Hate or...?


"Y-You hate me, Key?" Jinki couldn't keep the slight shake out of his voice. The person he adored with his whole being just said he hated him...

"No! Jinki, no, it's.... it's a misunderstanding, I swear!" Key pleaded, holding his hands out to the other. He couldn't keep the frown off his face when Jinki flinched back.

Jonghyun and Minho couldn't help but watch the scene unfold. They couldn't believe that Key just said that about their loving leader. Their leader who loved Key. Oh, they were pissed. Beyond pissed.

Jonghyun stood up. "Taeminnie," he said, "call manager-hyung and tell him we're not gonna make it to the shoot."

Taemin nodded, still stunned, and shuffled out of the room. Jonghyun turned to look at Key. "You are coming with me," he stated. He grabbed Keys wrist and dragged him to their shared bedroom. 

Minho flinched when he heard the door slam loudly. He turned to look at their leader who looked like he was about to collapse in on himself. Minho quickly got up and wrapped an arm around Onews waist. "Come on, Onew. Let's talk about it, yeah?"

Onew chuckled humorlessly. "What's there to talk about? You heard him- he hates me Minho.... What did I do?" Tears started to form in his eyes but he forced them away. He was the leader, and leaders don't cry.

Minho shook his head. "No, hyung! I know for a fact that Key doesn't hate you, k? He's just been having some problems lately." He brought the leader into a tight hug before drawing back. "I promise you, Jinki-hyung. Key has never and will never hate you. There has to be a logical reason why he's acting like this."

Onew looked at him. "He's always quiet around me, Minho. He doesn't speak or look at me while we're in the same room. I try to hug him and he pushes me away. I just.... I don't think he'll ever like me the way I want him to... He doesn't even like me as a friend, Minho. I know he doesn't."

Minho cringed and silently cursed Key in his mind. Great, Key's attitude is getting to their leader. This'll be good. 'I hope you can talk some sense into him, Jonghyun.'

Minho and Jinki looked up as Taemin walked back into the room. "I explained what happened to the manager. He said we have the next two days off to cool down," he explained.

Onew nodded. "Thank you, Taebaby."

Taemin smiled brightly for the first time and walked over to the leader, plopping down on his lap. He curled his arms around the elders neck and hung on tightly. "No problem, hyung. What Key-umma said wasn't very nice..."

Onew s his arms around the maknaes waist and laughed. "No, it wasn't, was it? But I'm okay, Taemin."

Taemin pouted and kissed his hyungs cheek. "Still, he doesn't have to say that. You're our leader hyung- and how can anyone hate OUR leader?" Taemin giggled and snuggled into Onews chest. He rested his head over the leaders heart and listened to the steady thumping rhythm.

Minho pouted at suddenly being ignored. "Yah! What am I, yesterdays meal?" he joked.

Onew looked at him slyly and quickly brought an arm around the rapper; dragging him down against the leaders side. Taemin laughed as Minho let out a yelp of surprise and looked positively ruffled.

Minho scowled at them. "Laugh all you want. You'll get yours, Taeminnie," he threatened.

Taemin squealed and pressed his face into Onews neck. "Hyung~! Minho's gonna get me!"

Onew chuckled and clutched him closer. "Aww... I'll protect you from the evil Minho, Taebaby!"

Minho glared. "Oh no you won't!" he yelled, before jumping on top of the both of them. He smirked as his leader and maknae yelled out, and he immediatly started to tickle both of them.

"Y-Yah, Minho! Hahahahaha, s-stop it p-please~!" Onew begged, tears rolling down his face.

Taemin huddled closer to Onew in hopes of sheilding himself so Minho couldn't grab him. No such luck. Taemin yelped as he was pulled away from Onew and into Minhos arms. He struggled as Minho grabbed at his sides, giggling uncontrollably at the ticklish feeling. He reached his arms out for Onew. "Hyung~!"

Onew grinned at his cute younger members and calmed himself down. He reached for the two that were still fighting against each other and seperated them gently. "Okay, that's enough. The evil Minho has conquered the land. Congratulations, young one." Onew said formally, bowing to the new 'ruler'.

Minho smirked and nodded. "I am the ultimate master. Never forget that," he said cockily.

Taemin scowled at him. "You know that if it was a contest of strength, Jinki-hyung would kick your ."

"Our tofu leader? I don't think so!"

"You know he could whoop you, Minho!"

"I know nothing!"

"You're nothing if not consistent!"

"That's it! Come here, you brat! Respect your elders!"

Taemin cried out in surprise as Minho tried to put him in a head lock. He dodged (quite ungracefully, might I add), and hid behind the leaders larger body. He s his arms around Onews waist and clung to him. "Jinki-hyung~!" he whined cutely.

Onew immediatley grasped at Minho tightly. "Neh, that's enough. I think plenty has happened this morning," he said soothingly. He gestured towards the couch. "Why don't we rest a little, alright? Watch TV and relax like I originally planned."

Minho released a breath and smiled at his hyung. "Alright, hyung. Whatever you want." He stole a glance at Taemin. "I'm watching you, maknae," he warned.

Taemin grinned mockingly and pressed his face into Onews back. "Hyung won't let you touch me~!"

As they started to get into it again, Onew could only shake his head. He was getting too old for this...


Key let out a small 'oomph' as he landed on the bed. He could feel Jonghyuns hard stare on him and it scared him. For the first time, the diva was afraid of his best friend. He knew Jonghyun had a reason to be angry though. Key mentally berated himself for his own stupidity. Of course he didn't hate Jinki-hyung! He knew he didn't. Tears filled his eyes- he didn't understand. What was going on? Why couldn't he look at the leader without feeling butterflies in his stomach? Why couldn't he talk to the leader without feeling like his tongue was to big for his mouth? Why couldn't he even think about the leader without feeling light-headed? He didn't get it.

He flinched when he felt Jonghyun clutch at his chin and lift his face.

Jonghyuns eyes widened when he saw his best friends tears. "Oh, Key, come on..." He cleaned the beautiful face gently and rested his palms on Keys shoulders. "Tell me what you were thinking when you said that, Key. Onew tries really hard to make sure all of us are happy, and you say you hate him?"

He said it with such a serious voice that Key whimpered and ducked his face down again.

"I-I'm sorry, Jongie..."

Jonghyuns facial expression softened and he released Key. "What were you thinking, Key? Come on, you can tell me. I know you don't hate Onew-hyung. So what's up?"

Key looked up at Jonghyun and explained to him what was happening. The shyness, the butterfly feelings, the want to be close but apart from Onew at the same time. He watched as Jonghyuns facial expressions changed as the explanation went on. He was scared when Jonghyun just looked at him blankly when he was finished. 

"Ow! Jonghyun!" Jonghyun had whacked him! What the hell?!

"Are you stupid or something, Key?!" Oh no he didn't!

"Stupid?! Excuse me?"

"Yeah, excuse you, idiot! Why haven't you told Jinki-hyung yet?"

"Tell him what?! Jesus Christ Jonghyun, I will plant my foot up your !" Keys face was bright red with anger and he reached out to punch Jonghyun when he stopped, stunned, at Jonghyuns next question.

"Why haven't you told him that you love him, Key?!"

Key blinked. And blinked again. And again. He sat down on the bed slowly. "...What?"

Jonghyun sighed. Idiot. "You love Onew-hyung, right? Why haven't you told him?"

Keys eyes narrowed at him. "I-I don't love Onew-hyung, Jongie...."

Jonghyun massaged his temples. He felt a headache coming. "Yes you do, Key. You just told me you did. Now stop being difficult!"

Key crossed his arms and turned away. "I don't love him, Jonghyun," he muttered.

Jonghyun snapped.

He quickly turned Key towards him and got down on his knees so he was right in Keys face. He stared at him blankly until he opened his mouth. "Key, why are you running away?"

Key opened his mouth to protest when he was cut off.

"Why are you running away, Key? Don't you know how hard Onew works so all of us can be happy? So you can be happy? He cares about you the most, you know! When you're gone, all he talks about is how Key does this, or how Key does that, or how Key looks so nice, don't you think? It's almost sickening how much he cares for you. And you don't even appreciate it! All you do is push him away, and I'm sick of watching him suffer for it! All that extra attention he's been giving you lately? Think about it, Key- why would he do that?"

Key once again opened his mouth.

"No, you don't get to answer- you listen to me. He's given you all that extra attention to show how deeply he loves you, Key." Jonghyun watched as Keys eyes widened at the news. He knew Onew was going to kill him later, but Key had to know. He had to stop running away. "Key... Onew's.... he's been pining after you for months now. Can't you see it? Can't you see how much he loves you just by looking at how his eyes light up when you enter a room? Can't you see how much he loves you when all his attention is on what you're saying and doing? What about how he tries to make you happy whenever you're sad? Or how he's ready to do anything you ask of him? God dammit Key, why do you push him away all the time?!" Jonghyun clenched his eyes shut and turned away from his friend.

Key sat on the bed, dazed. Onew... loved him? The butterflies came back and Key felt hot all over. He touched his face. He was blushing. Key let out a shaky breath and smiled brightly at the floor. Onew loved him... Onew loved him!

Key didn't want to believe that he himself had fallen for the leader so long ago, but he had. Now that he thought about it, Key knew he fell in love with the sangtae tofu leader as soon as he saw him for the first time. Onew was... Onew. And that's how Key liked him.

Key stood shakily and reached out towards his friend, gripping his bicep tightly. When Jonghyun turned, he was shocked to see the all mighty Key looking all shy instead of high and 'I'm-better-than-you'.

Key avoided his friends gaze. "I-I'm sorry, Jongie... Can we just- can I go apologize to Jinki-hyung, now?"

Jonghyun grinned at him and nodded. He gripped his friends hand and dragged him back to the living room where the others were resting on the couch. Key released himself from Jonghyuns grip and hurled himself at Onew. The leader, caught off guard, could only gasp as a light weight fell on top of him and a familiar face was buried in his neck. He felt arms circle his shoulders and he returned the gesture, hugging the slim person around the waist. "Key...?"

Key sniffled and tunneled deeper into Onews neck, inhaling the comforting scent. "I-I'm sorry, Jinki-hyung. I'm sorry...."

Onew sighed and gently the youngers hair. He was overjoyed that Key was sitting on his lap, but right now he was supposed to be the comforting leader, and he would be. He took a chance and kissed the boys temple, rocking him slightly. It hurt him to listen to Key cry. "Shhh.... Key, it's okay... It's alright... Shh....."

"I don't hate you, Jinki-hyung... I really don't...."

"I know you don't, Key. I know you don't... Shh...."


Well, here's another chapter for all of my babies~~! The poll results are in, by the way. I won't say the winner. It will be revealed as the story goes on, yeah? Anyways, don't be afraid to comment! I won't bite, lovlies! :3


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Chapter 5: Boo, I was rooting for Taemin lol
Chapter 5: One word: YES!!!!
kpopoppa #3
Chapter 5: yessssss:) Onkey omo my OTP this story turned out exactly how I wanted it to;) THIS IS PERFECT<
<3 thanks for finishing:)
Chapter 4: Noooooo!
Onew you know how painful It is to love someone who don't love youuuu (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩) don't do that to taeminnieeeeeeee

And seriously, even though I love key, ypu're a heree
Chapter 4: I feel bad for Taemin but... ONKEY FTW!!!!
moechiii #6
Chapter 4: MY HEART. I'm broken. Poor Taeminnie ; A ;
mayuri #8
Chapter 4: ontae is beautiful, but onkey please! onesided love-hate relationship with jealous!key would be so great~
rawranarchy #9
Chapter 4: I kinda want OnTae. I have a feeling OnKey is gunna happen, but will go awry.