Chapter Two

Don't Drag Me Into This

“No, you better not expect me to wear that.” Sehun slowly backed away from his best friend.

“But, it’s so cute, and I bet it would look great on you!” Baekhyun was holding a royal blue dress that had a thin layer of lace covering it. “Come on, you promised!”

“I did not agree to wear a dress!” Sehun huffed, ”Why can’t I just wear pants?”

“You’re going to a five star restaurant; it’s this or that long, slit, and bared backed dress my sister loves.” Baekhyun lifted said dress out of the shopping bags he brought. “It should be enough that I let you dress casually.”

“I am never doing this for you ever again,” Sehun grumbled, but still took the blue dress from Baekhyun.  Sehun slipped the loose fabric over his thin frame while Baekhyun pulled another item out of his bag. Sehun blushed; it was a pair of lacy stockings and bra. Bra. He was definitely not going to wear that.

“Sehunnie, I forgot you’re supposed to wear this too.” Baekhyun held the lacy items right in front of his face.


“But, it makes you look more like a girl!”

“No, get that away from me.” Sehun gave his friend a death glare. He would rather die than be caught in that.

Baekyun puffed his cheeks, but placed the items back into the bag. It had taken him hours to convince his sister to let him borrow it, so much of his effort wasted.

“Fine.” Baekhyun lifted a pair of normal black tights, “Wear this one then.”


After hours of pleading from Baekhyun and groans of regret from Sehun, they were ready for the dinner.

“I feel like a ert.” Sehun was examining himself in the mirror.

He was wearing a long brown wig and lots of makeup. His lashes had been curled and eyes perfectly lined. On his lips was baby pink lipstick and a little bit of blush on his cheeks. Covering his slim frame was a white sweater that hung loosely on his shoulders and a royal blue dress. His newly waxed legs were cover in black tights and on his feet were a pair of light brown boots.

“You look awesome! I’d totally date you if I was straight.” Baekhyun clapped his hands together and smiled brightly. He was sitting in Sehun’s bed, admiring his lovely work of “art”.

Sehun rolled his eyes, but he had to admit, he did look pretty nice.


“Okay, so he is blonde, big eyed, and shorter than you” Baekhyun stopped the car right in front of the fanciest restaurant Sehun has ever seen. “He should be wearing a suit and is going to be sitting on the table in the very corner.

“You never told me he was rich, “Sehun stepped out of the car and adjusted his sweater that was slipping off his shoulders.

“I did tell you it was a five star restaurant, you should’ve known.”

“Whatever, come pick me up when I call alright?”

“Okay~, have fun~” Baekhyun winked at him and blew him a kiss goodbye before speeding away.


When Sehun entered the fancy restaurant, he was greeted by a man in a tailcoat.

“May I help you miss?”

“Uh, I’m here with…” Sehun took out a white piece of paper,” Lu…Han?” The name sounded awfully familiar to him. But, it couldn’t possibly be the one he knows, or used to know.

“Lu Han…” The man scanned the paper in front of him, “Yes, you can go in.”

Sehun did not have trouble finding his ‘date’; he was the only blonde in the room and was sitting in the very far corner.

His ‘date’ was browsing through the menu and had most of his face covered. Sehun sat in front of him as lady like as he could.

“Hello, I’m Baekhyun’s friend, Se-“Sehun’s eyes widened considerably when his date lowered the menu.

His date raised an eyebrow, and examined Sehun, “Sehun…a?”

What the heck?! Sehun was not expecting this. Why is he here?

“Wow, 4 years is a long time, but I didn’t think you’d become like…that? I never thought you were that type of person.”

“What do you want?” Sehun was furious; they better not expect him to go back. “I thought I made it clear that I was done with you guys.”

Luhan slowly leaned back on his chair and took a sip of his champagne. “It wasn’t my idea; he wanted you back. Besides, why are you so mad, judging by what you’re wearing it looks like you were excited for this.” He smirked.

Sehun blushed, “If you hadn’t manipulated my friend for this, then I wouldn’t be here. I was just l doing a favor.”

“Manipulated?” Luhan looked confused, but at the same time amused,” What do you mean?”

“Don’t play dumb, what did you do to Baekhyun? You better have not drugged him or something.” Sehun narrowed his eyes, how dare they interfere with his new life?

Surprisingly, Luhan started to laugh, “Are you sure we’re on the right page? How is it even possible to manipulate Baek- wait,” Luhan suddenly sat up,” He didn’t tell you anything?”

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. “Wha-“

“Four years and you’re not even suspicious?” Luhan threw his hands up in a defeated manner, “Why does Kris even want you back? You clearly lost whatever you had 4 years ago.”

“What do you mean? Explain to me!” Sehun slammed his hands onto the table, what was Luhan talking about? Why would he be suspicious of Baekhyun?

Luhan scoffed, “I don’t have time for this, and do you really think that it was mere coincidence that he was there, right at that moment, perfectly prepared?”

Something clicked in Sehun’s head, and his eyes widened once more.

Luhan sighed and got up, “Call me when you have everything sorted out, I’m leaving.” He threw a piece of white paper with his number on it at Sehun.

“Wait!” Sehun called after Luhan, but he was no longer in sight. Sehun ran outside just in time to see a car speeding away from the restaurant.

Frustrated and confused, Sehun stomped his feet immaturely. He then takes out his phone and speed dials Baekhyun.


“Baek, we need to talk.”









A/N: Is it going too fast? I feel kinda random....




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ljoe_bunny #1
Chapter 3: I cant wait for the next update...
ljoe_bunny #2
Chapter 2: Sounds good..update soon,author-nim..u can do it..HWAITINGGG
Chapter 2: please update again soon.