Beep, Beep, Beeeeeep

When Sasaengs Attack

“We’ve got the suspects under custody.” The detective shifted uncomfortably as his gazed travelled around the room.

Suho nodded, forcing a small smile. “Thank you for telling us.” He looked back to the unconscious Luhan, his brows furrowing slightly.

The detective nodded once. “I guess I should leave now. I’ll keep you guys posted.” Before completely exiting the room, he turned back slightly. “I’ll make sure to bring justice.” He took the silence as his cue to leave.

Suho sighed when his eyes landed on Sehun. He looked terrible. Sehun opted to watch Luhan last night when he was admitted to the hospital. He refused to leave Luhan’s side, only choosing to stare at him while squeezing his hand gently. Suho’s heart ached for the younger man. All of them felt terrible about Luhan’s current state, but none of them came close to how Sehun was feeling.

“Sehun,” Suho called in a faint voice. “You have to eat something.”

Sehun remained stiff. Suho glanced at Kai, who was standing right beside him. Kai pursed his lips, contemplating his next words.

“You know,” Kai began, a light chuckle escaping his lips. “Luhan would beat the crap out of you if you don’t take care of yourself.”

Sehun’s lips twitched slightly, but he still refused to move.

“Maybe we can bring you something to eat then?” Kyungsoo suggested with hopeful eyes.

Kai sighed irritably as he ruffled his dark brown hair. He turned to the rest of the group. “Come on guys, let’s just get something to eat.”

Chanyeol nodded almost immediately. “Yeah, we’ll get something for you too, Sehun.”

One by one they piled out the door, leaving Sehun alone with the motionless Luhan. Just before closing the door, Suho glanced back at the pair, a pained expression on his face.

“I’m worried about them.” Suho spoke suddenly.

Kai took a bite of his ramen as he stared at Suho, expecting him to continue.

Suho sighed. “What I mean is… I’m scared that if Luhan doesn’t… If he won’t…”

“Stop it.” Kris said with a glare. “Luhan will wake up. You just have to trust him.”

Suho felt like he wanted to slap himself for even thinking about the worst case scenario. “It’s just that… Sehun…”

“Will be alright,” Kai finished for him. “He’ll be alright because Luhan will be alright.”

“Yeah, you just wait, Luhan hyung will be coming out of that room laughing that annoying laugh of his any moment now. I can feel it.” Chanyeol grinned, but everyone could see what was behind that smile of his.

The truth is, no one knew if Luhan would wake up, but they couldn’t do anything but hope for the best.

Sehun watched Luhan intently. He watched him as he breathed lightly. He watched him, hoping that at any moment, Luhan’s eyes would flutter open.

What I would give just to see those big brown eyes of yours, Xiao Lu…

Sehun heard muffled cries, and he was surprised that the sounds came from himself. He wiped his tears away furiously. He didn’t want Luhan to wake up to a sobbing mess. He had to be strong for his Luhan.

Mine. Sehun smiled down at Luhan as he brushed his hair with his fingers fondly. That’s right, Lu, you’re mine. And I’m not letting anyone take you away from me so easily.

Sehun paused as his gaze landed on Luhan’s pink lips. Oh how much he wanted to taste those sweet lips of his, but he couldn’t. He refused to steal Luhan’s first kiss without his permission.

“When are you going to wake up, hyung?” Sehun’s voice was just above a whisper. “Everyone’s so worried about you. You gave us a scare, you know. We thought we wouldn’t be able to find you. That detective guy, I hate to admit it but he’s pretty good. Dumb, but pretty good at finding people.” Sehun let out a light chuckle as he remembered he almost wanted to beat the crap out of that police detective. “I almost punched him, you know. See, that’s why you can’t leave me. I might do something stupid. You always know how to control my temper, Lu. You always know the right things to say.” By this point, Sehun didn’t even bother to wipe the tears that were staining his cheeks. “I mean, come on, who’s gonna remind me to eat dinner when I’m too busy playing GTA V with Kai and Xiumin? Who’s gonna smack my head when I say something stupid in front of the cameras? Who’s gonna… who’s gonna put a smile on my face when Chanyeol’s being Chanyeol?” Sehun bit his lip, grasping Luhan’s hair gently. “Please hyung… Don’t leave me.”

Sehun felt his heart wrench when Luhan remained unconscious. He couldn’t hold back his tears anymore. He buried his face on the bed sheets as he let himself cry, holding Luhan’s hands for dear life.

It was truly a painful sight to witness. And as Suho watched them, he couldn’t help but let a small tear escape his eyes.

“I think daisies are the prettiest.” Luhan giggled as he held the flower in front of Sehun. “Most people think the rose is the prettiest flower, but I beg to differ.”

Sehun raised an eyebrow at Luhan. “Daisies are boring. They’re just plain white.”

Luhan stuck his tongue out at Sehun, which made the younger boy chuckle. “See what I mean? No one ever notices how pretty the daisies are if they don’t look close enough. Everyone just goes for the rose.”

Sehun furrowed his brows at Luhan. Why did he look so sad? “Xiao Lu…”

Luhan looked him straight in the eyes. His eyes were sad, but in a flash, he managed to crack a smile. He placed the daisy behind Sehun’s ear and laughed lightly. “I hope you change your mind about the daisies, Sehun-ah.”

Loud beeping noises. That’s what woke Sehun up from his deep slumber.


Sehun failed a pair of strong arms wrap around him, and he had to blink a few times before his vision focused. He looked up at Tao, who was holding him.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeep.

Sehun’s eyes flashed at Luhan’s heart rate monitor.

“W-what’s going on?” Sehun felt himself starting to panic.

Tao tightened his grip on Sehun, afraid that the younger boy might throw himself at Luhan. The nurses started to rush towards Luhan’s bed, covering him from Sehun’s view completely.

“Luhan? LUHAN!” Sehun started to lash out.

Kris, Kai and Chanyeol hurried over to Tao, trying to help him hold Sehun off. Sehun continued to kick and wave his arms around, eyes fixated on Luhan. The others ushered Sehun out of the room.

“Sehun!” Lay hissed at him. Sehun’s eyes darted everywhere.

“NO! LET ME GO!” Sehun kicked Tao’s leg, causing the boy to bend over in pain. Fortunately, Kai was able to pull Sehun back. Suho locked closed the door of Luhan’s room and firmly planted his feet in front of it.

“Sehun! Calm down!” Suho barked at him.

“How the do you expect me to calm down?! What’s happening in there, Suho?!”

Suho shook his head slightly, avoiding Sehun’s piercing gaze. “I don’t know. Luhan’s heart rate monitor just went crazy. No one has said anything yet.

With those simple words, Sehun felt the blood drain from his face. He stopped kicking, punching and screaming. He just stood there. Soon, he felt his knees weaken. He covered his face with the palm of his hand and let out the gentle sobs he was trying to hold back. Sehun felt an arm drape around him and rub his shoulders comfortingly.

“Shhh, Luhan’s going to be alright, Sehun. They’ve got the best doctors in there working on him.”

Sehun held on to Kai’s every word. Of course, Luhan would be alright. He had to be.

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Chapter 7: just make it true, please ~!!!
Onepenny #2
Chapter 7: Aw the last chapter :) My lil HunHan heart burst ;)
huney_hannie #3
Chapter 7: Thumbs up for this story and you too author-nim : ) hehehe
Chapter 7: i wished to god for this story to come true ;)
noooooo, not the kidnapping scene, just the epilog.
hehehehehheehheehe puh lease :-)
danamesAngel #7
Chapter 7: Read till it ended T.T but great ending!
Luhan is so cute! I could totally imagine him cuddling to Sehun.
AHHH---- My HunHan feels! NICE story btw! ^^
/Jumps around in the room/ Homg the ending is sooo cute! Lmao I laughed at the fan's comment about LuHan look so scared and about to cry. Totally can picture it ! Muhahahahaha ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
Awww this story ended but it was nice you should write more stories!
shiexo_anies #9
Chapter 3: chanyeol is older than sehun. than why he called sehun hyung? haha. maybe a mistake. but this story was really good... ^_^
hunhan_chunjoe #10
Chapter 6: Yay more hunhan u r the best!