Come back home.

What happens behind the stage...stays behind the stage

Sleep came but left once again and Minho found himself with his eyes wide open in the dark. Yun Mi was sound asleep next to him. He rolled on his side and looked at her. She had changed since the time they were together in the same class. She used to have short hair combed in a bob, she had let them grow longer and they were now falling just below her shoulder blades. Her face had gotten rounder, she looked less like the skinny kid she used to be, she was on the path to becoming a beautiful young woman. The girl next to him rolled over and bumped into Minho's face, he moaned of pain and held onto his nose.

Yun Mi opened her eyes and mumbled an apology and asked if he was okay.

- Yeah, you nearly broke my nose but I'm okay. What would I do if my nose got crooked after such a tragic accident? I'm the visual of the band.

Yun Mi chuckled and apologized once again.

-Did I wake you up? 

-Nah... I was thinking.

-Thinking about your girl?

He nodded and soon they started talking about Minho's "girlfriend". Yun Mi was curious about her and asked him questions he answered with one or two lies to cover up the truth. But the more he was talking, the sadder he felt. It had been hard to admit he was in love with a boy, one of his bandmates moreover. And that bandmate had given up on him so quickly, he was still dumbfounded by it.

-I see you want to cry...don't hold back it's useless.

Minho feared he would really cry if he said a word so he just shook his head and blinked too hard to be natural.

-Do you know that men in greek or roman mythology cried a lot when they lost friends during battles, men have feelings too, men can cry it's not ridiculous.

A warm liquid started rolling down Minho's cheeks and even though they were in the dark, Yun Mi heard him sniffling discreetly. 

-You have two options: either you forget about her completely and you move on or you try again. You show her how much you love and you win her back.

Minho nodded and thanked her. A little spark of confidence and hope had just lightened in his heart. He didn't regret escaping his dorm to come here, just like before, Yun Mi had been the perfect person to turn to.


Onew couldn't sleep, he was worried for Minho, hours had gone by and he hadn't come back home.

What had happened to him?

But he was not the only one who couldn't sleep. Taemin was awake, his hands resting under his head, looking at the ceiling.

"It's your fault Taemin. You disappointed him, you let him flee, you're a loser, Minho hyung was right: you're weak. He trusted you. Minho, where are you right now?"

Onew left his bed, went to the kitchen and poured water in a glass. He took a sip of it and mumbled to himself:

-Minho where are you? We are worried, Taemin feels guilty, Jonghyun and Key are puzzled, we all want you to come back.


Minho was crying again. He had woken up after a blurry unpleasant dream and he couldn't go back to sleep.

But he couldn't stop his tears, it was warm, flowing on his cheek. Crying was tiring and he fell asleep again with his wet cheeks. When he woke up his face was almost touching Yun Mi's, his hand was on the young girl's, he felt so good under his warm bedcover. Yun Mi slowly opened her eyes.

-Morning' .

-Sorry for the hand. Minho said and removed his hand.

-Don't worry... we should get ready, I got classes today and you got stuff to do as well.

He left the comfortable bed and put on his clothes. In the bathroom mirror, he saw how much of a wreck he was. He looked pale with dark circles under his reddish eyes. He saw Yun Mi's makeup kit on the bathroom sink, he quickly found a tube of concealer and applied it to his dark circles.

His friend's mother asked him if he was ready to go so he left the bathroom and accompanied her outside. The morning was fresh, he blew in his hands to warm them and climbed into Mrs lim's car. When they arrived in front of his condo, he bowed and thanked her for her kindness, she replied that it was nothing and he was always welcome to their house.

He climbed the stairs slowly to prepare what he would tell his mates once he was in front of the door, he breathed deeply and came in. When they heard the door closing, four guys left the bedroom and stared at him with mixed emotions. If Jinki and Taemin mostly looked relieved, Kibum looked angry, as for Jonghyun he seemed to be too tired to show proper emotions.

-Where did you go? Key asked coldly

-What would it change for you to know? Minho groaned.

-Where did you go? Taemin asked too even though he was afraid of the answer

-At a friend's place.

A stone fell in Taemin's heart. Who was that mysterious friend?

-Yuni? Onew asked nervously

-No, Yun Mi. You don't know her... we were really close in middle school and I needed a place to.. cool off.

Taemin felt even more anxious, he had stayed at the girl's place...

Minho bowed at his friends and said:

-I'm sorry to have worried you, I was just upset because of some problems...

He was about to right himself when...a hand loudly slapped his cheek. A stinging pain shot through his skin and he looked at the person who had slapped him without hesitating for a second. Kibum looked outraged, his hands were trembling and his look was as sharp as the words he let out just after:

-Sorry? You're just sorry?! Nobody slept because of you! We're supposed to be a team and you flee without warning us! We even hesitated to call Manager hyung to help us find you! Stop doing things your own way!

-Key! Jonghyun said while grabbing Key's wrist before he could slap Minho again

-Jonghyun I know you were worried too, I know that Taemin-ah had nightmares because of that stupid guy, and Onew waited for him all night ! I went to the bathroom and I could hear you shifting in your bed and I also heard Taemin incoherent words with a scared voice.

Taemin blushed, looked down and ruffled his hair in embarrassment. Minho stared at him and felt a little sorry for being the source of his nightmares.

-Key I know it was reckless, please forgive me.

-Hmph! Key sent a disgusted look to Minho and turned his head so that he wouldn't have to look at him anymore.

-That's not really important, but you didn't answer your phone. Onew added softly

-I shut it off, I didn't want to be disturbed.

-Be disturbed? What were you doing ? Taemin anxiously "Did something with this girl? I can't ...imagine.."

-Nothing special...

-You came back, it's the most important. Onew said lightly smiling

-Thanks hyung. I promise I will work hard today!

Minho left the kitchen and went to the bathroom to take a shower and to change his clothes. When he left the bathroom to go to the bedroom he saw Taemin leaning against his bed, waiting for him.

-What do you want? Minho asked sharply

-Hyung did you do something with this girl?

-It's none of your business.

-Hyung...I love you, it's my business.

-Stop your bullsh*t! You break up with me and the next day you say that you love me! Just because you're jealous of my friend!

-I'm not jealous... Taemin said with his eyes gleaming with tears.

-Honestly, I don't care.

Minho pushed Taemin aside and grabbed his bag before leaving the room.

In the living room, the atmosphere was electric. nobody talked or laughed, they just quietly waited for their manager to pick them up. They repeated the choreo steps for a couple of hours. They were exhausted but dancing together calmed the atmosphere and when they had a break to eat lunch, nothing seemed to have happened earlier.

-I'm stressed. Taemin muttered and everyone agreed except Kibum who tried to act tough but after getting teased by his bandmates, he admitted that he was stressed.

That day they had to perform Juliette on music show and though they didn't expect to win, they wanted to be in the highest upvoted bands of the show.

Key put down the remaining half of his lunchbox and closed the lid, Jinki noticed it and scolded him gently:

-Key, you know that it's a bit reckless to do a lot of effort with an empty stomach! Minho and I never did well when we tried.

Minho nodded but Kibum didn't feel like eating. Taemin was also anxious and not very hungry.

-Imagine what will happen if we forget our lines... Taemin said nervously

-Taemin, don't stress us more! Please! Key replied

-Or if we miss a step and fall! The biggest shame of our life! Taemin continued, ignoring Key

-Shut up Taemin! Please! Jonghyun said, Oh My... I'm sorry Taem', I didn't mean to but don't jinx us, please!

-Ooh..ok. Sorry...

-Onew hyung you say that I should eat something but you haven't eaten anything at all! Key grumbled with a look at Jinki's untouched lunch.

- You're right, I'm not in the mood for savory thing, I'll go and buy somethign at the vending machine in the hall. I'll be back in a minute. Ok? Onew asked

-No problem hyung, hey guys Let's resume ! Taemin said

-Hawwww....that little bastard...I can't dance anymore! Jonghyun sighed with a tired look toward the choreographer and Taemin

Onew left the rehearsals room and went to the hall to buy a snack but he couldn't eat anything, instead he went to the restroom and drank some water. He was like Key: he was shaking, he felt dizzy too. But he was the leader, he had to be strong and support his friends.

He came back to the rehearsal room and looked at his friends dancing.

-Leader Onew, Mighty Onew! Please stop that guy! Jonghyun panted

Onew laughed, it made him forget about his problems, everything would be alright that evening.

-Taemin don't kill our Jonghyun, he could be useful tonight !

Taemin stopped the CD player and sat on the floor.

-Thanks Onew. Jonghyun said gratefully. Ow, my legs are dead!

Everybody had already forgotten the quarrel from the morning and they were ready to perform at Music Bank. After a quick shower, they got ready to go to the TV studios.

~~~~~~ Author Time ~~~~~~

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter... I noticed that Onew in my fanfic often talks "softly", I think it's because I want to give him a big brother image, who cares about his little brothers a lot, who is rarely angry or upset, who is always friendly! Onew is really a great guy! ^^ (even if I don't know him personnally! uhuh!)

I'm a bit late I know! ^^I had some difficulties to find ideas for the chapter 13! And the end is not a cliffhanger, I hope you don't mind! see you! =^o^=

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Really cool FanFic *-* I loveeeeee it <33333
Salut!! Moi aussi, je parle français!! (mais je suis québécoise (Canada)). J'ai vrm adoré ton histoire. Taemin et Minho était tlm cute! XD J'ai hâte de lire ta prochaine idée, je suis sûre que ça va être une excellente histoire. J'aime aussi le côté réalistique: si ça arrivait pour de vrai, je crois en effet que tous les fans sauteraient de joie! Surtout toi, puisque tu aurais deviné leur secret ;) Donc, j'espère que ce commentaire va te pousser à écrire plus. En tout cas, moi, j'ai très hâte. À propos des fautes, il y en avait quelques unes, mais tu sais, moi aussi, l'anglais n'est pas ma première langue et je t'ai trouvé très bonne <3 Mais si tu veux, je pourrais toujours t'aider à traduire lorsque tu as besoin d'aide: je suis pratiquement bilingue :) Alors, merci pour la super histoire, continue!!! <3 <3 <3 ^-^
SHINee4ever5 #3
Update soon!!!!
SuperVelma #4
Noooooo update please
starpaints #5
SuperVelma #6
Please update soon as you can. Thank you. Good story by the way
I like your story. And your grammar isn't bad. I've seen worse from people who english is their frist language. But overall great story. Keep writing.
I like the tags XD
wiiii,<br />
update soooon!<br />
FFiolet #10
Onew is teaching him dancing, how nice! :D Omo, I found you because you're commenting in my story! =p If I knew you're story was this nice, I had commented earlier. ^^ Hope you update soon :D