Chapter One

Don't Drag Me Into This

"No." Sehun was definitely annoyed.

"Come on, just this once. Please, please, please." Baekhyun shut his eyes tightly and rubbed his hands together in a begging motion.

Sehun sighed and glared at his best friend. He did not want to be dragged into this.

"Please Sehunnie, I really need your help!" He then loudly clapped his hands together, drawing the attention of nearby customers. They gave the pair weird looks that made Sehun smack Baekhyun with his tray. Baekhyun gave him his best kicked puppy look before settling on a pout.


They were sitting at the corner of the cafe Sehun works in. It is a fairly large and a popular place for coffee and cake. Most of the time it was packed with people, but now it was almost closing time, so there were not a lot of people around to hear the two's bickering.


"Why doesn’t she just tell him she can't go anymore?"

"He is like super nice and I feel bad," Baekhyun kept whining," He got the reservations and everything done already, I wouldn't have hooked them up if I knew she was going to bail all of the sudden!" He looked close to tears. Jessica, his other friend, had suddenly bailed on the blind date he planned for her. The date was planned two weeks ago, and his friend bails the day right before it.

Sehun pitied him, only because they've friends for years, but it was his fault for always trying to be cupid. Baekhyun looks up at him with teary eyes and a pout. He has been begging for an hour now and it was getting really tiring. “Fine, but you owe me big time.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” He jumped out of his seat and trapped Sehun in a back breaking hug, “Sehunnie, I love you!”

Sehun rolled his eyes at him and walked towards the now empty tables. “Now help me clean,” Sehun threw Baekhyun a rag.

“Okay~!” Baekhyun immediately got to work rubbing the tables as hard as he could. Sehun couldn’t help, but chuckled at his childishness.


The Next Morning



“Sehun, wake up!”


Sehun rolled onto his side and covered his ears with the blanket. It was too early to deal with this. However, there was no noise anymore, Sehun cracked open one eye. When he saw nothing, he closed his eye and tried to sleep again. A few moments later, all the air was forced out of his lungs and there was a heavy weight pressing into his stomach.

“Sehun, wake up! We have a lot to do today!” Baekhyun  was sitting on top of his stomach, his  two hands tightly holding two large shopping bags.

“Oh God, get off me,” Sehun roughly pushed him off and gasped for air. When he finally composed himself, he glanced at the clock. 8:17 AM. Well, there goes his peaceful weekend morning. Sehun glared at his friend before heading to the bathroom, Baekyun will never let him sleep now that he’s awake.


After a refreshing shower, Sehun inwardly groaned when he remembered Baekhyun, who was currently making breakfast, was still here.


“We have to get you dressed and dolled up before 7 tonight” Baekhyun placed two plates of ham, egg and toast on the kitchen table. Sehun was into his second bite of ham before what Baekhyun said had been processed into his brain. He choked and hurriedly chugged down his water.

“Wait; please don’t tell me I have to dress up like a girl, again!”

“Well, I don’t know if he’s Bi, I mean he was going to go on a blind date with a girl,” Baekhyun thoughtfully took a bite out of his eggs. “It’s alright though, the last time you did that, the guy was totally into you." Baekhyun flashed him thumb ups and he mentally face palmed, what did he get himself into?

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ljoe_bunny #1
Chapter 3: I cant wait for the next update...
ljoe_bunny #2
Chapter 2: Sounds good..update soon,author-nim..u can do it..HWAITINGGG
Chapter 2: please update again soon.