

Key bit his lip as he looked upon the sweet scene in front of him. Taemin was cuddled up to Jinki's chest, tear tracks still on his face, and the leader was holding him close. 'God damn it Key, stop being jealous...' he thought to himself. He decided that he was going to confess his feelings to the leader today. If they were rejected, he'd understand- he'd been horrible to the leader, and he deserved it. On the other hand, he didn't think he could take a rejection from the one he loved. Just looking at Taemin and Onew in this position broke his heart. Although, he knew he'd have to get used to it- Taemin and Onew were just that close.

He jumped when someone came up behind him. "Aww... Aren't they cute, Minho?"

Make that two someones.

"Yeah, but looks like Key's gonna blow a gasket."

He was not.

"I've got some ontae feelings going on here, Minho. What do you think?"

Oh no, he didn't.

"Jonghyun, I will cut a !" Key whispered/screamed.

Jonghyun held up his hands in surrender. "Calm down, Key. I was kidding!"

Minho chuckled. "But still... What do you think went on last night? Looks like Taebaby was crying..."

Key shifted his gaze over the two and sighed. He knew what went on. He listened in on the conversation last night. He wasn't proud of it, but he wanted to know what would happen if Taemin confessed to Onew. They were close, so would Onew forget about him and get together with Taemin?

"Taemin confessed to Onew-hyung last night," Key stated.

The other two trained shocked eyes on him. Jonghyun immediately jumped on him. "What? How do you know? What happened then, Key? Come on, tell us!!"

Key groaned and pushed him away. "God, calm the hell down, please. I'll tell you."

Key told the two what he overheard last night. By the end of the explanation, the two looked happy and sad at the same time.

"I didn't know Onew-hyung was that perceptive of feelings," Minho said.

Jonghyun nodded and frowned. "Yeah, but poor Taeminnie. Do you think this will change anything between the two?"

Minho snorted. "Jonghyun, look at them. They're still close as ever, and you know that Onew-hyung just flat out won't let anything change."

The conversation was interuppted by a small groan. They looked over towards the bed and saw Taemin moving. They watched as Taemin escaped from Onew's arms and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning, sleepy head," Key cooed.

Taemin's gaze snapped over to the three of them in the doorway and he blushed. "Ah... good morning, guys."

"Wake Jinki up, baby. I've already made breakfast," Key said, walking out of the room.

The remaining boys decided to not comment on the lack of 'Onew-hyung' that Key usually used.


"Key, this is delicious, as always," Jinki commented from the table.

Key blushed. "Thank you, hyung," he said, and took another bite of his eggs.

The other members watched this interaction with smirks. Oh, this was going to be good. Taemin smiled and leaned on Jinki's shoulder just to see what reaction he'd get from Key. He was slightly disappointed when all Key did was flash him a quick look. Bastard.

Jonghyun smiled as he munched on his toast. "Taemin, Minho, there's a new sports store that's opening up. Want to come with me?"

Minho nodded while Taemin protested. "I hate sport shopping. You know that, Jong-" he stopped when he saw the quick wink that Jonghyun sent him. He knew what Jonghyun was getting at now, but that didn't make him any less sad. He was going to have to let go of the leader eventually. He just didn't know it'd be this soon.

Taemin hung his head. "Alright, I'll go with, hyung."

Jonghyun grinned. "Awesome!" He glanced at Key and Onew, only to find them pleasantly talking to each other about one situation or another. "Do you guys want to go, too?" He was crossing his fingers that they'd say no, and rejoiced silently when both shook their heads.


"Alright, we'll be back later! Try not to kill each other, please!" Jonghyun yelled jokingly as he ushered the other two out the door.

"The only one I'll be killing is you, Dino Head! Keep an eye on Minho and Taemin, please!" Key yelled back.

"Be careful!" Jinki warned, as the front door was shut.

Jinki sighed and collapsed on the couch, tiredly turning on the TV. His conversation with Taemin ran over and over again in his head. He felt so bad, but he wouldn't let this change his and Taemin's relationship.

Key came into the room, hanging his head. "W-What are you doing, hyung?" he asked shyly.

Jinki looked at him. "I'm trying to find a good station to watch, Key," he laughed.

"Ah... Can I, uh, join you, please?" Key twiddled his fingers.

Onew raised an eyebrow. "Key, you don't have to ask." He raised an arm in a silent invitation. "Just come here and sit with me. You don't need my permission."

Key walked over silently and placed himself against the leaders side. He blushed furiously and looked down at his lap when Onew's arm came around him, holding him close.

"This... is really nice, Key. When both of us can just spend time together without fighting," Onew whispered, as if afraid he'd break the calm atmosphere.

Key chuckled guiltily. "All I ever did was fight with you, hyung. You never even fought back."

Onew shrugged his shoulders. "What kind of leader would I be if I picked a fight with one of my members? I'm not like that, Key."

Key glanced at the leader. "I'm.... really sorry, hyung. I don't know why I got so mad at you all the time. I guess, I don't know. I think I was trying to distance myself from you..."

Onew turned to look at the smaller boy. "Distance yourself from me? What'd I do, Key?"

Key bit his lip. "That's just the thing, hyung. You didn't do anything! It was me!"

Onew groaned and rubbed his temples. "So you were mad at me for no reason? What the hell, Kibum?!"

Key felt tears prick at his eyes. "I was mad because you made me fall in love with you!" he screamed. He let the tears fall from his eyes as Onew looked at him in shock.


Key sniffled and wiped at his eyes, willing himself to stop. "I-I fell in love with you. I fell in love with your smile, your laugh, your strength, gentleness, sangtae, movements, voice, dancing, everything!"

Onew reached for him, but Key moved away quickly. "I-It scared me. It scared me so much, Jinki-hyung... I thought- I thought I could turn away from these feelings. By being mean, by bringing you down, I thought I could hate you instead of love you. But seeing that pained expression on your face whenever I pulled away from you hurt me. It hurt me a lot."

Onew once again tried to grab ahold of Key, and succeeded. He pulled the slighter boy against him gently, allowing Key to cry into his chest. "Jinki-hyung... S-Seeing you with T-Taebaby always hurt me... Seeing you cuddle, and-and kiss him made me jealous, and I h-hated myself for it!"

Key rubbed his face into Onew's chest once more before pulling away. He rubbed at his eyes, calming down. "I know- I know that I'm the last one that deserves your love and affection, because Taemin, or anyone else, deserves it the most. But... but I'm telling you now, that I love you. I love you, Lee Jinki."

Key gasped quietly when he felt large, gentle hands brushing at his cheeks, wiping away the tears. He looked up to see Onew smiling at him happily. "Don't cry, Key. It's okay," he said.

Key shook his head. "The way I treated you-"

"The way you treated me was something you did because you were scared. That isn't the real you, Key."

Tears once again started to fall, only to be swept away by Onew's fingers. "B-But..."

"I'm actually kind of disappointed, Key. You know that you could tell me everything. Why not tell me about how you were feeling?"

"I-I was confused. I loved you, and then I thought I could hate you, hyung... I could never hate you. I-I love you to much..."

Onew chuckled. "You're cute, Kibum," he said.

Key glared at him playfully. "I'm not cute, I'm fierce," he pouted.

Onew laughed as he trailed his fingers over the soft pout. "Yes, yes... You're fierce. Key, I have something to tell you. Come here."

Key gulped and leaned closer to his hyung.


He leaned even closer.

"I'm not going to bite, Key. Come here."

Key blushed as he leaned even closer to his leader.

"Close your eyes."

"I-I thought you were going to tell-"

"Close your eyes, Kibum."

The serious look on his leader's face made him close his eyes lightly. "Now what, hyu-"

He was cut off as he felt soft, plump lips against his own. He let out a shocked sound and his eyes shot open. Onew hummed and pressed harder against him, forcing Key to lay back on the couch with the leader on top of him.

It felt soooo good. Key moaned and closed his eyes again, looping his arms around Onew's neck and tugging him down for more. He groaned when Onew chuckled and pulled away, lightly across his lips.

They locked eyes and Onew smiled, leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to Key's nose. Key giggled when Onew moved down to his neck, breath tickling.

"Kibum, you know that you're my boyfriend now, right?"

Before Key could respond, his lips were caught in a possessive but affectionate kiss.


Guess what story is over with, now?! This one!! y and rushed ending for you guys maybe, but this is all I was planning on adding- the confession. Sure, you guys might be saying- well what about the member's reactions? Screw that, I'm the author! I hope you enjoyed it none the less, babies!! Make sure to comment and give opinions! I'd love to hear from you!!

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Chapter 5: Boo, I was rooting for Taemin lol
Chapter 5: One word: YES!!!!
kpopoppa #3
Chapter 5: yessssss:) Onkey omo my OTP this story turned out exactly how I wanted it to;) THIS IS PERFECT<
<3 thanks for finishing:)
Chapter 4: Noooooo!
Onew you know how painful It is to love someone who don't love youuuu (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩) don't do that to taeminnieeeeeeee

And seriously, even though I love key, ypu're a heree
Chapter 4: I feel bad for Taemin but... ONKEY FTW!!!!
moechiii #6
Chapter 4: MY HEART. I'm broken. Poor Taeminnie ; A ;
mayuri #8
Chapter 4: ontae is beautiful, but onkey please! onesided love-hate relationship with jealous!key would be so great~
rawranarchy #9
Chapter 4: I kinda want OnTae. I have a feeling OnKey is gunna happen, but will go awry.