The festival where cherry blossoms fall chapter 3

Lantern festival (remake)

  Today was the day that the festival begins and I was nervous just a little bit because of Luhan and what had happen at the station. Today was no school because its saturday the day where I can sleep all day. But not today because it was the festival and I spent the whole day trying to look for an outfit to atleast feel good in. But my host mom went to go do her hair and get ready because these sort of celebrations are important to Koreans and I had to respect that in every way but I knew I was going to have fun no matter what. I finally found the outfit I was going to wear and it was my big green military jacket,white converse and my black jeans with my green curly hair down to my back. I felt really pretty also the festival was going to start and I heard my host mom and dad screaming thier lungs telling me to come down stairs before we get thier late.

  When I got downstairs I saw my host parents in traditonal clothing and I looked at them but I kind of laughed at them and they were laughing too. My host mom said " Hey dont laugh at us, we look like supermodels of Korea, right Honey ?" but my host father laughed at what she said and she hit him and told him to stop but we all ended up laughing with eachother. It was time to get in the car and drive to the festival together and as we were driving I looked out the window and saw so many people celebrating on the street and I was laughing at them because they looked funny. I even saw people in masks playing around with eachother and the halmeoni's praying at the big beautiful staues.But while I was daydreaming my host mom asked me a question "where is the ring your mom gave you ?" I looked at her with a shoked look on my face and said "Oh yea my ring right? You see I felt next to the shower and I forgot to bring it thats why" she gave me look and said "thats fine but make sure to always have it with you, it is really important" I nodded but I was just scared now because I knew I would never see that ring again and I knew my host mom wouldn't have believed about Luhan. Now I just felt really bad for what I did and for that whole car ride I just kept my mouth shut and looked out at the window and wander about my real mother.

  We finally arrived at the festival and I jumped out the car and I turned around to see the festival and when I saw the whole thing upclose I thought it was beautiful. It took my last breath away it had so many people and food stands and the lanterns were the best part I felt like a little kid at a candy store. My host mom came up behind me and said " I knew you would like it" I just couldn't take my eyes off of nothing I just wanted to look around everywhere. They were so many people there and they were dancers every where with people in mask and little kids playing with toys and the older people smiling with their freinds drinking alcohol. Then I saw my host mom and dad dancing to traditional music, I thought it was beautiful to see them together. But as I was going toward the other end of the festival I ended up at Exo's concert and I was shocked because I didnt know where I was going. But I saw so many fans there screaming there names and waving signs that say thier name and saying I love you or marry me. But I wasn't intrested in the concert so I turned my back and kept walking until I heard a girl screamed "LUHAN I LOVE YOU" I looked at the stage and saw Luhan dancing and I told myslef to get closer and I did.

  As I was pushing myslef to get to the stage I looked and saw Luhan got closer but it kept getting harder to go through the crowd because they were more people and they were pushing me back. But I just gave up and stood in the middle of thousands of people screaming how much they love him but as I was looking closer to Luhan I saw his hand and his hand had my ring on his finger. I couldn't beleive it but somehow I ended up on the back of the crowed full of fans  and I started to feel tears down my face because all my feelings rushed up to my body and I couldn't take it anymore. Suddenly I ran out the concert and I just started running toward anywhere and I was pushing people because I just wanted to be alone and I needed it now. I didn't know where I was going but I just felt so alone. As I was running I went through a tunnel of lanterns that were all different like thier colors,shapes and sizes and they weren't that much people and it kept getting quieter and all you hear was the festival music just a little bit .I kept walking and my leg started to hurt me really bad and I started to limp instead of walk. Then at the end of the tunnel of lanterns I ended up somewhere different I ended up in a cherry bolssom stream with a sea of lanterns and it was beautiful.

 This place was called Yeojwa stream and it was beautiful I never seen a place like this before espacially the cherry blossom falling from the trees and I was surrouned with lanterns that were different colors and shapes. My mind was at peace and my tears stop flowing down my face andit felt like I couldn't fell anything I took a seat next to the water just looking at my reflection and making funny faces. I loved it here because I was alone and I was thinking about that could come to mind but I couldn't stop thinking about Luhan because I've fallen for someone I dont even know. Then I was getting sleepy so I just layed down on the patels of the cherry bolossoms and I was the facing the night sky with my back next to the stream and while as I was dreaming I saw Luhan next to me and touching my face and saying "dont worry I'm here for you" and he started to fade away and I was saying "Wait dont go please dont go!" and thats when I woke up, breathing hard and trying to catch my breath but suddenly I saw someone next to me beat up on the beanch and I ran over saying "are you ok what happen please tell me who are you" and he told me he said "please help me my name is Luhan" and thats when I saw the fire works in the night sky and my ring on his finger.


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this is so romantic and beautiful you should so make more please this is so nice aww
kissmelover123 #2
Chapter 5: I love it you should make more chapters to it
whatsmyname1 #3
Chapter 2: it's getting really good wow make more plz
whatsmyname1 #4
Chapter 1: It's pretty good can't wait for the other chapter