A walk home

Fiction? or Fact...


The bell rang signaling class was over. Junhyung gathered his stuff with a sigh and slung his backpack over one shoulder. The classroom had emptied out and the only people left were the teacher, Junhyung, and you. He did a double take when he noticed you were still sitting in your desk. The teacher was busy erasing the chalk board, trying to reach the tall corners. Junhyung watched you run your fingers lightly over the notes, going over what you missed in class. His foot lunged forward, his mind urging his body to sit down next to you, but his coldness got the better of him. He shook his head, and walked out of the classroom right as the teacher turned around.


I stayed after class because I felt bad for not going over the material with the class. I started feeling the bumps. I felt out the word 'simplify'. Easy enough. I searched for the numbers. 

| - x2 + 4x - 4 |

I was about to start the problem, but I felt somebody near me. I looked up confused. Was it teacher? Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.


Mr. Hwang, your math teacher, turned around after cleaning the chalk board to see you still sitting at your desk. He caught a glimpse of Junhyung leaving and went to the door. He watched your every move before shutting the door and locking it. 

Then he went over to where you were sitting and put one hand on your shoulder.

"Hello darling." he said, even though he knew you couldn't hear him.


The curiosity was breaking him. Did you know his name, What did you think about him, all these questions ran around his mind, driving him close to insanity. He decided to shoo the other guys home and wait for you. Normally, he would go home, take a shower, and sleep. But he felt he had to tell you his name, he just wanted to see you again.

After about an hour, you still didn't come out. He was starting to get peeved because he threw away his years worth of pride for you, and decided to finally come in after you himself. He walked down the hall a few feet from Mr. Hwang's room. That's when the door swung open and you stepped out. He quickly hid in the shadows of the practically empty building and watched you silently. You bowed your head and turned around. The teacher went back into his classroom and Junhyung stepped out to follow you. 


I bowed to Mr. Hwang politely and started heading home. That's all I wanted. I just wanted to go home, especially at this time of night too.


Junhyung watched you from afar, his hands in his pockets. He noticed you were very cautious about what you did. He watched you stand for a bit longer than normal people would at the end of a street walkway to check there were no cars. He found himself smiling when you waved to a couple of grandparents that owned a food stand. He wondered how you knew where everything was when you were blind and deaf. 

He finally saw you reach a little house and watched you safely go inside before he turned around and headed home.



I won't make the teacher a .

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 5: Update soon!
Chapter 1: yup yup \*0*/
Chapter 1: hey you guys it's been a while but i'm working on an update. Changed my story design. Like the new font?
The title can also go: Truth is stranger than fiction :)
dang it why wont you update im longing to read a new chapter ;A; just update please !!!!!!!!!!!!
@emerson: whooot~ lool xD
@emerson; sorrrayyyy no ttime DD; i will try and update later today again!!! :D
@emerson: lol
@hwangmihee15: i will!! ^^
@kpopluver22: thanks i hope you enjoy it!!! :D
@b2utyvipgirlfriend: hmmmm i dunno. sorry to be such a tease xD i hope you like it all!!((: