Minho's past and Jonghyun's doubts

What happens behind the stage...stays behind the stage

At the end of that exhausting day, the five boys went directly to their own room to rest before the supper but Jonghyun stopped by the kitchen to drink something. He thought that they hadn't found time during the day to talk to Minho about his behavior toward Taemin. He looked at Minho's laptop on the kitchen table and turned it on to listen to music. But he saw an unsent mail. His curiosity took over his sense of respect for his friend's privacy. 

Hi Mom,

 It's been a while!

Ever since I began my career in SM Entertainment you didn't even bother congratulating me or telling me you were proud.

I love my life, my mates are great and nice, we have a lot of fun together even if we're all tired! I'll try to come back home once I have a break (which won't happen soon I fear). Aren't you proud of me? Haven't you forgotten that you have a son? Don't forget me. I always try to contact you but you never answer me. 

I can't believe you still resent me for what happened years ago. It's not my fault if Dad left us, it's not my fault if our life turned bad. Mom, please be proud of me, love me like a normal mother would. Remember that I love you, I miss you. Everything was so nice before Dad left and you stopped caring about me.




Jonghyun understood at this moment that his friend's life hadn't been easy. Jonghyun's mother was a lovely and nice woman who had always cared about her son's life so he couldn't imagine a mother who didn't care about her own son.

He left the laptop at the same place where he found it because he didn't think Minho would be happy if he knew he had nosed in his private life.

After that, Jonghyun was finishing his drink when he heard steps from the stairs. It was Key who was tasked to cook the supper that night.

-Kibum! You look awful! Are you tired? I'm totally beat! Jonghyun said with a smile after seeing his friend's gloomy face.

But Key didn't smile back and breathed deeply to relax his nerves.

-Are you okay?

-Jonghyun hyung, there's something I gotta tell you, please don't freak out okay?

-Yes of course!! Don't be shy, it's just me!

-that's exactly why it's hard for me... because it's you. You know ever since we were trainees, I found you... so cool. I just loved your voice and I still do! Anyway, all the things I loved about you turned into admiration and my admiration...

Jonghyun didn't really understand the situation but decided to let Key finish. But he didn't continue, he just came closer to Jonghyun who didn't feel comfortable, he refrained himself from making a step backward, not wanting to look scared and he wasn't sure what Key wanted to say but suddenly...he was cut off from his panicked thoughts by a kiss. A soft and loving kiss. A kiss from Kibum. From Kibum! One of his best friends! The younger boy let go of Jonghyun without a word. This latter was so at a loss for words that he did the stupid thing many people did when they were embarrassed: he laughed.

-Seriously Key, we're home, no need for fanservice! Or did you read fanfics again?

Poor Kibum, he didn't expect to be laughed at after opening his heart so much. He felt so ashamed that he yelled:

-You're seriously daft, aren't you?! No, you're not only daft, you're thick and oblivious! 

Jonghyun's eyes grew wide and not knowing what to say, he left the kitchen completely dazed. He went to his room to think about what had just happened.

Key's my best friend! What happened in his head to kiss me?! And he's a man! .....Is it fanservice that got his head filled with false expectations about us? No, he knows well we are just friends...right?


Minho was normal when Taemin wasn't in the same room as him but as soon as Taemin came in a room where Minho was, he became sulky. Taemin who had always done his best to be nice to everyone - Minho included- suffered from that situation. the tall boy didn't like to make others suffer, he stopped his childish game and just ignored the cute boy. But for Taemin, it wasn't enough.

The next day, the 5 boys woke up even earlier than as usual to go to Busan. They had to repeat all day for a concert in the southern town. Busan was far from Seoul and the travel was long in the plane, moreover, Minho's seat number was next to Taemin's, he hushed a sigh and sat down, he fell asleep quickly, taking advantage of the journey to sleep some more. Slowly, centimeter by centimeter, his head slowly slipped until it softly rested against Taemin's. Taemin didn't dare to move, he just closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Yet, he couldn't help but throw glances at his bandmate's relaxed face from time to time. He looked relaxed and the frown he had most of the time when he looked at Taemin was gone. The maknae really found him cute when he slept.

Arrived in Busan, their manager woke up the sleeping boys who pretended not to have been seen in an awkwardly cute position and went to the concert hall. Light engineers, sound engineers, dancers.....many people were already working despite the early hour, they took place on the stage and began the rehearsals. Their manager explained them the program of the day, groups from others entertainment labels were there to perform, they would sing twice and they had to know perfectly when it would be their turn to sing. They repeated all morning and had a break for lunch, they greeted their seniors and the other groups and ate lightly. But nobody was very hungry.

They were all deep in thought. Jinki was puzzled to see his bandmates so quiet and despite trying to lift up the mood, he gave up when nobody really reacted. The younger ones were trying to sort out their feelings about their family, their bandmate or their friend.

Time flew and the time of the concert came. Fans filled the stadium with their colorful lightsticks. The boys started feeling electrified by the energy booming through the audience. Fan chants echoed in the large concert hall. 

They were in the dressing room with stylists to put make up on their face and Minho was particularly stressed because of the choreo. What if he missed a step, if he forgot the choreography? His throat tied when he thought that.

-Minho, what's with this face? Don't be so stressed, we'll be alright. Jonghyun advised.

-Yeah, I've had problems with the choreo but it was just because I was sick, right?

-Absolutely! You'll do great tonight!

He smiled lightly, reassured by Jonghyun's nice words. He was ready, he'd be alright. Full of confidence, he stretched his limbs to warm up for the high-energy choreo they would perform some moments later. Kibum joined him. They chatted about this and that. Their relationship had improved slowly but steadily ever since they began working full-time together. Kibum still enjoyed teasing Minho to make annoy him but never in a hurtful way. Of course they still had arguments from time to time but their friends always intervened to calm things down.

Kibum asked Taemin if he wanted to stretch with them but quickly realized something was wrong. Taemin was sitting on a little couch, his forehead was gleaming of sweat yet he was trembling as if he was cold. He was also pale like a corpse.

- Oh My God. Are you alright? Key asked while rushing to taemin's side. 

Minho followed him and stood by the youngest member. Despite the coldness between them, he asked the younger boy:

-Hey? Are you okay?

-No...not really...I feel sick...I...I just hope I won't collapse on stage. What will we do if that happens?!

-Hold on, it will be okay. Did you eat something at lunch? Minho replied.

-Not a lot, I was too stressed....

Minho took an energy bar from his backpack and took it to give it to Taemin. At that moment, Taemin really looked like a vulnerable kid and Minho wanted to help him. Kibum gave him some water and rubbed his back to soothe his anxiety.

-I kept it to eat after the show, but you need it more than me, Minho grumbled.

-Thank you...I...

-Dont be too delighted, you still annoy me, but we're a team and I'm older so I should take care of you.

-Thanks. Taemin said with a low voice.

Minho left the youngest to Key, he would find the right words and the right treatment to Taemin's weakness. Still, deep down, he felt a little bit joyful, but he didn't know why, he had just helped Taemin, it was nothing much... anyway, they had to go on stage so he stopped thinking about that.

Fangirls shouted when they heard the beginning of SHINee's song and this loud noise troubled Taemin who felt sick, but he tightened his grip around his mic and continued to sing and smile. Singing and dancing didn't liberate him from his troubles, he felt sick, sad and tired. He was overwhelmed by an peculiar feeling concerning Minho. For some times already, he had been tormenting himself, asking himself the same question, over and over: why was he growing fonder and fonder of his bandmate? Why did he keep wishing for Minho to stop giving him the cold shoulder?  

He loved Minho. It killed him to think so but it was the truth. 

Unfortunately, the tall boy didn't like him! Worse, he hated him. Taemin sang like a machine, words got out of his mouth but he had no control over them. When the song ended, Taemin but also Jonghyun felt relieved. Their problems worried them so much, they weren't in the mood to enjoy the performance. One loved somebody who didn't love him in return and the other was loved by somebody he wasn't sure to love. They left the scene and went to their dressing room to change their clothes. Jonghyun took off his t-shirt and took a clean one when Key came behind him without a sound and rested his chin on his shoulder. Jonghyun shivered at this contact but he didn't talk, he knew what Key's question was about.

-Jonghyun hyung... do you understand now what I did last time? He whispered.

Jonghyun sighed and answered:

-Key...I don't know...I'm sorry...

Jonghyun turned his head to look at Key. The younger boy had sorrowful eyes.

-You know it, you know why I kissed you, it's because I love you, I love you so much...

Their voices weren't louder than whispers, fearing that their bandmates would hear, but they weren't paying attention to them.

Jonghyun blushed slightly and ruffled his hair to hide his trouble, however; he wondered if thinking more wouldn't make him even more unsure. He took a deep breath and said:

-It's impossible. 

Key's face made him think of someone who had just been stabbed in the tummy. He saw betrayal, disappointment and sadness in his friend's eyes.

-We'll never be alone, you know how tiny our flat is, and what if our mates find out? What if journalists find out? What if fans find out?

Key who was about to give up and bury his feelings deep down in his heart, turned around and came back to face Jonghyun. The older boy was hesitating because of logistic matters? Key almost wanted to laugh.

He made a step toward him, they were close, too close. He approached his lips from Jonghyun's and suddenly remembered they weren't alone, he sent a sign to the older boy to join him in the corridor, this latter obediently followed him.

-I never...ki-kissed a man...except once but we were both drunk...

He really was adorable. Key shook his head with an amused smile and looked around. Since there was nobody, Key finally kissed him with eager lips, he had no time and too much passion trapped in his body to kiss him gently. Jonghyun closed his eyes and tried to take a step back, feeling that what they were doing wasn't right but Key wrapped his arms around his waist. Jonghyun blushed intensely but he didn't make a move to get away from Key's grasp. Key released Jonghyun and smiled.

-See? It wasn't that bad. Key murmured.

Jonghyun said nothing but he didn't know what to do, what to say, he wasn't sure of what he felt. A mix of excitement and fear, of love and uncetainty.


In the dressing room, Taemin was deep in thought. So deeply that he didn't hear Minho when he came in after coming back from the bathroom.

"Why does everything I do make him angry? I'm always nice to him but he doesn't care. What did I do? Why does he hate me?"

-Hey Taemin. Hurry up, we're leaving.

Taemin jumped when he heard his voice. He answered:

-Yeah I'm coming! Wait for me hyung!

He ran and walked by Minho's side.



-I want you to be honest with me. Why do you hate me?

Surprised, Minho's cheeks became light pink and he stuttered:

-Wh-what? I don't hate you !

-Oh really? I never felt that you considered me as a friend, not even for one second! You always look gloomy when I'm around!

-I..I.. Minho sighed and continued to speak: I thought you were too cute and too gentle. You're always happy. You always talk, you always smile, you always try to spend time with me as if you want to be the 'perfect friend', which I never asked for. Moreover, I never liked fan service... when we began doing this, we were two new idols who barely knew each other and we had to be all cuddly and lovey-dovey when we were nothing else but bandmates. It was too awkward for me to handle, we're always together on stage that's why I need to be alone at home. Even tonight, I felt that our relationship on stage was so ing fake... I don't know how to act around you anymore.

Taemin was both surprised and relieved. Somehow, he expected him to reveal a worse explanation for why he was so distant with him. He smiled to Minho who got surprised to see a grin on Taemin's face.

-Idiot, why are you grinning? I just said that you-

-It's okay! I felt the same about fan service, you know? We could have talked about it, it would have helped us understand how the other felt and how we could fix the situation. Moreover, I have the feeling that no matter how distant you've been, we've still grown closer than before and I got accustomed to fan service so it doesn't bother me as much as before....and if it makes our fans happy then I'm happy.

-I guess...I never saw things with this angle.

Their manager came and shouted:

-Hey!! What are you doing? We will miss the flight for Seoul!!

-Yeah we're coming! Minho said.

They fastened their pace to catch up the rest of the crew but still kept a little distance. As they were walking to a mini-van that would take us to the airport, Taemin whispered:

-Say, Minho... can we try to be friends? It would make Kibum's, Jonghyun's and Jinki's life easier and the atmosphere at home could be more... appeased?

-Well...It costs nothing to try! Minho replied with an amused smile.



Later, in Busan's sky, a flight to Seoul took off, taking two new friends back home.


-------------- Author time ------------------

That's the end of the chapter 4 ! Hope you liked it....I know my mind ramble on jongkey in this chapter but the reconciliation between Minho and Taemin is a big step! No? :)


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Really cool FanFic *-* I loveeeeee it <33333
Salut!! Moi aussi, je parle français!! (mais je suis québécoise (Canada)). J'ai vrm adoré ton histoire. Taemin et Minho était tlm cute! XD J'ai hâte de lire ta prochaine idée, je suis sûre que ça va être une excellente histoire. J'aime aussi le côté réalistique: si ça arrivait pour de vrai, je crois en effet que tous les fans sauteraient de joie! Surtout toi, puisque tu aurais deviné leur secret ;) Donc, j'espère que ce commentaire va te pousser à écrire plus. En tout cas, moi, j'ai très hâte. À propos des fautes, il y en avait quelques unes, mais tu sais, moi aussi, l'anglais n'est pas ma première langue et je t'ai trouvé très bonne <3 Mais si tu veux, je pourrais toujours t'aider à traduire lorsque tu as besoin d'aide: je suis pratiquement bilingue :) Alors, merci pour la super histoire, continue!!! <3 <3 <3 ^-^
SHINee4ever5 #3
Update soon!!!!
SuperVelma #4
Noooooo update please
starpaints #5
SuperVelma #6
Please update soon as you can. Thank you. Good story by the way
I like your story. And your grammar isn't bad. I've seen worse from people who english is their frist language. But overall great story. Keep writing.
I like the tags XD
wiiii,<br />
update soooon!<br />
FFiolet #10
Onew is teaching him dancing, how nice! :D Omo, I found you because you're commenting in my story! =p If I knew you're story was this nice, I had commented earlier. ^^ Hope you update soon :D