Better late than misunderstood?

Our Unofficial Official First Date

Wait for me.  

Those three words echoed in my ears as I found myself running again.   

The relentless icy Seoul night air against my face was nothing compared to the sharp pain I felt in my chest.  Every thought I had was of Hyuna.  Mixed feelings of happiness and sadness suddenly overcame me as I recalled the events that lead up to that moment.  

Trying to shift my focus back to running, I tilted my head up hoping to prevent any tears from falling.  In the distance, I noticed the once dark night sky was starting to peel away, revealing a layer of beautiful crimson beneath.  The night was quickly coming to an end and with it, our crazy and unforgettable adventure together.  Arriving at my destination, I was convinced that Hyuna would understand why I did what I did.  I hoped.

It didn’t take long to find what I had come for.  I thanked the old man and he wished me luck as I ran out of the store.  Never being good with words, I was finally ready to reveal everything I held in my heart.  As I made my way back, I could only think of her smile and the way I felt every time she looked at me.

Reaching familiar surroundings, I was too distracted to notice there was no one around.  Although the sun was starting to rise making it easier to see, my beautiful angel was nowhere in sight.  I ran to the bench where she and I were sitting only moments ago, but there was no sign of her.  My heart started to race and my head spun; she was gone.  After sitting there for what seemed like an eternity, I grabbed my phone and dialed the first number that came to mind.  Great, voicemail.
After whispering some barely audible words, I hung up and dialed again.  “I’m fine.  Just come and get me.”

Finally able to catch my breath, exhaustion started to set in and my mind began to drift.

Hyuna, where are you? Please let me know you’re safe….

Just then a familiar voice snapped me back to reality.  

“You’re alive!!” Sulli shouted as she jumped out of the van.  Nearly tackling me to the ground, she wrapped her arms around my waist and gave me a big bear hug.  “I missed you soooo much!”

“Even though it’s only been a few hours, I’m glad to see you too, Sulli,” I said with a small laugh.  As I made my way through the rest of the group, giving out hugs and apologies, Krystal was the last to greet me.  

“Serves you right,” she said with a rigid look on her face.  “That’s what you get for running off with Hyuna and leaving us behind like that.”

Any other day and I’d have fired a quick comeback.  Instead, I apologized again and walked toward the van in silence, trailing behind the rest of the members.  Before I made my way into the van, Krystal stopped me.  

“Hey Amber, about what I said earlier, I really didn’t mean it like that.  I was just worried about you…..we all were.”  I could tell she was being serious.  I gave her a little smile and handed her a package I had been holding onto so tightly. 

 “Keep this safe for me, will you?  With everything that I’ve been through tonight, I don’t trust myself to carry something this fragile and important right now.”  Confused and a little curious, Krystal accepted the package and closed the door behind her as the van started to move.

Right at that moment, a taxi that had stopped nearby, drove off in the opposite direction. 

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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 6: I just found this story and I can't wait for you to update it!!
Nimamafong #3
Update soon ! :)