Sehun Breaks Down

When Sasaengs Attack

“I’m FINE, Sehun. See, not a scratch on me.” Luhan smiled as he twirled around, showing Sehun that he was not injured, contrary to what the tabloids were saying.

This didn’t make Sehun feel any better. Yes, Luhan was perfectly fine physically, but he knew the accident took a toll on his emotional wellbeing. Luhan was smiling on the outside. He was always smiling, but that didn’t mean that he was a hundred percent okay, and Sehun knew that. Luhan couldn’t hide anything from Sehun.

Sehun sighed and forced a smile. He didn’t want to pressure Luhan into venting out. “I’m glad you’re okay, Lu.”

Luhan nodded enthusiastically. “It was scary, but yes, I’m fine.”

Sehun watched as his best friend glided over towards Kai, who was calling out for him to come and eat with them.

Luhan, sensing no one was following him, turned to Sehun. “Come on, Sehunnie, it’s time for lunch!”

Sehun couldn’t help but chuckle at Luhan’s carefree nature. It calmed him slightly. He made a mental note to himself to stop worrying so much about Luhan. He was fine, and he will be… just as long as Sehun kept a close eye on him.

“I’m sorry I failed you, Xiao Lu.” Sehun whispered as he clasped his hands together. He let his elbows rest on the railing of the veranda as he stared off into the darkness.

“We’ll find him.”

Sehun didn’t have to turn around to know that Chanyeol had joined him in the balcony.

“Luhan will come back to us.”

Sehun wasn’t sure who Chanyeol was trying to convince.

The pair stood out gazing at the balcony for a few minutes before Baekhyun called for them to return. Apparently, they had news about Luhan's case. Sehun felt himself tense at Baekhyun’s words. Just before he turned to leave the balcony, he whispered a short prayer as he gazed at the stars.

When Sehun returned with Chanyeol and Baekhyun, he let his gaze travel to each of the members. Xiumin’s eyes were puffy and Chen was sitting beside him trying to lend his comfort. Lay was glaring at something on the floor with Kai mirroring his expression. Kyungsoo kept on checking his phone in hopes that Luhan would contact him. Tao and Kris’ faces were expressionless. They didn’t know how to respond with such news. Suho kept pacing around the room, effectively adding to the tension that was suffocating everyone in the room.

The situation was new to them. They’ve had their personal encounters with sasaeng fans, but this one was different. The fact that it took so long to find Luhan was a rare situation. The company valued their assets. They wouldn’t prolong the agony if it were so easy to find Luhan. Something was getting in the way.

“We’ve narrowed down our suspects list.” A man wearing a black suite began.

Sehun assumed he was from the police force. Everyone stayed silent, waiting to hear his next words.

“We believe that the group who took Luhan goes to the local high school near your hotel.”

“What?” Baekhyun exclaimed incredulously. “So you’re saying teenagers kidnapped Luhan?”

“They aren’t ordinary teenagers, as we have witnessed.” The detective continued. “They have the money and the smarts to hire someone to take Luhan. They planned this very well, maybe even stalked him for a few days before taking action.”

Sehun was trying to control his temper. “Did anyone see what happened?”

The group turned to Sehun. He hadn’t spoken since they got the news.

The detective blinked a few times before answering. “Yes, one of the hotel staff members saw everything. He was the guard on duty during the time when Luhan was taken. Luhan was with four girls at the time- the girls who we believe planned the whole thing- but we think they weren’t the only ones involved. They might have taken Luhan, but they had to have backup to detain Luhan. They needed someone to stop him from escaping.”

“So the only thing we’re sure of was that Luhan was taken by four girls. As to who planned the whole thing, how they managed to detain Luhan while they were in the car, why they took Luhan… all of that is simply circumstantial?” Sehun stated bluntly.

The detective shifted his eyes for a second. “Yes, we’re still gathering evidence.”

Sehun stared at him with an unreadable expression. “You’re too slow.”

“E-excuse me?” the detective looked at him with disbelief as he took a step backwards.

Sehun’s eyes were narrowed into slits. “Luhan is somewhere out there with these people doing God knows what to him and you’re here telling us a load of bullsh*t instead of going out there to find him!”

The detective gawked at him before regaining his composure. “I assure you sir, we are doing our very best to find your friend.”


“Sehun!” Kai and Lay stood up and grabbed Sehun by the shoulders.

“Just stand back and let them do their jobs.” Kai said, trying to calm him down.

Sehun turned to glare at him furiously. “How can I?!”

Kai’s eyes widened in surprise upon seeing tears staining Sehun’s cheeks.

“How can I just sit here when Luhan is out there somewhere by himself?”

Kai rubbed Sehun’s back comfortingly and let him cry on his shoulders.

The scene made Xiumin burst into tears again while the others grew a lot more anxious.

Luhan was missing and not a single one of them could do anything to help him.

“Let’s cut a lock of his hair as a remembrance.”

“What? Why would you do that when you already have him?”

“Well we need something to remember him by for the time when we need to release him.”

“I don’t think we should let him go just yet. Have you seen the news? They’re looking for him everywhere! We’re going to be in so much trouble.”

“Well duh, he’s the Luhan. Everyone’s going to be looking for him.”

“Oh my God you’re right. LUHAN IS ACTUALLY HERE IN MY LIVING ROOM! I can’t believe it!”

Whispers. Giggles. Occasional screaming.

It was enough to make Luhan’s head throb when he finally regained consciousness. He let out a soft moan as he tried to open his eyes. His vision was blurry, but when it came to focus, Luhan was met with four grinning faces.

“He’s awake!”

“Finally I get to see his beautiful eyes up close!”

“Where… where am I?” Luhan’s voice was hoarse. He couldn’t remember the last time he drank water. His throat felt very dry.

One of the girls seemed to notice Luhan’s voice break. She quickly scampered off to the bedside table and grabbed a glass of water. She held the glass near Luhan’s mouth and helped him gulp down the water. It was only then Luhan noticed that his hands were tied.

“Who are you?” Luhan asked once he was finished drinking water.

The girls squealed simultaneously.

“Oh that’s not really important.” Girl number one waved a hand in dismissal. “So, are you hungry?”

Luhan looked down at his hands. “These ropes are cutting my skin.”

“Oh! Let me get those for you.” Girl number two made a move to untie Luhan when girl number three suddenly smacked her on the head.

“Are you stupid?! He’s probably going to run off once we free him.” She said. She then turned to girl number four. “So, what are we going to do with him, noona?”

Girl number four sent a wicked grin at Luhan’s direction. “We’re going to have fun with him, of course!”

All four girls turned to look at Luhan with mischievous grins plastered on their faces.

“Maybe we can sell his clothes. I bet it’ll make us rich.” And again, another smack on the head for girl number two.

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Chapter 7: just make it true, please ~!!!
Onepenny #2
Chapter 7: Aw the last chapter :) My lil HunHan heart burst ;)
huney_hannie #3
Chapter 7: Thumbs up for this story and you too author-nim : ) hehehe
Chapter 7: i wished to god for this story to come true ;)
noooooo, not the kidnapping scene, just the epilog.
hehehehehheehheehe puh lease :-)
danamesAngel #7
Chapter 7: Read till it ended T.T but great ending!
Luhan is so cute! I could totally imagine him cuddling to Sehun.
AHHH---- My HunHan feels! NICE story btw! ^^
/Jumps around in the room/ Homg the ending is sooo cute! Lmao I laughed at the fan's comment about LuHan look so scared and about to cry. Totally can picture it ! Muhahahahaha ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
Awww this story ended but it was nice you should write more stories!
shiexo_anies #9
Chapter 3: chanyeol is older than sehun. than why he called sehun hyung? haha. maybe a mistake. but this story was really good... ^_^
hunhan_chunjoe #10
Chapter 6: Yay more hunhan u r the best!