Chapter 2

Love Food Story

"Soo?" Tiffany calls Sooyoung after she finished her meal.

Tiffany glances at Jessica who still busy with her plate. According to how Jessica enjoys her meal, she kinda feel sure to settle the deal about sharing apartment thingy. Beside now she has other reason than Sooyoung's chasing dream case. From what she saw, Tiffany can tell, Jessica loves Sooyoung's cook.

"Finished?" Sooyoung asks after drying her hands. Since earlier she is busy preparing dessert for 2 woman in the dinning room.

"Gocishosama dea (thanks for the meal)."

Now it's Sooyoung's turn glancing at Jessica. She is kind of surpise Jessica knows about Japanese culture because as she remembers, earlier Jessica didn't say 'itadakimasu' before start eating.

"Want me to bring the dessert?" Sooyoung offer to Jessica. "Want it to be hot or cold?"

Jessica looks up to meet Sooyoung's gaze. "You prepare both?"

Sooyoung shakes her head. "If you want hot, I only bring you green tea. But if you want cold, I already prepare Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream."

"Ice cream at night? It won't be good for diet!" Tiffany compains.

"If you want to go on diet, just drink hot green tea. It's not only good for skin care but also can help for weight loss. As I heard, it increases your metabolism."

Sooyoung only nodding her head when Jessica explains. She even doesn't have any intent to interrupt or added any explanation. She lets Jessica take the lead.

"Green tea also good for depression. Since you always work really hard at the office, sometimes it can't be help, right? Try to drink it," Jessica added.

Somehow Tiffany wants to giggle to see how they get along really well in their own way. At the same time, she starts to think maybe she just let them be to adjust their agreements. At least it will help both of them to know each other, right?

"So? Cold or hot?" Sooyoung offers again.

"Cold. After heavy meal, I'm carving for ice cream," Jessica replies.

"Urgghhhh.... it's hard. Okay! I'll forget my diet just for today. I want ice cream!!" Tiffany says in high spirit.

Sooyoung only shakes her head to see Tiffany's reaction. She goes back into the kitchen and soon she returns with two servings of ice cream.

(source :

"As my promise. This is Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream," Sooyoung proudly says. "I still have 2 more servings if you want more."

"Take one of it, save other for me and join us here," Jessica orders.

Sooyoung only follows all the commands and ended in the dinning room with Tiffany and Jessica.

"And, Tiff, after this, please go home. I'm done with our discussion," Jessica continues. "Beside it's boring."

"Jessie, you know I'm just doing my job here," Tiffany replies. "You never come when I ask you to meet you somewhere else. You always say that you will be melting if you go out. That's why I have no choice except come to your apartment."

"My skin is sensitive, Tiff. Just accept that," Jessica says nonchalantly. "Beside, you always bring the same old song, I'm bored."

"Same old song that help you to pay your clothes, your rent and your food, Jessie," Tiffany insist. "I know you are really sick with love theme but bear with it. There are a lot of people out there who hate their jobs but they still struggling with it because they need money, just like you."

Sooyoung almost turns her body when she is witnessing the war between author and editor againm but sadly a stern voice stop her trail.


With hesitation Sooyoung finally sit in the middle. She has no choice because she can't just go away from that situation. She is stuck there.

"I'll ask you for the title next week. Be professional. You're an author, right?" Tiffany asks. "At least you should feel grateful because someone pay you for it. You're not working for free."

Jessica sighs.

"But Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle can be success without love story, Tiff~!!!" Jessica starts whining. Her voice completely different with a stern voice who commanded Sooyoung a moment ago. Sooyoung's eyes wide open for that.

"No," Tiffany shortly answers. "Last time you show me your mystery story, it wasn't good at all. I can guess the suspect before jumping to third chapter."

"But Tiff~"

"Absolutely not," Tiffany insists. "No matter how many times you whine or pout, I won't change my mind. Admit it, Jess. You only good in love theme. And that also the easy way. You just need to change the background setting and the main character."

Jessica sighs again. All her efforts get nothing.

"Don't worry, you still have a week for give me an answer," Tiffany pats Jessica's shoulder. "Just do your usual hobby, daydreaming."

Jessica pouts to hear what Tiffany just said. She really has no chance to get away from this job. Tiffany wants something from her and she will get it either Jessica like it or not.

"For now, let's enjoy our ice cream before it melts," Tiffany continues with perfect eye-smile on her face.

"I'm not in the mood anymore," Jessica is still pouting. She even put down her spoon.

"Want me to save it in the fridge?" Sooyoung offers.

"Are you sure, Jess? It's delicious. You will regret it," Tiffany says after taste her ice cream.

Without changing her expression, Jessica her ice cream. She keeps doing it make Sooyoung and Tiffany exchanges their glances and smiles.

Ten minutes later Tiffany bid farewell to both of them when Sooyoung still cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and dinning table. But when Sooyoung wants to do the same thing, Jessica hold her.

"We need to talk."

Sooyoung takes that as sign to join Jessica in the living room.


Once again Sooyoung is being controlled by her stern voice. Keeping the distance, she chose to sit in another corner.

"Tiffany told me to keep you in my apartment for a month," Jessica goes straight to the point. "Is she told you about that?"

Sooyoung nods as the answer.

"Do you currently have a job? When you have to work?" Jessica asks.

"I'm working at cafe two blocks from here. I always start working at 7 am and ended at 3 pm," Sooyoung continues. "Mostly I will add another 2 hours to learn something from the main chef like earlier."

 "Day off?"

"I can freely take one day off each week. I can choose by myself the day."

Jessica nods. "Is your salary enough for yourself? How you live until now?"

"I used to live in a small apartment far away from here and it cost a lot of money for transportation. Nowadays since I haven't found a new place, I sleep everywhere I can. Few days ago, I'm still using storage room in second floor in our cafe. Since the owner want to enlarge the cafe, I need to find a new place before it happened," Sooyoung explains.

"That's why you ask help from Tiffany?"

Sooyoung nods.

"Tiffany is my high school's friend. Actually I only ask her to find a new place for me, but I never though she will bother you with this," she utters. "I'm really sorry for that."

Jessica shakes her head. "It wasn't your fault at all. I will blame her for this. Beside, she successfully convinces me. One is your dream. Second is your food. I shouldnt end your dream because you really have talent."

"Thanks for your compliment but I still need to learn."

Jessica only smiles when Sooyoung is being humble.

"According to Tiffany's plan, you will stay here for a month," Jessica continues.

She obviously doesn't want to add the 'you can add more if you want' part in that conversation even though it keeps replaying in her mind everytime she remembers about what she ate few minutes ago.

"For your payment during your stay here, you must cook for my breakfast, lunch and dinner. I will pay all the cooking ingredients so just save your money for other things. I don't want to hear any complains for this agreement,"she adds. "Your room is the door that you can see beside the kitchen. Don't worry, it's clean. I pay a housekeeper to clean my place twice a week."

Sooyoung nods, following Jessica's finger with her eyes.

"From kitchen to that room is your theritory, I won't disturb anything you do in there. The only room you can freely enter is dinning room to serve my meal and eat with me. Beside that  area you should ask my permission, especially my working room. Am I clear?"

Sooyoung nods again.

"Answer me."

"Yes, Mam."

"Don't call me 'Mam'. We're not in military," Jessica complains. "Just call me Jessica. It feels more comfortable,"

"May I call you 'Sica'?"

Jessica thinks for awhile and she nods. "Welcome to my place. Hopefully you don't get too comfortable here."

Sooyoung only smiles to hear sarcastic tone in the last part.

It starts... in the next update! Bye~

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Chapter 39: Just found this recently.. its sad that its been years already..anyways HWAITING AUTHORSSHI!!!!..

Chapter 39: Myghad done reading i hope my curiousity will never haunt me down HAHAHAHA I really wanted to know what will happen next ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I know you dont like it when your readers tell u to update soon ㅋㅋㅋ but can u please complete your story i cant read stories that aren't complete cuz i feel bad and my curiousity will kill me moreeeee... Dont forget i love your storieesssㅋㅋㅋ 사랑해
chohsoo #4
It's been a long time, authorshi
ctfd_sooyoungster #5
this is too good to be a...a... ab *cries like a river* :'(
miashidae #6
Chapter 39: 2 weeks and 4 days maybe:)
miashidae #7
Chapter 39: This awesome author. I'm looking forward for ur update? You're malaysian if i'm not mistaken. Same goes to me i'm right.