Mistaken Feelings

Hyung, I Love You!

From that day onwards, Seungri and the other have became good friends. During free time, he would go shopping or karaoke with Chaelin and the girls, and forming a band with the guys. Taeyang and Minzy are quite close as friends because they have huge passion towards dancing. Daesung and Minzy had always been a pair because they look alike and they have the same sense of humor. Dara and Bom are always called "The Park Sisters" for their same surname, and Bingu T.O.P for his dorkiness. Everybody took care of Seungri well, not everybody, actually. Jiyong is always solo. And this, calls for Seungri's curiosity. 

For a few weeks already, Seungri has been following Jiyong. Where does he live, what does he like, Seungri wants to know everything. When Seungri is free from class, he'd follow Jiyong EVERYWHERE and the funniest part is that Jiyong never notices. This guy has completely caught Seungri's attention.

Jiyong is good at writing song,s and he's been doing it since middle school. He is a total genius in rapping too. He raps randomly, spontaneously in front of friends and that's why he is never left out among Seungri and the others. 

One day after their class, Seungri invited everyone to lunch. "Hey what about grabbing lunch together -- OW! Why did you do that noona!?" Chaelin gave him a knuckle on his head. She really likes to joke on her hoobaes. Everybody laughed. "Yah, you're a dongsaeng, and I was actually thinking of having lunch together already, so I was supposed to be inviting, not you." "Ahh, kaja, the bill's on me." T.O.P said.

Jiyong just tagged along. He always smile when nobody sees him, as if he enjoys the crowd but not attention to himself. "Hyung-ah, why don't you rap something about food," Seungri spotted him. Jiyong pretend-slapped Seungri's face. "Yah pabo, rap isn't about joking around food," and then he gave a little sunbae-smile to Seungri.

Seungri blushed. "H...Hyung, I've never seen you like this," he said shyly.

What? I've never seen you like this!? Is he drunk or something? Jiyong was taken aback.

Trying to ignore Seungri's stupidness, he scolded Seungri, "Yah, did you forgot to take your medicine or is it that you naturally have mental disorders? I can't deal with you, haha." Jiyong tried to make the atmosphere lighter.

Seungri pouted and got a pretend-slap by Jiyong again. By the end of the day he felt that there were flowers and sparkles coming out of Jiyong's body, like he was an angel. (I'm a noob at describing, so this is the best and worst I can do.)

So OOOOOKAY! Chapter 3 is out. I know I know, this chapter is short. But I just can't really get the things together. I‘m quite busy at school and I can't sort things out. I took a couple of days and all I can do is to squeeze Chapter 3 out, and it's very short and I'm sorry. Still I hope you guys can read it patiently... I know I . :(

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I'm sorry I haven't been active for 10 months but next week's exam week so I'll have to wait for another 3 weeks to continue writing. I'm sorry


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Chapter 6: suddenly, what happened Ji???? what you think and try talk Ri ???
where are authornimmmm????
Update please?
Thanks for all the comments! I will be updating as soon as my exam is over in at least 2-3 weeks! Thanks for all the love and support, I know I haven't been updating for 10 months but I still hope you guys remember this fic, heheh. I will be improving my grammar and style of writing, be waiting!
Chapter 6: LOL ji suddenly mad, ri's in so much trouble haha
Chapter 2: Omg!! Girl, i love this!! Kkk bad Jiyong. And i love to read your fic bcs of the grammar. It's excellent!!! Kkkkk don't stop writing it bcs i'll be waiting for it
Chapter 3: Your story is interesting actually ~ but you can improve yourself ^^ waiting for the next part :)
Chapter 2: Oh I love this jiyong, and I always love seungri.. Waiting for the next :)
Chapter 1: Kkkkkkk, CL XDDD I'm looking forward for the next chapter ~ Omo,you're 13 neh? I'm a year older than you xD let's be friend, dongsaeng >u<
Ni2RunAway #9
Chapter 1: Good fic!! Chaerin the baddest female lol lol~ keep it up!!
(Btw i'm a girl ^_^)
aieru_amie #10
Chapter 1: As long as its not angsty angsty I am here.
Feel like fun.
All the best dongsaeng ya!