Chapter 4

Helplessly Falling In Love
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Author’s POV


Jessica’s eyes remained on their clasped hands before travelling upward to the two cheerful faces, one belonging to a short-haired blonde—the other of her beloved Kim Taeyeon.  Her heart plummeted when Taeyeon kissed the girl’s cheek before whispering something against the cropped, golden hair, making the dining partner blush. 

Something possessing her, Jessica shoved her chair back.  It toppled over onto the floor of the restaurant and drew the attention of the fellow diners.  She ignored them, her murderous glare focusing only on one as her feet pounded across the room, her body slithering between tables.

“J-Jessica, hi!” Taeyeon squeaked, quickly releasing her hold of the hand in hers.  “Look who I ran into! My old childhood friend, Soonkyu!”

Jessica stopped abruptly at their table, her nostrils flaming like a bull’s.  Soonkyu offered a nervous smile as Jessica’s gaze shifted back and forth between them before landing a second too long on the blonde.  “Get out before it’s too late,” she whispered.  Before either girl under her glower could respond, a painful slap of skin-on-skin sounded, as loud and as terrifying as an unexpected jolt of thunder.  Taeyeon quickly reached up to cover the red palm print burning on her left cheek.  Jessica shook her stinging right hand and stormed back to her table, quickly snatching up her phone and bought goods before exiting the restaurant without looking back.

Thirty minutes later, as she angrily stomped home, her arms going weak from her heavy cargo, a tear trickled down her cheek, settling in the crease of her nose.


Tiffany’s POV

I sat on the porch swing, phone in my hands.  Bored, I was scrolling through Tiffany & Company’s web page, admiring some expensive-looking chandelier earrings.  I found a nice pair but they were beyond my paycheck.  A girl can dream, right?  Speaking of dreaming, it wouldn’t hurt to look into flashy pink sports cars.  Grinning at envisioning myself wearing designer shades as I sat behind the wheel of a pink Camaro, license plate encrusted in hot pink Swarovski crystals and glittering diamonds, I found myself lost in Google images.  Unfortunately, I found nothing of interest and, giving up my search, shook my hair from my eyes—and that’s when I saw a petite blonde taking out her aggressions on a Nordstrom bag as her booted foot kicked it across the sidewalk.  Intimidated, I shrunk back in my swing, eyes riveted on the irate woman as she reached down to pick up the abused bag.  While doing so, another package slipped from her arms.  She reached for that one, but then another escaped her grasp.  My body leaned forward when the girl suddenly collapsed to her knees and bawled into her hands.  Omo…  Pocketing my phone, I skipped off the porch and hurried down my front lawn, looking both ways before crossing the street.  About half way across I slowed down, starting to question myself i

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Who is this Tiff, hmm? xD Bahamas


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it’s been so long since i last read this xD
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 14: Yahhh authorshiii please comeback and finish this story.... :))
Chapter 14: It means that you start to habe fallin in love with Jessica, Hwang!
I will wait more from you then! ^^
Chapter 14: :) I like it, I'll be waiting for more ^^
babystrawb3 #5
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating.
Tiffany is super jealous.
JeTi Fighting.
Chapter 14: So happy to see this updated again :D Aww Jealous Tiffany~ haha. Really curious as to how JeTi will progress! Nice update! I look forward to the next chapter :D
Chapter 14: Aigoo jealous Fany is the best xD
JheiSii137 #8
Chapter 14: oh my gosh.! i Love that JeTi moment in the beginning. kyaaa. Jealous Fany :)