself.  Without even realizing what I was doing, I started to rap along with the song as I made my way toward Hyuna.

I went to the store to buy a pack of cigarettes,
When I entered my eyes became rounder than the moon.
A pretty girl throws a smile at me and quietly greets me.
Suddenly I stop.  The whole world stops.
I’m at a loss for words, I swallow my spit.
I’m falling in love at first sight.

Scream that you hate me.
Cry out that you hate me.
Toss my feelings aside.
I like it more than this indifferent world.

Hyuna kept picking up random items from the shelf, avoiding me completely.  I couldn’t think of anything else, so I continued to rap.  

Like a lost child, I look around.
I pour boiling water into my ramen cup.

Playing along with the song, I grabbed a ramen cup and pretended to open it and pour hot water inside.  I could see a tiny, barely noticeable smile surface.  I quickly reached for a twinkie.  Using it as a mic, I got down on both knees.  

I wait.  I’m just wasting time.
Then I throw a smile.
She looks back at me, attracted to me.
But unsure of what to do, maybe she’s shy.
As if she were drunk she turns red.

With her cherry like lips and natural nose.
Her silky skin like a sweet and flavorful bottle of milk.
Her shoes are dark and shiny.
Her eyes look sad.
The chance that I’ll go and leave her,
the ten minutes since we met is passing by so fast.

I want to talk to her, but my mouth won’t open.
I want to protect her, but I can’t move.
It’s been so long since I couldn’t control my feelings.
Today, right here, I turn around without a word.

Scream that you hate me.
Cry out that you hate me.
Toss my feelings aside.
I like it more than this indifferent world.

All of a sudden, Hyuna started to rap with the song.  I couldn’t believe it.  She held out her hand and looked at me for the first time since our fight outside.  I slowly stood up as I took her hand and we finished the song together.  When it was over, the old man started to clap.  Hyuna and I smiled at each other and took a quick bow to acknowledge our audience.  That’s when I realized we were the only customers in the store.  

“I should be mad at you right now, but how could I be after that performance,” Hyuna said with a laugh.  “I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun.”  I knew she hadn’t completely forgiven me, but at least she was talking to me again.    

“Hyuna, I’m sorry, I….” Before I could finish, I heard voices coming from the store’s entrance.  Thinking it was the paparazzi, Hyuna and I ducked down, not wanting to be spotted.  Instead of the paparazzi, it was our greatest fear come true; hunger crazed fans on their way home from the Inki taping.

“Amber, what are we going to do?” Hyuna whispered.  “If they see us, we’re dead.”  

I knew we wouldn’t be able to make it out alive if we were caught.  Before I could think of what to do next, I noticed a fan had on a Hyuna t-shirt.  My mind instantly shifted to Hyuna’s iness on a shirt and all I could think of was how awesome it would look on me.  I immediately stood up, wanting to know where I could get one in my size.  

Hyuna quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.  “What do you think you’re doing?  Are you out of your mind?”  

“You’re right,” I said still thinking about the shirt.  “He probably wouldn’t tell me even if I asked,” I said feeling a little defeated.  “I wonder if he made it himself…..”  

“Hey Amber, are you even listening to me?”  I felt a slight sting on my arm which brought me back to reality.  I quickly realized the seriousness of the situation and in the process, found out that Hyuna was a pincher.  I rubbed my arm, thinking of a way to escape unnoticed.

We were trapped; quickly surrounded by fans on either side of us with nowhere to go.  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the old man waving his arms, trying to get our attention.  He motioned toward the back of the store, showing us the way out.  It was our ticket to freedom.  

As we stood up, ready to make a run for it, I heard someone shout, “Holy crap, isn’t that Hyuna from 4minute?  And what?  Amber from f(x)?”

What happened after that was pretty much a blur.  There was probably a lot of fanboy and fangirl screaming, cameras flashing and maybe even some fainting.  Everything seemed to be overshadowed by the fact that Hyuna was holding my hand for the second time that night.  She squeezed it tight as we ran out the back exit and into the cold night air.  For a moment, I was in heaven again.  That is, until I realized my second worst fear had come true.  

More running.    

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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 6: I just found this story and I can't wait for you to update it!!
Nimamafong #3
Update soon ! :)