Sehun's Worst Nightmare Comes True

When Sasaengs Attack

One moment, once careless moment, that’s all it took for Luhan’s life to take a turn for the worst.

Luhan’s day started out as normal as it could get. He was the last one to wake up, naturally. Since they were currently in Korea, it was Xiumin and Kris’ duty to make sure their hyung woke up in time for their weekly meeting with their manager.

“Yah, Luhan,” Luhan stirred upon hearing Kris’ voice, but his eyes still remained shut. Kris sighed. “Luhan, if you don’t wake up in five seconds Xiumin will pour a bucket of water on you.”

Luhan stayed still. He knew his hyungs would never do that, not when they knew how irritable Luhan can get when they wake him up so suddenly. Luhan was never a morning person. He preferred sleeping in until early in the afternoon when everyone was already running around busying themselves with their daily tasks.

“Hyung, if you don’t get up, we’re going to jump on your bed.” Xiumin threatened.

With one swift move, Luhan got off his bed and marched towards the restroom they shared. Once Luhan was out of earshot, Kris and Xiumin let out an amused laugh.

“We should’ve said that hours ago.” Kris commented, shaking his head at his hyung.

“We have to remember that.” Xiuimin said, nodding his head.

By the time Luhan got out of the shower, Xiumin and Kris had already left. He furrowed his eyes when he spotted a bright yellow post it note on top of his clothes.

Luhan hyung, the driver said he was going to come back to pick you up in a while. Sorry, he was in a hurry to leave. – Xiuimin and Kris

Luhan sighed and looked at the wall clock. Surely he hadn’t been in the shower for that long. Luhan’s eyes widened when he realized that it took him almost 45 minutes to shower himself. He scratched the back of his head and let out a nervous laugh.


Without wasting another minute, Luhan hurriedly put his clothes on and grabbed his belongings on his way out the door. He made sure to lock their door, knowing how crazy their fans can get sometimes.

Luhan smiled to himself at the thought of their fans. Yes, they can be a bit over the top at times, but Luhan still loved them all equally.

As Luhan stepped out of the hotel they were currently staying in, he immediately spotted a black van parked a few steps ahead from where he was standing. Something was off about the van, but Luhan simply shrugged it off. It looked like all the other vans he and his hyungs rode in, so there was probably nothing to worry about.

Luhan quickly made his way towards the van, afraid of what their manager might say if he turns up late during their weekly meeting. As soon as he opened the door, he was greeted by a young girl wearing a school uniform. Luhan backed away, thinking he almost entered the wrong van.

“Sorry, wrong van.” Luhan nervously chuckled as he scratched the back of his head.

As he was about to turn around, he heard the girl shriek, and before Luhan could do anything, a number of hands grabbed his arms and legs and dragged him inside the van.

The driver that was assigned to pick up Luhan walked around the hotel lobby, waiting for one of the staff members to arrive with good news. He had been waiting for Luhan for around 15 minutes, but he still hasn’t arrived. One of the staff members volunteered to pick Luhan up from his room he shared with Xiumin and Kris to calm the driver’s worried nerves.

“Sir,” the staff member approached the anxious driver with a very worried expression. “I’ve checked their room, it’s empty.”

“What?!” the old man started to panic as he looked around the hotel lobby.

If Luhan wasn’t in his room, then he must be in the lobby somewhere. If he did leave by himself, someone must have seen him. Quickly, the driver approached the security guard standing in front of the entrance.

“Excuse me sir, have you seen that boy?” he pointed a finger at Luhan’s picture in one of the magazines at a nearby magazine rack.

The hotel guard squinted before a look of realization masked his features. “Ah, yes. He left the hotel about 20 minutes ago. He went inside a black van. He was pulled in by four girls. Yeah, I think they know each other from school. The girls were embracing the boy when they pulled him inside the van.”

“Oh no…”

“Yah, what’s taking Luhan so long?” Baekhyun whined in annoyance as hurled paper balls at Chanyeol’s head.

Chanyeol growled at him. “Stop it, hyung! It’s getting annoying.”

“You’re annoying.” Baekhyun replied, sticking his tongue out at Chanyeol.

“Yah, stop fighting you two,” Suho sent the pair a pointed look.

“They should be here by now.” Kris said with a worried expression. “It’s unlike Luhan hyung to be an hour late.”

Lay nodded. “The longest time we’ve had to wait for him was 30 minutes, max.”

“Do you think something happened?” Chen was afraid to ask.

“No, it’s not possible.” Kai waved a hand in dismissal. “The hotel’s guarded well. He’s safe.”

“Sehun?” Kyungsoo called out to the spaced out boy sitting by the window. “Were you able to reach him?”

Sehun shook his head as he turned to face the group. He too looked worried. His brows were furrowed and his lips formed a thin line. “He must’ve shut his phone off.”

Xiumin stood up. “I’m going to ask someone outside. Maybe they have news.”

Tao stopped him. “If they have any news on him, they’ll let us know.”

Xiumin looked at the door longingly before deciding to sit back down. Tao was right. But even though he was right, Sehun still couldn’t help but worry for Luhan’s safety. Just last month the car Luhan was riding in got into an accident. Thankfully he wasn’t hurt, but it still made Sehun feel very nervous whenever he was away from Luhan. Even though the boy was older than Sehun by a few years, Sehun still felt the need to protect Luhan, seeing as he was a lot more fragile than Sehun was. Luhan couldn’t even hurt a fly, that’s how sweet he was.

The door opened with a bang, making the members jump in surprise. Kai looked like he was about to yell, but when he saw their manager’s pale complexion and anxious expression, he decided to shut his mouth. Their manager looked at the boys one by one until his eyes fell on Sehun.

Sehun could see his lips moving, but he refused to hear the words coming out of their manager’s mouth. “Luhan’s been kidnapped.”

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Chapter 7: just make it true, please ~!!!
Onepenny #2
Chapter 7: Aw the last chapter :) My lil HunHan heart burst ;)
huney_hannie #3
Chapter 7: Thumbs up for this story and you too author-nim : ) hehehe
Chapter 7: i wished to god for this story to come true ;)
noooooo, not the kidnapping scene, just the epilog.
hehehehehheehheehe puh lease :-)
danamesAngel #7
Chapter 7: Read till it ended T.T but great ending!
Luhan is so cute! I could totally imagine him cuddling to Sehun.
AHHH---- My HunHan feels! NICE story btw! ^^
/Jumps around in the room/ Homg the ending is sooo cute! Lmao I laughed at the fan's comment about LuHan look so scared and about to cry. Totally can picture it ! Muhahahahaha ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
Awww this story ended but it was nice you should write more stories!
shiexo_anies #9
Chapter 3: chanyeol is older than sehun. than why he called sehun hyung? haha. maybe a mistake. but this story was really good... ^_^
hunhan_chunjoe #10
Chapter 6: Yay more hunhan u r the best!