Second Encounter

Fiction? or Fact...

Junhyung woke up pissed. 'I have to find that girl and get her to apologize, deaf or not.' He sighed and got ready to go to school.


You carefully packed your books in your book bag. Slinging it over your shoulder, you walked out of the house, locking the door behind you. You felt a warmth in your stomach. You thought about the guy you ran into yesterday, his face was pitch blackness, but you could feel his touch.

Snapping out of it you quickly headed towards school.


Junhyung and his friends were already in school. Junhyung was sitting in the desk next to the window, headphones in, listening to music. When he suddenly felt someone sit on him. They quickly got off.

He came back to reality to see a head bowing up and down. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you sitting there." they said. His fist clenched. 

'What the hell is it with this school and the people that go here?!' he thought.

He stood up abruptly and kicked his desk so hard that it hit the back of the classroom with a loud sound. He looked at who had sat on him and was surprised. His eyebrows furrowed and he grabbed their wrist.


You had just entered math class and went through the obstacle of desks. Finally you reached your desk and put your book bag on the floor next to it. You sat down only to sit on something softer than a chair. 

'I must have sit on someone! Oh ~~~~~! What am I going to do with you?' you thought to yourself.

You quickly stood up and bowed repeatedly. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you sitting there." you said.

Suddenly you felt a tug at your wrist, you didn't even try to pull away, afraid they would rip your arm off. You noticed the feel of the person's hands. It was the same guy from yesterday! You didn't know why you always thought of him.

Suddenly your back hit the wall harshly. "Ahh..." you hissed in pain. You hit the wall hard and slid onto your bottom. You felt thorough vibrations throughout your body. Suddenly it got soft. 'This guy sure has a temper issue' you thought.


It was this girl again. The deaf one. He pulled you by the wrist and threw you carelessly against the wall. 


He sighed. This wasn't going to work. You were deaf for gods sake. Everyone was staring now, and he didn't like the attention. He grabbed you by the wrist again, pulled you up off the floor, and dragged you to the garden outside. 

He pushed you to make you sit down while he thought. How would he even make you understand him? Then he got it. He picked a stick up off the floor and poked you with it.


You jumped in surprise. 'What was he trying to do?' You turned around, a look of confusion on your face. Of course, you were looking to his right, and not at him.

You felt him drawing something on your back. You concentrated harder. No, he was writing words! 

'Nod once if you get what I'm writing.' he wrote. You nodded.

'Good. Listen, I know you are deaf but honestly I have never met anyone more stupid, ignorant, and plain old retarded as you!'

He put tons of exclamation marks and even whacked your back with the stick. You frowned. To be honest your feelings were hurt. You grabbed the stick from him and ran your feet across the ground. 


You thought. You didn't even want to talk to him, so you wrote in the dirt.

'That was a really rude thing to say, especially because you don't even know me.' you wrote and softly settled the stick on the bench, next to you.

You hung your head low and without knowing a tear fell down your cheek into the dirt.


Junhyung's eyes widened. He made this girl cry already? 

He picked up the stick and wrote:

'So? It's obvious. You're like an annoying piece of trash. You don't even look at people when they try and talk to you. Ignorant.'

Your eyes widened. He was calling you ignorant?


This was the first time your blood boiled like this. You snatched the stick and furiously wrote:

'Well I'm sorry I'm blind.' 

You wrote in the dirt. You threw the stick on the ground and walked away tears on your face. The people who saw you laughed. 

"Junhyung oppa got her to crack!" they laughed so hard until they fell on the ground.

You ran away leaving all your belongings you ran straight home, slammed the door shut, locked it and ran to your room. You cried and cried and cried.

'Why is life so cruel?'




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anasilvia #1
Chapter 5: Update soon!
Chapter 1: yup yup \*0*/
Chapter 1: hey you guys it's been a while but i'm working on an update. Changed my story design. Like the new font?
The title can also go: Truth is stranger than fiction :)
dang it why wont you update im longing to read a new chapter ;A; just update please !!!!!!!!!!!!
@emerson: whooot~ lool xD
@emerson; sorrrayyyy no ttime DD; i will try and update later today again!!! :D
@emerson: lol
@hwangmihee15: i will!! ^^
@kpopluver22: thanks i hope you enjoy it!!! :D
@b2utyvipgirlfriend: hmmmm i dunno. sorry to be such a tease xD i hope you like it all!!((: