The visitor's apology

What happens behind the stage...stays behind the stage

Taemin walked towards the door and slowly opened it.

-Yes? Taemin asked

-May I come in? the person asked

-Erm...I don't think it's...

-Please, it's really important.

The young boy looked at the person at the front door and he was scared. Why was that middle-aged woman standing there in front of their flat that late? He only had one answer: she was one of those crazy fangirls who was ready to do anything to get close to them. Terrified she would force her way through and barge in their flat, Taemin called Minho to help him. The older boy heard the fear in his voice and rushed to the entrance door. 

-Taemin! You alright?... Mom? What...what are you doing here? At this hour?

The maknae let the woman in, she looked at Minho and her eyes filled with tears.

-Minho... she said sorrowfully, I'm so sorry....I've been such a bad mother....

Tears welled up in the corner of her eyes before rolling down on her cheeks. Taemin silently went to the living room to leave them alone. Minho couldn't say anything, his throat was dry.

-When Dad left us, because of me, I was in so much pain, I didn't want to believe that it was my fault! I put the fault on your shoulders, you, a lovely little boy! I'm so pitiful! Please forgive me! she cried

-Of course, I forgive you... I've craved your love for years, mom... it's not too late.

-My Minho became a tall boy and I didn't watch you grow up, I spoilt your childhood...

Minho couldn't say that it was not right , that he had been would be a lie but he didn't want to hurt his mother so he kept quiet and he took her in his arms.

-You treated me like a stranger those past years but you're still my mom, I still love you and I still need you

-Minho... my Minho you've become a famous and handsome singer, I'm so proud of you. I promise you, I will be a good mother from now on... you can rely on me whenever you need to.

-Thank you. He released her mother.

-You know, I've heard about you and SHINee even before you sent me your letter, but when I received it, it made me think of you, but I thought that you wouldn't be overjoyed to see me again after how I treated you so it took me a long time to make up my mind but, nonetheless, I came here.

-I'm glad you did, but why so late ? It's almost half past midnight!

-I don't know was something I couldn't postpone. Are you busy tomorrow? we could talk a little more.

-Quite, but not in the evening.

-Let's have dinner somewhere, alright?

-Of course! I'm so happy to see you again!

He hugged her. He looked like a child clinging to his mother....a tall child .

It was late and they had work the next day so his mother left the flat and Minho returned to the living room. Taemin was still awake watching an old movie on TV.

-Taemin ! Can you imagine? My mother came to see me! I'm so happy!!!

-I don't know what happened but I'm happy if you're happy! Taemin smiled

Minho grabbed Taemin by the waist and made him spin as if he was as light as a feather.

-I feel so excited, I doubt I can go to bed right now.

As he was still lifted up in Minho's arms, it was rare for Taemin to see Minho from up above and he took advantage of their position to kiss him. It was past midnight and Minho realized that there were just the two of them in the living room, that everyone was sleeping and that despite the fact he was tired, the excitement of seeing his mother again got replaced by a different kind of excitement. Vague memories of fanfics played in his mind...the cruel lack of intimacy in their daily life had only allowed them to share candid and innocent moments, they had no time to let their feelings take them further

Not letting go of Taemin, he took him to the kitchen and put him down on a countertop. He eagerly kissed him, conveniently standing between his legs. He kissed his neck, his jaw, his lips in a hurry, showing that a growing hunger was stirring on the inside. Taemin threw his arms behind Minho's neck as an answer, bringing him even closer to him. But when the older boy let his hands trail down his slim waist and the inside of his thighs, Taemin froze. Just as if his brain couldn't process what was happening and simply refused to let things go further. 

It didn't take long for Minho to feel the tension in Taemin'slimbs and to see the uneasiness in his look. 

-I'm sorry... I acted on my own and...

-No! I's just... 

None of them managed to say what they wanted to say and awkwardness filled the room. Fortunately, it didn't last, Taemin mustered up some courage and explained:

-You have nothing to feel guilty about. It's just me. I'm not ready to take things up a notch.

-It's okay. I'm slightly freaking out about that too! There's no rush, no deadline to reach...

Taemin smiled, relieved that he hadn't completely ruined the moment and rested his forehead against Minho's. For now, casual intimacy and skinship was enough for him... moreover, they both were exhausted and it was more reasonable to go to bed and enjoy some hours of sleep before a new long day. 


The following morning when the guys woke up, the sun was shining against their windows. Minho was exhausted and so was Taemin. They stayed in their bed until Jinki came to shake them up.

They had to be ready early to go to a broadcasting studio as they were guests on a TV show. If Kibum and Jonghyun were excited about it, Minho and Taemin were always a little tense when recording TV shows. If dancing and singing was their thing, interacting with the MCs and cracking jokes was not.

Consequently, the day was stressing and exhausting for them but at the same time, it was quite fun. After the reording, they had some time to squeeze in a gym session to stay fit. It had always baffled Minho how much they had to rehearse, practice, check their weight when they barely ate anything be it in portion size or in calorie count.

Fortunately, their day came to an end and they could climb in their minivan to go back home.

If they were glad to be able to rest, they were a bit worried about Onew who looked really stressed, he was always so hardworking, giving the best of himself, but Onew reassured them, he felt perfectly good. But his bandmates were still suspicious, they remembered the moments he overworked himself and ended being unable to work. 

-Hyaaaa! I'm dead! The shooting was so long!! Taemin moaned

-I'm quite tired too. Onew said.

-But we have to quickly go back home because Key and I have invited Yuni noona! Taemin replied with a low voice so that their manager wouldn't hear.

-W...what ? He exclaimed but lowered his voice when he saw their manager's quizzical look in the mirror. We never invited stylists !!

-Yes but we sympathized with Yuni, we don't have really time to meet our friends so we invited her, it's a good occasion to have someone else at home! Key answered

-Ah...aha...aha ! You're right! Onew said, embarrassed

-Oh..I won't be there tonight.... Minho said

-Why ? asked Onew, Jonghyun and Key in the same time

-My mother came to Seoul yesterday and I want to spend some time with her, it's been a long time since I last saw her. hope you understand.

-No problem. answered Jonghyun but he was puzzled. When he read Minho's mail he thought that his mother wasn't really a loving mother...maybe he had misunderstood something.

-I'm okay with it. Onew added

They came back to their flat, took a shower and dressed up.

-Well, I gotta go, see you later ! Minho announced and snuck out of their flat.

He walked in the streets happily and waited for his mother at the place they had decided to meet.

The four other boys were busy to cook, lay the table or tidy the kitchen and the living room.

When the bell rang, they rushed toward the door and opened it .

-Hi guys! Do you have a wii gamepad?

-Oh...that's just you Kyuhyun hyung.....Yes we've got one, I will get it. Onew said

-You look disappointed to see your lovely upstairs neighbour... 

-We've invited a friend and we thought it was her....Taemin answered

-Her? A girl?

-Yes. Onew's secret crush ...muttered Key

-Really? Wow! Hey On...! Kyuhyun shouted

-Ssshhh! He didn't tell us anything  but even if it's obvious, he thinks that we don't know. We want him to tell us properly.

-Here is the game pad! Taemin I'm sure it's your fault if the nunchuks were so messed up! Onew grumbled and Taemin huffed at his comment.

-Thank you! Have fun tonight! Kyuhyun giggled and closed the door.

They came back in the living room and a few minutes after the bell rang, Onew rushed toward the door

-Kyuhyun, I will force you to eat your stupid gamep....Yuni! Nice to see you! Onew said a smile hooked on his face at the last second

-Hi everybody! Yuni said

-Hello Noona! Taemin giggled

-I never ate with superstars so I didn't know if I should bring a little present...well I did it anyway!

-You shouldn't have! Key said

-Too late. here it is. She gave a bag to Taemin.

-Thank you ! What is it? It's big.

He opened the bag and shouted out.

-The clothes we wore at the photoshoot!! Waaah! Thank you!

-Awesome! I really love these clothes! Jonghyun chuckled

I-Happy to see you like my little gift. Yuni said, relieved.

-Wasn't it difficult to get them ?

-The clothes? No! The brand manager who was there during the photoshoot allowed me to take them! But where is Minho? If it's not too indiscreet...

-He spends the evening with his mother! Onew said

-Hmmm...I thought you guys couldn't go out as you wished...

-No, we aren't allowed to, Minho kind of... snuck out. Well, I will finish cooking the dinner! Jonghyun can you help me? Kibum asked


-Thank you ! You can go in the living room we will join you later!

-Ok ! Yuni let's go !

-I follow you! Yuni said happily.

Taemin, Onew and Yuni went to the living room and Key brought Jonghyun closer to him. Jonghyun smiled and back hugged his boyfriend. Key said:

-It's not the right time for that Jong.

Jonghyun pouted.

-Tonight our mission is to reveal Onew's feelings toward Yuni and vice versa....

-Oooh..ok but how can we do this? Jonghyun asked, puzzled

-We must leave them alone most of the time....

-But that's not cool for Yuni, she came here to see us and she will only see Onew and even if she loves him.....

-If she falls in love with Onew, we'll have other opportunities to meet her!

-True, ok, I will help you. and Taemin?

-I will explain him before dinner.


---In front of a little restaurant in Seoul---

-Minho ! I'm here!

there were a lot of people in the streets this evening.

- Whoo! I thought I would never find you in this crowd!

-Let's enter I've reserved a table.

-I can't believe that I'm spending time with you, it's been a while!

-I should have done that earlier... Minho's mother muttered.

-Don't talk about the past! I just want to think of the present and the future!

-You're right! Let's eat whatever we want until we're full!


They ordered many differents dishes and ate while talking happily.


----At SHINee's flat----

-Understood! Taemin said

Key had told him his plan and explained it clearly.

-We just have to find a good excuse to leave the table after the dessert. Key said

-Ok! Let's go!

Key brought the dinner to the tiny kitchen table and everybody sat on a chair.

-Wow! Yummy! You're really talented Mr Kibum ! Yuni said, delighted.

-What? You call Onew hyung just Onew and you call me "Mister"! Just call me Key! Key pouted.

-Ok ! It's the first time that I'm close to famous people except during photoshoots, I don't really know how to behave !

-Be yourself. JJust imagine we've known each other for years! Jonghyun grinned

-OK! She smiled.

After the main dish, Key put the dessert on the table. It was Key's secret recipe: a chocolate lava cake.

-Whoah, that looks so goood! Yuni rhapsodized

-That's my secret recipe! I hope you will enjoy it!


Key cut a piece of cake and put it on a plate.

-Here it is! Taemin?

-Of course I want to taste this cake!


-No, I'm sorry, it looks delicious but I ate so much, I feel a bit sick, I will take some rest. .

-I understand, sleep a bit, you will feel better. Key said nicely

"Jonghyun! I hate you! That was my idea to leave the table! The "stomachache" was so easy to play!" Key thought

-Poor Jonghyun ! I hope he won't be sick! Your cooking skills are so awesome Key, it's no surprise he ate too much! Yuni giggled.

-Thank you! Hurry or it won't be warm anymore !

They ate their piece of cake in intense silence, everyone was enjoying the dessert.

Taemin his spoon and yawned.

-Gosh, I'm so tired! I will go to bed and rest! Taemin said sleepily

-Already? But it's only10 pm! Yuni exclaimed

-We worked all day! I can't keep my eyes open!

-Oh... iguess you've been really busy today.

-Yes ! Goodnight noona!

-Goodnight Taemin, See you.

The rest of them went to the living room and drank a cup of tea.

-What a lovely and relaxing evening! Yuni said

-Yes! It's nothing like today! This evening is like heaven! Onew chuckled

-I'm in the kitchen if you need something, I will do the washing up! Key announced

-O....ok. Onew said, his eyes were begging the younger boy to stay but he just ignored it and left the living room. you have a lot of work these days?  Yuni asked

-Oh yes, with the new album, it's hell! Photoshoot, recordings, Tv shows, shooting! It's really tiring! Onew answered and laughed slightly

Yuni felt her heart beating faster when she heard this light laughter.



-It might be strange but....can you call me "oppa" ?


-Oh I... I'm sorry! I just think that it's cute when a girl calls a boy oppa...sorry to bother you with my childish idea! Ahaha!!

-You don't bother me at all Onew....oppa.... Onew oppa.... it sounds good. Yuni whispered and then smiled softly

-Really ?!

-Hmm! She nodded.

"She's so nice! She doesn't want to hurt me and accept all my stupid ideas!"

Onew thought a second and said:

-Yuni, I must tell you something. Ever since we did that photoshoot, I keep thinking of you. 

-Eh? Yuni asked, puzzled

Onew kissed her suddenly but softly, feeling anxious.Yuni's eyes widened but she didn't push him back and hugged him. Onew released her lips and smiled widely .

-It's really sudden, I know but...Onew began

-I think so too...but is it really important? I like you. Yuni asked with a smile you too. Will you .....go out with me ?.... I know I will be busy and so will you...I know that it won't be easy to keep this relationship secret but.....

-Yes...I would love to.

While they were talking, Taemin silently went to the kitchen and left the flat.

-Whoo! It's so hot in the house! The fresh air is so nice! Taemin giggled but in his heart, he didn't feel like laughing. Something was bothering him.


--- In a street of Seoul---

-Minho, it's time to leave! His mother said 

-I ate so much !

-Me too! But I have to go back to my hotel!

-I will accompany you!

They walked in the crowded streets of Seoul.

-There are so many people tonight! It's been a while since I last came to Seoul !! Mrs. Choi said

-You should come here more, we don't live so far from Seoul...When will you go back home?

-Hyung? a voice asked in Minho's back

-Taemin? What are you doing here? Minho spun and asked

-We left Onew and Yuni alone but I was too hot in the flat so I came out to breathe some fresh air!

-I understand.... Oh! Taemin! That's my mother! Even if you saw her yesterday.....

-Good evening Mrs Choi! I'm Lee Taemin, one of your son's bandmates!

-Of course, I know you! Your band is so popular! Minho, my hotel is here, I'm going inside! Ok ?

-No problem . Minho answered. He hugged his mother and she walked into the little hotel.

-Minho hyung? Taemin said


-Do you think we can stay together? Taemin asked a bit worried

-Yeah, it's not really late...

-No, I mean, in our daily a couple..... I've been thinking...

Taemin didn't dare to look at Minho, he felt guilty to what? He didn't know...Minho frowned and dragged Taemin in a quiet street.

-What are you talking about? We've had a hard time coming to terms with our feelings, Ithought that now everything's clear! He exclaimed once nobody was around.

-I know and I still love you but it's too stressing to keep this relationship a secret.

-We've been doing well for now!

-Yes but... I'm exhausted. When we're at work, there no time and too many people and at home, there are the guys ! Taemin exclaimed

-Please! Minho's voice was way too begging for his liking

-I'm so sorry but I don't think we can continue. I was a fool, a complete fool. We should stop here.

-I don't want to give up on you... on us! Minho exclaimed in disbelief 

-I really love you but we are over-mediated, surrounded by journalists etc! I'm so sorry hyung, I can't go on like this. I feel guilty to have dragged you into this mess. I foolishly thought it could work.

-You're such a coward... I'm disgusted to see you give up so quickly....but you're right, we should stop, I don't want to stay with a weak loser like you! Minho said harshly.

-Minho hyung! I didn't...

But the tall boy didn't listen to the end of the sentence and left Taemin alone in the empty street.

-Did I spoil everything? Taemin muttered as tears started to flow on his cheeks.

~~~~ Author Time ~~~

Please forgive me for this pathetic chapter, it's depressing...

And I lost a subscriber so I was disappointed so this chapter was not an happy one. Don't give up on me! I'm so happy to have you, my dear subscribers!  I'm sorry if I'm late ! 

See you !

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Really cool FanFic *-* I loveeeeee it <33333
Salut!! Moi aussi, je parle français!! (mais je suis québécoise (Canada)). J'ai vrm adoré ton histoire. Taemin et Minho était tlm cute! XD J'ai hâte de lire ta prochaine idée, je suis sûre que ça va être une excellente histoire. J'aime aussi le côté réalistique: si ça arrivait pour de vrai, je crois en effet que tous les fans sauteraient de joie! Surtout toi, puisque tu aurais deviné leur secret ;) Donc, j'espère que ce commentaire va te pousser à écrire plus. En tout cas, moi, j'ai très hâte. À propos des fautes, il y en avait quelques unes, mais tu sais, moi aussi, l'anglais n'est pas ma première langue et je t'ai trouvé très bonne <3 Mais si tu veux, je pourrais toujours t'aider à traduire lorsque tu as besoin d'aide: je suis pratiquement bilingue :) Alors, merci pour la super histoire, continue!!! <3 <3 <3 ^-^
SHINee4ever5 #3
Update soon!!!!
SuperVelma #4
Noooooo update please
starpaints #5
SuperVelma #6
Please update soon as you can. Thank you. Good story by the way
I like your story. And your grammar isn't bad. I've seen worse from people who english is their frist language. But overall great story. Keep writing.
I like the tags XD
wiiii,<br />
update soooon!<br />
FFiolet #10
Onew is teaching him dancing, how nice! :D Omo, I found you because you're commenting in my story! =p If I knew you're story was this nice, I had commented earlier. ^^ Hope you update soon :D