Third times the charm?

Fiction? or Fact...

Junhyung stood there frozen. He didn't know what to do. 

'She's deaf AND blind?! Aww ing fantastic.' he thought.

He sighed and started walking back into the school, when he suddenly dropped to his knees. He gripped his chest hard. He hissed in pain. What was this feeling?


The next morning you didn't show up at school. You didn't show up the next day or the next. Junhyung could have cared less, but felt himself wanting to see how you were doing.

"Snap out of it Yong Junhyung. She's just a dumb deaf blind person." he told himself.

He was turning a corner when he bumped into someone. They suddenly lost their balance and started falling to the floor.

He usually would have let the person fall, but as if on instinct he reached out and pulled the person to his chest. He surprised himself more than the onlookers who were shocked at what just happened.


You didn't feel like going to school. You skipped two days of school before deciding it was time to 'man up' and not let his words get to you.

With a determined and weary sigh you walked the halls. There were whispers and laughter. You picked up your pace, not wanting to be laughted at any longer and turned the corner when you ran into something... again. 

You sighed. Why did it seem like these days you kept doing something wrong? You were about to bow and say sorry, when you lost your balance.

You started falling backwards, sailing towards the floor, when something strong grabbed you and you met a firm chest. Your eyes widened. You knew it was the same guy from yesterday. 

You wanted to be mad, you wanted to push him away, but you couldn't. Your heart and body wouldn't listen to you. Instead your emotions took over.

You noticed his warmth, his well built torso. Also, his strength, and you could feel your heart swell while the blush ran up your cheeks. He smelled clean, with a hint of cologne. 

Suddenly it was all over. You looked straight into his face, or what you thought was his face. You heard him mumble something before pushing you aside and stalking down the halls.

You didn't need to hear to know what he mumbled definitely wasn't a "Glad you came to school." or anything. Knowing his personality it was probably something like,"Oh, It's you again."

But you still liked it.


Junhyung caught the petite girl in his arms and pushed her against his chest. It somehow felt... right. He stood there for about 10 seconds, just holding her. Before he pulled himself together.

He pulled the girl away from him and looked at her. On the inside he was surprised, on the outside he didn't care. She stared into his face. His eyes looked into hers even if she couldn't see him.

"You again?" he gave you a glare before pushing past you towards his classroom. The feeling struck his chest again.

'Am I having health problems?' he wondered.


You wanted to know his name. You really did. You didn't know why you were feeling this way but you wanted to get to know him more. Whenever you were around him you felt yourself blush, you felt your heart thump madly against your chest, you felt yourself liking him as more than a friend. 

But how would you know? It's not like you could just ask him, and not like anyone would talk to you. 

You zoned out all through class, but nobody could tell the difference. 


Junhyung was  playing with his pencil. He found this class extremely boring. Subject? Math. 

But, he would find himself glancing over at you every once in a while. He would recall what happened this morning.

You felt so small in his arms, but you fit so perfect. He sighed in frustration. Then he remembered that he didn't even know your name. He grew curious, it was bugging him so badly, he was itching to know.

'But it would be weird if I asked her right?' he thought.

He pushed it into a corner in his brain.

"~~~~~~~?" the teacher called. 

'Who?' he said to himself.

Then he noticed the teacher start walking towards you.

'Could that be her? What was her name? ~~~~~?' he wondered.

The teacher tapped your shoulder, gave you something, and went back to teaching. 

'So her name's ~~~~~~...... pretty.' he said, for the first time in his life.





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anasilvia #1
Chapter 5: Update soon!
Chapter 1: yup yup \*0*/
Chapter 1: hey you guys it's been a while but i'm working on an update. Changed my story design. Like the new font?
The title can also go: Truth is stranger than fiction :)
dang it why wont you update im longing to read a new chapter ;A; just update please !!!!!!!!!!!!
@emerson: whooot~ lool xD
@emerson; sorrrayyyy no ttime DD; i will try and update later today again!!! :D
@emerson: lol
@hwangmihee15: i will!! ^^
@kpopluver22: thanks i hope you enjoy it!!! :D
@b2utyvipgirlfriend: hmmmm i dunno. sorry to be such a tease xD i hope you like it all!!((: