I Love Him Too


Taemin wanted to scream. He wanted to yell and throw a tantrum like a little kid. He couldn't bare the scene before him- Key on Onews lap, sobbing, with the leaders strong arms around him. Onew was whispering in Keys ear, his hair lovingly. Taemin couldn't deny that he wanted to replace Key.

Oh, he knew about his leaders feelings towards SHINees umma, and he hated Key for it. Why did Key get to have the privilege of being Jinkis favorite? All Key ever did was berate their leader, bringing him down and yelling at him all the time. Key never noticed their leaders love struck eyes, never noticed how Jinki would do anything for him. He never thanked the leader for anything and always rejected the contact that Jinki offered him.

On the other hand, Taemin adored their leader. Jinki was so smart. He was so strong and loving and cared about everyone. Taemin bowed down to him, always. The maknae loved Jinki with his whole heart. Jinki was his rock- the person who he looked up to and the person who always protected him. Along with that, Taemin loved contact with Jinki. He loved the warm hugs, the kisses he would randomly receive, and he especially loved when Jinki would allow him to sit on his lap- and he was always cuddled close. 

Yet, Jinki still loved the one that had always rejected him.

Taemin felt sick to his stomach. Key had calmed down and was now resting in Jinkis lap, head on the broad shoulder. Jinkis fingers were combing soothingly through Keys blond hair, lulling him to sleep. Taemin couldn't take the sweet scene in front of him and excused himself quickly. He left without looking at the members and stumbled up the stairs to his and Minhos shared room. He flopped onto his bed and clutched his pillow; tears streaming steadily down his face.

Is this what heartbreak felt like? Because Taemin didn't like it. He didn't like it at all.


Key glanced over to the door way Taemin disappeared through. What was wrong with his Taebaby? He leaned up and out of Onews arms and his lap, ready to get up. Onew caught him around the waist. "Key, what's wrong?"

Key struggled not to blush and said, "Something's wrong with Taemin. I'm gonna go talk to him."

Onew nodded. "I'll come with you," he said.

Key shook his head. "No, it's okay, hyung. You stay here."

"...Okay. Whatever you want, Key," Onew murmured. It hit Key in that instant. Onew would do anything he asked. Guilt hit him like a brick but he shook it off. He'd talk to Onew later. He had his baby to take care of.

Key quickly got up and left the room. Jonghyun and Minho exchanged glances. This could end two ways. Bad, or really ing horrible.


Taemins head shot up when he heard a knock on the door. He scrubbed at his eyes hastily and stuttered, "C-Come in!"

He watched as his fellow band member and 'umma' walked through the door. Great, it was the last person he wanted to see.

"Oh, Taeminnie, what's wrong?" Key asked gently, reaching his hands to cup Taemins face. He wiped away the tears while Taemin stayed silent. "Taebaby?"

"Why does he like you, Umma?" Taemin suddenly asked. 

Key was surprised and startled. "W-What?"

Taemin choked. "W-Why does Jinki-hyung love you so much, Umma? It's not fair!" he suddenly exclaimed.

"Not f-fair...? What? Taemin, honey, what are you talking about?" Key gently grasped at Taemins hands and pulled him close, making the sniffling boy rest his head on his ummas shoulder.

"You.... Jinki-hyung loves you so much, Umma," Taemin sobbed, "and I hate it. I hate it so much!"

Key clutched the boy closer, listening to his baby as Taemin stuttered on about Jinki loving Key and Key pushing him away. It took Key minutes of listening, but it dawned on him. Taemin was jealous...

Key lifted Taemins face and looked into his eyes. He almost flinched when he saw the despair and heartbreak in his babys eyes. It broke his heart. "Taebaby, you love Onew-hyung, don't you?" He watched as Taemins eyes widened and shook his head frantically.

"N-No! No, I don't!"

Key chuckled. "Shhh... Taemin, it's okay. It's okay..." He cooed to the boy gently as Taemins eyes filled once again with tears.

"He... He doesn't love me the way I want him to. He only loves you, Umma. I-I like Jinki-hyung.... I like him so much!" Taemin cried, covering his face and turning away from Key.

Key didn't know what to say. He knew that he was the last person that deserved Jinki. If anyone deserved the leader, it was Taemin. But... But he loved the leader too! "Tae-Taemin, I'm sorry... but ... I love him too. Please, you have to understand..."

Taemin looked at him sharply. "Understand? Yeah, I understand, alright. I understand that I've been pining after Jinki for years now, only for him to turn a blind eye and gaze at you! I also understand that you've only just figured out your feelings for him- after being so horrible!"

Key was shocked as his baby continued to berate him. He narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to retort, but he was interuppted. 

"What's going on in here? Key, Taemin, are you guys alright? What's wrong?"

Taemin stopped his ranting as soon as he heard the deep voice of his leader, and two pairs of eyes looked towards the door, only to see Jinki standing there, leaning on the door frame.

"J-Jinki-hyung," Taemin stuttered, only to blush a second later and look at the ground.

"Taemin, are you crying? What happened?" Jinki questioned, worried.

Taemin furiously wiped at his eyes. "I'm not crying, hyung. I'm just tired. Key-hyung woke me up..."

Jinki snorted. "Yeah, that's why I could hear you all the way downstairs. Minho and Jonghyun didn't want me to come up here, but I was worried. Now what's actually wrong?"

Taemin looked towards Key. "C-Can Umma leave, Jinki-hyung?"

Jinki looked towards Key and angled his head at the door. Key nodded at the silent command and left silently; grasping Jinkis hand on the way out and grinning at him. Jinki returned the smile and turned towards Taemin, who was now frowning. Jinki shut the door quietly and walked towards the maknae. He sat on the bed and pulled Taemin onto his lap, running his hands through Taemins hair. Jinki kissed his temple gently. "Tell hyung what's wrong, Taeminnie..."

Taemin bit his lip and shook his head. "No. You'll hate me, hyung," he murmured.

Jinki blinked. "Taemin, I could never hate you. You know that. You're my little baby- I love you."

"Not the way I want you too," Taemin stated.

Jinki looked down at the younger. "W-What? What did you say, Taemin?"

Taemin blushed darkly and looked down at his lap. He knew he shouldn't have said anything. His breath caught in his throat as Jinki grasped in his chin and looked him in the eyes. "What did you just say, Taemin?" Jinki asked authoritively.

Taemin gulped. "I-I love you, Jinki-hyung. Not as a brother or another member, but as a lover..."

He held his breath and shut his eyes against Jinkis strong gaze. He cracked them open when he heard a light chuckle. He opened them fully when Jinki let out a hard laugh.

"N-Neh? Hyung, what's so funny? Stop it!"

Jinki shook his head and grabbed onto Taemin tighter. "Is that why you thought I would hate you? Taeminnie, that is a reason why I will never hate you. I KNOW you, Taemin."

Taemin trained shocked eyes on his leader. "You- you knew?!"

Jinki nodded and gave him a slight smile. "I've always known, Taeminnie. And trust me, I love you so much..."

Taemin smiled bitterly. "But you love Key, right hyung? It's... always been Key, hasn't it?"

Jinki frowned at the maknae, who was holding back tears. He kissed Taemins forehead and wiped them away. "Shh... I'm sorry, Taebaby. If- if I didn't like Key so much, I would date you in a heartbeat. You're perfect, Taebaby, and I love you so much... But, I love Key enough to say that he is my only. I like him, Taemin. I like him a lot. And I want you to respect that."

Taemin nodded his head shakily and leaned into the leader. He wrapped his arms around Jinkis shoulders tightly and buried his face in the older boys neck. His tears flowed onto Jinkis shirt, but the leader paid no mind. "Just for tonight," Taemin started, "will you hold me? Just... don't let me go, hyung..."

Jinki smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around the maknaes waist. He kissed the top of the boys head lightly and nuzzled into the sweet smelling hair. "I'd hold you forever if you wanted me to, Taebaby," he whispered. "I-I'm sorry I can't return your feelings, Taemin. But, I'm still your hyung. I'm still your Jinki. We can cuddle, spend time together, and I'll kiss you whenever I please. Nothing will ever change between us. Just... respect my decision, okay?"

Taemin smiled through his tears for the first time. For tonight, he could pretend that he was the one that Jinki loved. He still had his hyung, and that's all he could ask for.


Chapter is done~~! I hope you liked it, babies! Poor Taebaby~! :( I hope none of you hate me to severly for this! Love you guys, and don't forget to comment and share your opinions!! Thank you, babies! :3

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Chapter 5: Boo, I was rooting for Taemin lol
Chapter 5: One word: YES!!!!
kpopoppa #3
Chapter 5: yessssss:) Onkey omo my OTP this story turned out exactly how I wanted it to;) THIS IS PERFECT<
<3 thanks for finishing:)
Chapter 4: Noooooo!
Onew you know how painful It is to love someone who don't love youuuu (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩) don't do that to taeminnieeeeeeee

And seriously, even though I love key, ypu're a heree
Chapter 4: I feel bad for Taemin but... ONKEY FTW!!!!
moechiii #6
Chapter 4: MY HEART. I'm broken. Poor Taeminnie ; A ;
mayuri #8
Chapter 4: ontae is beautiful, but onkey please! onesided love-hate relationship with jealous!key would be so great~
rawranarchy #9
Chapter 4: I kinda want OnTae. I have a feeling OnKey is gunna happen, but will go awry.