Chapter Three

Don't Drag Me Into This

Waiting in the the cold did nothing to ease Sehun’s frustration. He was confused and his feet hurt like hell. All that angry stomping broke both his heels and now he was barefoot on the cold concrete, awkwardly holding his shoes.


When Baekhyun's car finally pulled up in front of him, he already threw his shoes at some random stranger that tried to help him. Sehun angrily slammed the car door after getting into the back seats. Sehun and Baekhyun spent the whole ride home in silence. By the time they arrived home, Baekhyun could swear he had holes in his skull.  


“So, I’m guessing the date didn’t go well?” Baekhyun cautiously broke the silence after 30 minutes of complete silence. The tension in the air was making his hands all sweaty, he didn’t want to tick Sehun off even more.


“Look, Sehun, I can explain.” He winced when Sehun sent him a death glare. He eventually sighed and took a seat on the couch next to Sehun.


“Then, talk.” Sehun’s voice was so calm it made Baekhyun stumble over his own words.


“T-they, n-no, I mean, we really need your help.” Baekhyun looked down onto his lap. He just couldn’t look at Sehun anymore.


“Why?” Sehun softened just a tiny bit for Baekhyun. He really looked so desperate and guilty. How could he stay mad at him? Baekhyun and him were friends for life. Even if all of this was set up, Sehun was pretty sure this Baekhyun was the one who was there for him always. Even if Baekhyun was assigned to this, Sehun could never forget the 4 years they spent together. Baekhyun was part of his new life and anger was just the emotion easier to deal with. His heart sank when Baekhyun said ‘we’. His worst nightmare came true.


“A new organization formed.” Baekhyun played with his fingers. “And, they’ve massacred our whole entire Middle Eastern branch. We don’t how they did it, but it doesn’t seem like they are going to stop anytime soon.” Baekhyun took a peek at Sehun’s face, scared to see his expression.


“And how am I suppose to help? Last time I’ve checked, I’m only one person and I’m not all that great.” Sehun ran his fingers through his hair and placed his hands on Baekhyun’s shoulders. He was a bit taken aback when he saw the despair and fear in Baekhyun’s eyes. He was always used to the happy, mischievous Baekhyun, not such a lost one.


“Wait, are you messing with me? Please don’t tell me you don’t remember anything.” Baekhyun was starting to panic.


“What are you..?” Sehun faltered a bit.


“You know you’re one of the best hackers we had, right?” Baekhyun’s eyes flooded with panic.


“Uh, what? Hacker? Me? Are you sure you have the right person?” Sehun’s anger was replaced by pure confusion.


“Sehun tell me what you remember, tell me everything you remember from 4 years ago.” Baekhyun grabbed Sehun’s hands and looked right into his best friend’s eyes, desperately trying to find any signs of lying. “Do you remember what EXO is?”


“Of course, how could I not?” Sehun furrowed his eyebrows.


“Then, what are we?”


“Company aboveground and mafia underground.” Sehun said not missing a beat. How could he forget, he spent most of his life working for EXO.


“Do you remember Kris?”


“Kris was in charge of everything that happens underground. He dealt with the illegal part of EXO.” Why is Baekhyun asking such obvious questions?


“Okay, who are Tao and D.O.?”


“I..” Sehun stopped for a second, “Am I supposed to know them?”


Baekhyun’s mouth opened, but closed quickly stopped himself. He chewed on the insides of his cheek, “Then do you remember Suho?”


“He…” Baekhyun looked at him hopefully, “He was the CEO of the company, right?”


“That’s it?” Baekhyun was genuinely surprised, there was no way Sehun could forget him, right?


“There’s more?” Sehun raised an eyebrow, “I worked with the mafia, is there anything I’m not aware of?”


At this point Baekhyun was close to tears, “How can you not remember? Then, do you remember how you got into EXO?”


“I was blackmailed.” Baekhyun’s heart sank.


“No, no, no, no!” Baekhyun grabbed Sehun’s arms, “No, I didn’t think it was this bad! Sehun, what did they do to you.” He was trembling and was failing to hold back his tears.


“Baek, are you okay?” Sehun was scared for his friend, “Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?”


“You have it all wrong! You only remember the basic things, they’ve altered it somehow. No wonder you hate us so much! Your memories are all messed up!” Baekhyun was screaming now. His heart was pounding so hard and his breaths were becoming uneven.


Sehun continued to stare at him in bewilderment. He was so at loss, he did not even know what to say. He could not even move. What the hell is he talking about?


“Baek, you’re confusing me.”


After a few more moments of silence, Baekhyun finally calmed done. He pulled Sehun into a hug.

“I had no idea it was this severe, we should go back to the headquarters and have Chen take a look at you.”


Sehun’s eyes widened at this suggestion and pushed Baekhyun off of him.


“Sehun, we have no choice. We-” Baekhyun suddenly froze up. He quickly pulled Sehun down from the couch and onto the floor.


“Wha-” A bullet flew past their heads, missing only by a couple of centimeters.


“They’ve found us!” Baekhyun’s voiced was laced with panic, but everything else was gone. Baekhyun turned into a completely new person. His eyes narrowed, “We have to go back now.”


He dodged another bullet and pulled Sehun out of the living room. Baekhyun pressed his body on the wall, Sehun did the same as more bullets flew past them. Glass was breaking everywhere and all the furniture bore holes in them. Baekhyun pulled Sehun into his room and quickly grabbed his cell phone.


“Damn, how did they find us?”


Baekhyun and Sehun ran out of the house through the back and escaped into the alleyway. They crouched near a dumpster, trying to catch their breath. Baekhyun’s phone started to ring.


Are you okay?”


“Yeah.” He tooked a deep breath, “We’ve managed to escape them for now.”


Alright hang in there, we’ll be there in a second.”


Okay.” Baekhyun hung up and smashed his phone into pieces. After inspecting the remains of his phone for a tracking device, he turned to Sehun, “Do you have your cell with you or any electronics?”


Sehun shook his head, “What are we going to do now?”


“We’re going to have to wait.” Baekhyun sighed and placed his head on Sehun shoulder. He relaxed at familiar scent of Sehun.


Sehun pulled Baekhyun closer with one arm and they sat there in silence.








A/N: Hey, sorry I didn't update in a long time. Been really busy with schoolwork. Kind of random but, would whoever is reading this mind if this story is no longer HunHan? I want Sehun to end up with someone else...


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ljoe_bunny #1
Chapter 3: I cant wait for the next update...
ljoe_bunny #2
Chapter 2: Sounds good..update soon,author-nim..u can do it..HWAITINGGG
Chapter 2: please update again soon.