Giving Up


Onew smiled as he got ready for SHINees schedule that day. He was in such a good mood. Key actually cuddled with him last night in the van! Onew blushed as he thought about the diva. He has had a crush on SHINees umma for months now. Sadly, he didn't know how to tell him. Onew thought that showing more affection would work, so he started to hug Key a lot more, or touch his hand or arm in passing.

This, however, wasn't going as planned. Onew frowned. Key only pushes him away, spitting insults now and then. Now that Onew thought about it, Key never really seemed like Key whenever he was around. Kibum would always grow quiet and more reserved. He didn't talk much and didn't bother to even look at Onew if they were in the same room.

Onew sighed and walked out of his bedroom. Maybe this wasn't working... Did Key even like him as a friend? Onew looked up from his musings when he heard footsteps in front of him. The person was walking away from him, and Onew realized it was SHINees umma.

Onews smile grew wide as he snuck up behind Key. He quickly wrapped his arms around the boy's middle, placing his head on the other's shoulders. So comfy.

Key jumped but soon glared at him. "Gah, you idiot! Get off of me! How many times do I have to tell you to stop?" He ripped away from Onew's grip to turn and look at him.

Onew smiled, "Neh, sorry, Key. It won't happen again."

Key snorted, "Make sure it doesn't. I'm sick and tired of it, Jinki."

Onew's smile disappeared for a split second, but soon returned bright as ever. "Neh, sorry..." He watched as Key walked away from him. He allowed his frown to come back and felt the depressing feeling in his stomach return. Onew turned and went back to his bedroom, defeated. He didn't feel like doing the schedule today anyways. They could do it without him.

He collapsed on his bed and smiled sadly. That was it. Key had just proven to him what he thought of this added affection. Key was sick of it, Key was tired of it, Key didn't like it at all.

Onew bit his lip to prevent the tears from leaking out. He liked Key. He really, really, liked him.


Taemin glanced worridly at the stairs as he sat with the others. They were supposed to leave for a photo shoot soon, but Jinki hadn't come down yet. "I'm gonna go check on him," he said, and went upstairs.

Jonghyun looked at Minho and Key. "What do you think is wrong with hyung?"

Minho shrugged and Key rolled his eyes. "He's probably pouting because I didn't let him hug me," Key said.

Jonghyun rubbed his temples. Of course. "Key, what has been up with you, lately? I mean, seriously, what's wrong with Onew just hugging you a little? The man wants to show you that he cares for you, and what are you doing? Rejecting it."

Key frowned and his head tilted downwards. "I.... I guess... I don't know... I've come up with an idea, but I think it's crazy."

Jonghyun raised an eyebrow. "And that idea is...?"

Key took a breath and looked up. "I hate Jinki-hyung."

They all looked up when they heard a strangled sound. Taemin and Onew stood there, Taemin with a look of shock and Onew with a look of deep hurt. Keys eyes widened and he stood up quickly, shaking his head. "A-Ah, wait- it's a misunderstanding..."

"Y-You hate me, Key...?"



Taemin knocked on Onews bedroom door and called, "Jinki-hyung. Are you alright? We have to leave soon!"

He heard someone move around and his leaders shaky voice. "A-Ah! Yeah, sorry, Taebaby. I'm coming!"

Taemin waited patiently in front of the door until it opened, revealing his leader. Taemins eyes immediatly widened. Onew looked wrecked. His eyes were red and puffy, with a few tear tracks down his cheeks. His lips were bruised from the harsh biting they undertook, and his hair was a mess from being gripped and pulled at.

Taemin wrapped his arms around the leaders neck and hugged him. "Neh, Jinki-hyung, what's wrong?"

Jinki sniffled and wrapped his arms securely around the maknaes waist. "Nothing, Taeminnie. Just a bit of stress." He laughed, "It's nothing I can't handle."

Although Taemin didn't believe him, he didn't press the issue. He leaned up and planted a sweet kiss on his leaders cheek. He laughed at Jinkis surprised look. "It gets better, hyung. You'll see."

Onew smiled lightly. Maybe it would get better. His smile got bigger as he thought about his situation with Key. Maybe that would get better too. Maybe he could take Key out on a friendly date, just go shopping and maybe eat somewhere. He'd stop with the skin ship if he had too, he just wanted Key to like him.

Onew cuddled Taemin tightly and let him go. He kissed the maknaes forehead. "Thank you, Taebaby. Let's get to the shoot, okay?"

Taemin blushed and wished Onew would've kissed him somewhere else, but he'd take what he could get. "Neh, hyung. Lets go."

They walked downstairs and into the living room. Onew opened his mouth to let out a greeting to s, but one sentence from Keys mouth changed it into a choke. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't stop his hands from shaking, and he couldn't control the tears that were building in his eyes.

"I hate Jinki-hyung."


Sorry for the short chapter, babies! I promise the next one will be MUCH, MUCH longer! I've been trying to catch up with all of my stories, so I'm writing lke crazy today! Expect another chapter later today or tomorrow night! Remember to comment- love you guys! :3

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Chapter 5: Boo, I was rooting for Taemin lol
Chapter 5: One word: YES!!!!
kpopoppa #3
Chapter 5: yessssss:) Onkey omo my OTP this story turned out exactly how I wanted it to;) THIS IS PERFECT<
<3 thanks for finishing:)
Chapter 4: Noooooo!
Onew you know how painful It is to love someone who don't love youuuu (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩) don't do that to taeminnieeeeeeee

And seriously, even though I love key, ypu're a heree
Chapter 4: I feel bad for Taemin but... ONKEY FTW!!!!
moechiii #6
Chapter 4: MY HEART. I'm broken. Poor Taeminnie ; A ;
mayuri #8
Chapter 4: ontae is beautiful, but onkey please! onesided love-hate relationship with jealous!key would be so great~
rawranarchy #9
Chapter 4: I kinda want OnTae. I have a feeling OnKey is gunna happen, but will go awry.