
What happens behind the stage...stays behind the stage

Minho was walking with quick steps, almost running. Where was he going? He didn't know himself... He was walking in the crowded streets of Seoul. People seemed to recognize him, but he didn't care at all. He was walking to have the feeling to do something. He couldn't bear to stay like an idiot at the same place for more than a second.

-I'm sorry but I don't think we can continue. I was a fool, a complete fool. We should stop here.


-I really love you but we are over-mediated, surrounded by journalists etc! I'm so sorry hyung, I can't go on like this. I feel guilty to have dragged you into this mess. I foolishly thought it could work.


The same sentences were running in a loop his brain. How could he come back to their flat, and see his apologetic look on his face?! He was right from the beginning...It was a mistake to get closer and closer to Taemin, it's no wonder he didn't feel at ease with the younger boy at first... Suddenly he realized that he was kind of lost, he had walked without thinking of where he was going.


Taemin was biting his bottom lip to hold his tears back. He was walking alone to SHINee's flat. He knocked on the door and came into the flat.

-Taeminnie! Where were you? I didn't hear you leave the apartment! Onew exclaimed

-Where is Yuni? Taemin asked to change the topic

-She left, 10 minutes ago, but you didn't answer my question, Where were you?

-I was ......outdoor.

-We noticed it. Key said coldly

-We were worried when we saw you were nowhere to be found. And with the size of our flat, it didn't take long for us to realize it Jonghyun said softly

-I.....went to a park to breathe fresh air, it was too hot inside.

-hmmm... why did you leave without a word? Key asked, he looked a little angry.

-I didn't know I needed your permission! Taemin spat

-Taemin, what's wrong? Onew smiled


-Do you know when Minho will come back? Jonghyun asked as Taemin was about to leave the living room

His heart skipped a beat, guilt filled his body, it was his fault if Minho was not here, but it wasn't his fault if he had freaked out, scared that his relationship with his bandmate would be discovered, he had to end their relationship before it was too late, before they were too deeply attached.

-I...don't know. Taemin whispered

-He is probably having fun with his mother and he doesn't want to come back. Jonghyun mused

-Maybe.....Taemin muttered and ran away to their bedroom.

-He seems troubled...Onew said a point of sadness in the voice

-Yeah...I wonder why...Key muttered, but you look sad Onew hyung.....

-Yes, I'm the leader of the group and I should help and comfort each member when they're down but I don't know how to help Taemin, moreover, we will have to begin Romeo's promotion, we should be united...

-Go and talk to him, I'm sure you will find the right words! Jonghyun advised to Onew

-Hmm... I should try... Onew left the kitchen and went to see Taemin.


-You can come in hyung, a sad voice answered

-You don't seem to be well...

-You're wrong. Taemin said with a stubborn voice

-You've got puffy eyes, you look sad...

-You can't understand.....

-If you don't give me a chance to understand.....

-I don't want to tell you the whole story...you would be shocked...Taemin hesitated

-Why? Is that shocking? Onew asked curious

-I don't know......

-Please, I'm your bandleader, I want to help you! Onew said

-I made the biggest mistake of my life.

-Which one?

-Falling in love with....one of my bandmates......

-WHAT? Did you?

-I did, I knew that you would react like that.....

-Sorry, sorry, but you have to admit that it's a bit...surprising.

-Yes, but don't worry, everything is settled now...

-So you're in love with..who? 

-It's..it's Minho hyung....

-Really? Wow...I'm speechless.



-But everything's over.....

-You broke up?



-We're over mediated! Journalists are everywhere! What if it comes out of this room? What should we do?

-I understand...

-Minho didn't, he was so angry when we broke up...

-So you met him tonight ?!

-Yes, he was walking his mother back to her hotel.

-Ok...and when you left him where did he go?

-I'm sorry hyung but I don't know, I was not in the mood to look at where he was going. Taemin said sorrowfully

-Nevermind, he will come back tomorrow, he can't let us down, I'm sure! Don't worry so much...and go to bed, sleep will help you clear your mind.

-Thanks hyung for your support.

-You're welcome, Don't hold back your tears...

-Okay...Taemin's voice cracked and Onew left him alone. He came back to the kitchen.

-So what is Taemin's problem? Key asked

-He told me the truth but I promised him to keep it secret.

-What are you thinking about? Jonghyun asked

-Nothing special...

-Are you thinking about me? Jonghyun whispered in Key's ear.

-No! Idiot!! Key yelled

-Why is Jong an idiot? Onew asked innocently

-He just said something stupid...


Minho was calmly walking in a dark street. He somehow had found his way to a neighborhood he knew. There was a place he wanted to go and a person he wanted to see. He had always found comfort with that person when he was younger and at that moment, she was the only one who would be able to hear him out and soothe his anger and his disappointment. He stepped into a condo and walked up the stairs until he reached the fifth's floor. He knocked on the door with a 53 painted on it.

A person opened the door and looked in astonishment at the boy standing there.

-Minho! What are you doing here so late? You shouldn't be here, right? Your friends and manager will be worried!

- Good evening Mrs Lim. Is Yun Mi here?

-Yes. Please come in. She's in her room. But Minho, are you sure you don't want me to contact someone? Are you okay? 

He nodded and the middle-aged woman in her nightgown called her daughter. A young girl replied from her room and stepped into the hall a few seconds later. She couldn't hide her surprise upon seeing Minho. She quickly brought him to her room and exclaimed:

-I'm so happy to see you! It's been a while! But what the hell are you doing here? Is it about your mother?

Yun Mi was a middle school friend and she was a precious person in Minho's life. She had always been there whenever he needed some comfort or a good laugh. She knew everything about his life and the difficulties he had faced. They sat face to face on Yun Mi's bed to have a heart-to-heart talk.

-No, actually this matter is getting better... no.. I don't know. I didn't feel like going back to my flat and have to deal with my bandmates.

-So... you had a fight?

-Yeah...kinda. I... broke up with... the young man couldn't bring himself to say "my boyfriend" so he lied and said: my girlfriend.

-Whaaat? You had a girlfriend? You're lucky that no journalist caught you! Who was she? How was she?

-You don't know her... she was.... she was really cute, always gentle and nice, she was mesmerizing when she danced.....so perfect...he said with a sad voice

-So why did you break up?

-Because she was scared that somebody would find out our relationship ...

-Well you can't blame her. I'd never want to be chased by crazy fangirls if I dated an idol!

Minho nodded and Yun Mi's heart broke a little when she saw her friend sigh loudly and bury his face in his hands. He used to be a carefree guy when he wasn't too anxious about his relationship with his mother. He was actually one of the popular kids in their class. With his cute face and gentle attitude, many pupils wanted to be around him.

A knock on the door made him sit straight as he didn't want to show he was feeling down and make Mr or Mrs Lim worry too much about him.

-It's late children... you should head to bed. Of course, you're welcome to stay here for the night Minho, Mrs Lim suggested. I'll take you home tomorrow.

They nodded and Yun Mi lent him one of her brother's pajamas. They slipped into Yun Mi's large bed and she turned off the light. They kept quiet for a moment when in the dark, Minho felt her friend's hand ruffling his hair. He had missed his friend, he realized she had been such an important person and he didn't want to go back to his daily life, face his bandmates who would surely be disappointed and worried about him.

-I'm happy and proud you chose to come and see me. You can count on me if you need anything.

Minho nodded and whispered a little "thank you" before the emotions of the night crashed on him like a wave and with them came exhaustion. He drifted to sleep quickly, he felt safe in his friend's bedroom as if he was sheltered from all his troubles. 

~~~~~~ Author Time ~~~~~~

I'm late sorry sorry!!!  I will take more time to update during the holidays! Please forgive me! Thanks to my dear subscribers !! See you!  

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Really cool FanFic *-* I loveeeeee it <33333
Salut!! Moi aussi, je parle français!! (mais je suis québécoise (Canada)). J'ai vrm adoré ton histoire. Taemin et Minho était tlm cute! XD J'ai hâte de lire ta prochaine idée, je suis sûre que ça va être une excellente histoire. J'aime aussi le côté réalistique: si ça arrivait pour de vrai, je crois en effet que tous les fans sauteraient de joie! Surtout toi, puisque tu aurais deviné leur secret ;) Donc, j'espère que ce commentaire va te pousser à écrire plus. En tout cas, moi, j'ai très hâte. À propos des fautes, il y en avait quelques unes, mais tu sais, moi aussi, l'anglais n'est pas ma première langue et je t'ai trouvé très bonne <3 Mais si tu veux, je pourrais toujours t'aider à traduire lorsque tu as besoin d'aide: je suis pratiquement bilingue :) Alors, merci pour la super histoire, continue!!! <3 <3 <3 ^-^
SHINee4ever5 #3
Update soon!!!!
SuperVelma #4
Noooooo update please
starpaints #5
SuperVelma #6
Please update soon as you can. Thank you. Good story by the way
I like your story. And your grammar isn't bad. I've seen worse from people who english is their frist language. But overall great story. Keep writing.
I like the tags XD
wiiii,<br />
update soooon!<br />
FFiolet #10
Onew is teaching him dancing, how nice! :D Omo, I found you because you're commenting in my story! =p If I knew you're story was this nice, I had commented earlier. ^^ Hope you update soon :D