Confessions Over Bubble Tea

When Sasaengs Attack

“He’s awake.”

Sehun felt a little light headed, but he perked up upon hearing the doctor’s words.

“Luhan’s awake?” He repeated disbelievingly.

“I KNEW IT!” Chanyeol beamed, smacking Bakehyun’s shoulders in the process.

If Baekhyun wasn’t so happy himself, he would’ve probably had a mouthful to say to Chanyeol.

“When can we see him?” Chen asked excitedly.

Everyone could feel the tension slowly drifting away.

The doctor looked at all of them pointedly. “You can visit him now, if you’d like. However, I wouldn’t recommend you all coming in at once. Luhan might feel overwhelmed.”

Suho nodded his head in understanding. “Of course, sir.” He turned to face the group. “So, who wants to see him first?”

A number of hands shot up.

“Oh please, please, please can I see him first? I want to punch him for making us worry so much.”

“Yah!” Baekhyun smacked Chanyeol’s head forcefully, causing the taller boy to groan in pain. “I think you should go first, Suho.”

Kai nodded as he crossed his arms. “Yeah, you can explain to him everything that happened.”

“Me?” Suho pointed towards him.

Xiumin smiled. “You are our leader, after all. You should go first.”

Suho looked at Sehun worriedly, but when Sehun smiled at him and motioned for him to go inside Luhan’s room, Suho obliged.

Suho stopped in front of Luhan’s door and he cleared his throat nervously. He raised a hand and knocked on the door lightly.

“Come in,” Came Luhan’s soft voice.

Suho couldn’t keep himself from beaming once his eyes landed on Luhan’s cheery face.

“Suho!” Luhan grinned at him widely. He patted the chair beside his bed. “Please, sit.”

“Hey Luhan,” Suho greeted, mirroring Luhan’s bright smile. “How are you feeling?”

Luhan pursed his lips, contemplating his answer. “My head hurts a bit, but the doctor says it’s normal. I’m also pretty hungry. They served me this really nice meal, but I think I still want more.”

Suho laughed as he ruffled Luhan’s hair playfully. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you some food once we get you out of here. My treat.”

“Oh thank you!” Luhan said, clapping his hands like a small child. Slowly, his smile started to fade. “So… how is uh… everyone?”

Suho sighed. “They were really worried about you. You almost gave us a heart attack when you went into coma for a bit. Chanyeol even said he wanted to punch you for making him worry so much.”

Luhan gulped. He reached out a hand to grab Suho’s arm. “Please don’t let him hurt me.”

“I don’t think he can, Luhan.” Suho chuckled. “Sehun might knock him out before he even lifts a hand to touch you.”

Luhan’s lips twitched slightly at hearing Sehun’s name. “Is Sehun outside?”

Suho blinked a few times before slowly answering Luhan’s question. “Yes, he’s outside.”

“Ah, that’s good.” Luhan bit his lower lip as he nervously played with his blanket.

“He never left your side, Luhan.”

Luhan looked up with a curious expression. “He… didn’t?”

Suho shook his head, a soft smile playing on his lips. “Never moved an inch. Chen even threatened to burn down all the Bubble Tea shops if Sehun refused to eat. Still, he never left your side.”

Luhan felt himself blush. “A-ah, that’s sweet of him. Dumb because he didn't take care of himself, but sweet nonetheless.”

Suho offered him a gentle smile as he patted Luhan’s head tenderly. “You should tell him that.”

They entered the room one by one. Luhan had never felt so grateful in his life for having such good friends. He was even thankful for Chanyeol, even though he almost crushed Luhan with his extremely tight embrace. Kris had to pry him off of Luhan or else he wouldn’t let go.

“Yah, he nearly died and you still want to suffocate him to death?!” Kris had said to the overly excited Chanyeol.

“I just wanted to let him know how much I missed him.” Chanyeol said with a pout.

Luhan really did have such amazing friends. As he talked to each of the members, Luhan felt himself lighten up a bit. That’s saying a lot since he was nervous about seeing someone in particular.


“Ah, S-Sehun!” Luhan cursed himself for stuttering. “Please, come sit.”

Sehun held no emotions in his face, which made Luhan feel a lot more nervous.

“H-how are you?” Sehun said after a few seconds of silence. “Does your head still hurt?”

Luhan absentmindedly brushed his bangs to cover his eyes. “A-a little, but I can still handle it.”

Why was he stuttering so much?

“That’s good, I suppose…” Sehun trailed off. “I’m glad you’re safe, hyung.”

 “Yeah, I’m glad I’m here with you.” Luhan felt his face grow hot as he uttered those words.

If he looked up at Sehun, he would see the light pink tint on Sehun’s cheeks too.

“I’m glad too,”

Luhan bit his lip, finally deciding to look up at Sehun. “Suho says you never left my side.”

Sehun’s eyes widen in surprise. “H-he did?”

Luhan nodded as a grin slowly started to appear on his features. “I want to thank you for that so… I’d like to treat you to Bubble Tea, Sehun-ah.”

Oh how Sehun missed hearing Luhan say his name.

Finally, after days of frowning, Sehun felt a familiar smile form on his lips. “That would be great!”

“What am I gonna wear?” Sehun ran a hand through his tousled blonde hair as he picked up a while button up shirt. He crinkled his nose in disgust, throwing the white shirt away. “Too formal.”

Sehun was so busy figuring out what to wear that he hadn’t noticed Kai watching him in amusement.

“Please don’t tell me I have to clean that up.”

Sehun’s eyes widen in surprise as he turned to face the smirking Kai.

“So, I heard from a little birdy someone has a date with Luhan today?” Kai teased as he slowly approached the panicking Sehun.

Sehun frowned. “If that little bird goes by the name of Chanyeol, I swear I’ll-”

“Woah, woah, relax buddy.” Kai chuckled as he held out his hands defensively. “It’s Kyungsoo.”

“Oh,” was all Sehun could say. Then he finally realized the word Kai used to describe his little outing with Luhan. “Wait, no, this isn’t a date. This is Luhan’s way of thanking me for staying with him at the hospital.”

Kai raised an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure all of us stayed with him.”

Sehun couldn’t find the right words to say after this, which made Kai laugh.

“You worry too much, Sehun.” He patted Sehun’s back. “Just try to relax and have fun. And… good luck,”

Kai didn’t have to explain what he meant. Sehun immediately knew what he was talking about.

Today was the day Oh Sehun was going to spill his heart out to Luhan.

“Luhan, we’ve known each other for a while now and I… I don’t know the right way to say this but… I like you. No, wait, not just like. Luhan, I’m in love with you.” Sehun breathed in deeply. “Please don’t run away.”

“Sehun? Who are you talking to?”

“LUHAN!” Sehun hissed under his breath when he accidentally hit his knee on the table. He quickly turned to face Luhan and sent the older boy an awkward grin. “N-no one! I was just… rehearsing for the uh… the new commercial we’re doing.”

“Uhuuuuh,” Luhan eyed him curiously. He then broke into a wide grin and held out Sehun’s order. “Here you go, Sehunnie!”

Sehun blushed at Luhan’s nickname for him. “Thanks, Lu.”

Luhan pouted as he took the seat across Sehun. “You don’t call me Xiao Lu anymore.”

Sehun started to panic. “I-I’m sorry! It’s just… I just…” Finally, Sehun sighed. “I have no excuse for myself.”

Luhan laughed, causing Sehun to feel the all too familiar butterflies in his stomach once again.

“Why are you so nervous, Sehunnie?”

There it was again.

“It’s nothing.” Sehun said all too quickly, which earned a raised eyebrow from Luhan. “So, how are you holding up so far? Did Chen stop spoiling you with sweets? Does Kris still look like he’s gonna punch anyone who gets close to you?”

Luhan threw back his head in laughter. “Unfortunately, yes.” He went on about how Kris almost threw a fit at a sales person because he tapped Luhan on the shoulder when he brought in the shirt Luhan had requested.

Sehun listened to Luhan’s stories intently at first, but the longer he waited, the more his nerves got to him. His palms started to sweat, and he was pretty sure he looked like he was feeling constipated. Finally, he blurted out, “Luhan, I like you.”

Luhan stopped his animated gestures to stare at Sehun with wide eyes. He dropped his hands and slowly started to say, “I like you too, Sehunnie…”

Sehun shook his head furiously, feeling angry at himself. “No, what I meant was… I love you. I, Oh Sehun, am in love with you, Luhan.”

Luhan remained silent, and Sehun looked down, refusing to meet Luhan’s gaze until he said anything. He cringed, anticipating the worst. When Luhan remained silent, Sehun began to regret his decision almost immediately. What has he done? He ruined his perfect friendship with the one boy that made his heart race just by looking into his eyes. “I-I’m sorry, Lu. I shouldn’t have said anything. I-”

“You changed your mind about the daisies.” Luhan said, cutting him off.

Sehun raised his head and stared at Luhan with a confused expression. Luhan was smiling from ear to ear, a light blush on his cheeks. “The daisies?”

Luhan nodded his head excitedly as he leaned in closer. “Yes.”

Sehun thought very hard about this. Then suddenly, he remembered his dream- or rather, his memory. “Wait, so when you said you hoped I changed my mind about the daisies, you were…”

Luhan nodded, thankful Sehun finally understood him. “I was hoping you’d change your mind about me. I might not be able to give you everything a girl can give you, but-”

“You’re enough.” Sehun cut him off, reaching out to grab Luhan’s hand. "More than enough."

Luhan stared at Sehun’s hand enveloping his own and broke into a grin.

“I don’t care about the roses, Xiao Lu. I only have eyes for the prettiest daisy.”

The moment Luhan looked up was the moment Sehun gently brushed his lips on Luhan’s.

Luhan’s lips are soft, Sehun noted. They tasted of cinnamon, probably from the drink Luhan had earlier this morning. Sehun could get used to the intoxicating taste of Luhan’s lips. Luhan kissed back, and Sehun could almost feel his legs growing weak.

“Does this mean... you love me too?” Sehun asked with a goofy grin on his face the moment they pulled away.

Luhan blushed cutely. “I’ve always loved you, silly maknae.”


Author's Note: Hey guys! Sooo, this is the final chapter for this story. Buuuut! I'll be posting the epilogue... probably tomorrow :3 Thank you so much to everyone who subscribed to this story, shared their thoughts on the comment box  and who up voted! It means a lot to me. And not to worry, I'll be posting a brand new HunHan story on here pretty soon! ^_^ Sooo, watch out for that one ^_~

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Chapter 7: just make it true, please ~!!!
Onepenny #2
Chapter 7: Aw the last chapter :) My lil HunHan heart burst ;)
huney_hannie #3
Chapter 7: Thumbs up for this story and you too author-nim : ) hehehe
Chapter 7: i wished to god for this story to come true ;)
noooooo, not the kidnapping scene, just the epilog.
hehehehehheehheehe puh lease :-)
danamesAngel #7
Chapter 7: Read till it ended T.T but great ending!
Luhan is so cute! I could totally imagine him cuddling to Sehun.
AHHH---- My HunHan feels! NICE story btw! ^^
/Jumps around in the room/ Homg the ending is sooo cute! Lmao I laughed at the fan's comment about LuHan look so scared and about to cry. Totally can picture it ! Muhahahahaha ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
Awww this story ended but it was nice you should write more stories!
shiexo_anies #9
Chapter 3: chanyeol is older than sehun. than why he called sehun hyung? haha. maybe a mistake. but this story was really good... ^_^
hunhan_chunjoe #10
Chapter 6: Yay more hunhan u r the best!