
Pen-pal Love

Yong Hwa woke up from his sleep as he could hear some sobbing beside him but the sight he saw in the first moment he open his eyes was the last thing he wished to see. Joo Hyun was crying on his chair but the most important part was the box where he kept all her letters was now beside her and one of the letters was held in her hand. Yong Hwa knew that she must have already figured out his past identity but he did not know how to explain to her.

“Joo Hyun…” Yong Hwa pushed himself to the bed side and faced the crying girl.

“Joo Hyun, don’t cry please. That’s the last thing I hope to see from you.” Yong Hwa put his hand on her face and rubbed her tears away. Joo Hyun was still sitting on the chair silently.

“Hyun, I think you already found out these…” Yong Hwa took the box to show her again.

“Actually, I… I…” Yong Hwa was trying to explain the situation out but he could not find any suitable words for him.

“Hyeongsunim, do you…” Jung Shin opened the door and saw the two in sad. “What happened, hyeong? Why did hyeongsunim crying?” he continued.

“Jung Shin, can you let us alone for some time here? I will answer your question after we had done here, okay?” Yong Hwa looked to the maknae who was staring at them with confused look.

“Okay, I’m sorry that I disturb you. Mianheyo.” Jung Shin did as Yong Hwa’s asked and closed the door behind.

“Hyun, I know it was hard for you to accept this but…” Yong Hwa turned to the sit still girl. She had not moved even a finger for some time already but her tears were still falling non-stop.

“Why? Why? Why?” Joo Hyun was finally voiced. She needed answer for her confusedness real fast or she might do something weird soon if she did not get any answer.

“I also just figured out that you are Princess Seo in the double birthday event. That’s the reason why I didn’t contact you for the whole month because I don’t know how to face you after all I had done to you.” Yong Hwa could not look to her face as he explained himself because he knew she must very hurt from his selfishness move eight years ago.

“I said why, why you didn’t tell me soon after you know I’m Princess Seo? And why you didn’t tell me the reason why you suddenly wanted to stop our pen-paling eight years ago?” Joo Hyun pulled Yong Hwa face up and looked into his eyes and she noticed his eyes were as sad as her.

“I really had thought to tell you about this after a week of thinking but I’m afraid that you will got angry with me and leave me, so I decided to let the secret kept in secret as long as it could. I don’t want to lose you again after the lost I face eight years ago. And for the reason, it’s better for you to not knowing about it.” Yong Hwa did not want her to hate her parents after she knew the real reason behind their break off.

“Does that mean that if I didn’t find out about these today, you would keep it away from me as long as you could?”

“Yes because I want to wait till the suitable time to explain to you. I know I was selfish but I don’t want the past to affect us now. I’m sorry.” Yong Hwa put his face down again.

“Then when is the suitable time? A month? A year? Ten years? Or forever?” Joo Hyun asked, disbelieve on what she hear from Yong Hwa.

“No, of course not. I was waiting for our Busan trip to explain everything to you because there was where everything started and nowhere was suitable more than there.” Yong Hwa knew she was getting angry now.

“Then, what about the reason? Why did you suddenly stop all the contact with me, I thought we were a close friend back then. We had gone thought a lot of happy and sad times together already, so I thought we have a strong bond within us. But why you do that to me? Don’t you know that I will be very hurt with your action? Do you know how much I had gone through these eight years just to forget about you?” Joo Hyun’s voice got stronger as she asked more questions. All these were the questions she wanted to ask to him since eight years ago.

“I know, I know. I know that you will be very sad and you will have a hard life after that, but I also went through all that too. You had no idea how hard to write you the last letter and how long I had thought in front of post office before I sent the letter. And as I said, it’s better for you to not know the reason behind.”

“You really don’t want me to know the reason?” Joo Hyun asked to confirm it again.


“Then, you should throw these two letters away years ago. In that case, I will not know the true reason behind forever.” Joo Hyun showed Yong Hwa the two letters in her hand. They were the letters he was supposedly sent to her instead of the last letter and her mother’s letter. Joo Hyun had read the letters and she knew it was her mother behind all this. That would explained everything her mother did after that and it also confirmed YoonA’s guess.

“……” Yong Hwa, in other hand, totally forgot with the two letters that he also kept it together in the box.

“Do you know that I was about to leave here as soon as I read the first few letters but when I saw these two letters, my strength got disappear. I never thought that my omma was the one behind all this. As much as hated you before, I also sorry with what my mother did to you. But you still didn’t want to tell me about her evil move even I asked you few times. I know you didn’t want me to hate my mother but it was just unfair to you.” Joo Hyun moved her hand to get Yong Hwa’s and grabbed it tightly. She knew she had misunderstood with Yong Hwa or should call him as Prince Jung for all these years.

“Hyun, don’t get angry with your mother, she was just too worry about you. She was afraid that I might stop you from getting higher and brighter future if we continued the relationship, and she was right for that. You are now a successful idol as a member of the most popular girl group in Korea, so you should thanks for her, not to get angry with her. I remembered my father told me one sentence that was very meaningful, ‘real love will overcome the matter of time’. I believed on that for my whole life and even more now because it really fit in our story, don’t you think so?” Yong Hwa grabbed her hand back.

“Arasso, I will not hate her because I could understand why she did all that and she was my only mother so how can I hate her for the rest of my life. Oppa, I apologise to you for her sake. Please forgive her.”

“Babo, how could I hate my future mother-in-law? No, she WAS already my mother-in-law right now. She was the one who risked her life to give birth to my beautiful wife here, so how could I do that to her?” Yong Hwa winked at her.

“Who say she was your mother-in-law? Babo…” Joo Hyun smirked on Yong Hwa comment.

“Don’t you remember we were married? The ring here is the proved.” Yong Hwa took her hand up to show her the ring on her left hand.

“It was for the show only. I, personally, have not yet approved your asked for being real. Keke…” Joo Hyun was playing hard on Yong Hwa.

“Oh really? Then I think I had to do something to make you say yes, don’t you regret on this.” Yong Hwa pulled the chair to get closer to him and his hand started to ticker on Joo Hyun’s wrist.

“Oppa! STOP!!! AAAAHAHAHAHA!!! STOP!” Joo Hyun could not get away from his hand because the chair was locked on the spot by Yong Hwa’s leg.

“Not before you say yes. Say that you want to be real with me.” Yong Hwa ignored her order but instead he strengthened his attack.

“No way!! HAHA! I will not give up! HIHIHIHI!!!” Joo Hyun was stubborn on her decision.

“I see, play hard is it? Then I think I had to go to next level.” Yong Hwa smirked.

“Aigoo, those two… just now was still crying in sad, now it’s laughing out lous. How could they change so fast, faster than the weather change? Aigoo…” Jung Shin was staying in the living room, together with Min Hyuk and Jong Hyeon. They were waiting for the two love bird to come out to have dinner together but now they decided to give up on waiting.

“Let’s have dinner in my room since it was the furthest from hyeong’s room and hope that we won’t hear those disgusting words from those two there.” Jong Hyeon suggested.

“Yes, let go.” Min Hyuk and Jung Shin agreed with Jong Hyeon.


“Eonnies, can we gather in living room now? I had something to tell you all.” Joo Hyun loudly asked as she stepped in the dorm.

“What is it so important to call a gathering?” Jessica walked out from her room as she heard the asked. The others stopped everything they were doing a gather in the living room. They always gather there when they need to discuss about something important or serious.

“Eonnies, I… I will be with Yong Hwa oppa as a true couple, started from today.” Joo Hyun said with head down.

“……” Silence was forming in the dorm since the moment Joo Hyun said her reason for the gathering.

“Hyunnie, are you telling the truth? Don’t lie to eonnies or you will in bad shape, you got it?” Tae Yeon asked for confirmation after minutes of silence.

“Of course I’m telling the truth. Are you all didn’t like this idea at all? Why you all just silence after I told you all about this? I thought you all will tease me non-stop after that and I’m ready for the worst to come, but now you all are just quite.” Joo Hyun getting sad as she thought that her sisters were not happy with that announcement.

“Do you know that the silence before storm was the scariest?” Tae Yeon smirked. Before Joo Hyun could digest her words, the room was bombarding with loud happy shout and questions.







Those girls were holding hard on their happiness when they first heard the announcement but they could not hold it any longer now. Joo Hyun was totally in shock with her sisters reaction, it was different compare to her imagination on her way back and she did not know how to reaction on this.


“O…oh a…ah… but before that I want to tell you all about something unexpected thing first, it’s about oppa.” Joo Hyun was still in shock at first but she managed to pull herself together after a few second of lost.

“GIRLS, SIT DOWN!!! Looks like Hyunnie still have something to announce.” Tae Yeon pulled the others to stop their celebration.

“What about Yong seobang, Hyunnie?” Hyo Yeon asked.

“Ermmm… how should I start this? Do you all remember my pen-pal friend I told you all year ago?” Joo Hyun needed to explain this correctly or else Yong Hwa would get into trouble with the eight girls.

“Yes, of course we remember the babo who hurt you so much. What had him to do with this? Don’t tell me that you still can’t forget of him.” Tae Yeon looked to her youngest sister with serious look.

“Ermm… Yes I still can’t forget about him and I won’t forget about him even in the future.” Joo Hyun stopped a while to wait for her sisters’ reaction.

“Hyunnie, this is unfair to Yong seobang if he found out. Even he was not, it is still unfair for him since you two will be a couple now. Better for you to choose only one from the two or you will hurt them both, even hurt yourself too.” Jessica was worried with Joo Hyun’s words. The others also nodded to show agreement to Jessica’s comment.

“But I can’t choose one from them; even I want to, because they are the same person.” Joo Hyun continued her explanation.

“MWO!!!! Do you say that Yong seobang was your pen-pal years back? Are you joking with us or what? Are you sure about it or you guessed it?” All the girls asked in the same time.

“Yes, I’m sure about it and it was confirmed by oppa himself.” Joo Hyun nodded.

“Wait wait wait. Hyunnie, can you explain what exactly happened today? Looks like you two had gone through a long day today.” Yuri still could not connect what she heard from Joo Hyun together. She knew that Joo Hyun was angry with her pen-pal and now she knew that Yong Hwa was the one who hurt her so much but she still wanted to be with him. It was too difficult for her to understand the whole situation.

“Today when I went to visit oppa in their dorm, I found out all the letters I wrote for the three years was kept in a box by oppa, together with the letter sent by my omma. I finally realised that I wrongly hated oppa for all these years because everything was similar to YoonA eonni guessed. My parents were the one behind the break up and oppa had no choice in that but to follow my parents’ words. And the reason why he pulled on the mildang period was because he found out that I’m Princess Seo on our double birthday event and he did not know how to face me that time.” Joo Hyun explained in one shot.

“Hyunnie, I didn’t know what to say right now, really. Do you remember that I said this to you when YoonA point out that Yong seobang could be your Prince Jung, you two was really destined to be as one if he really is? Now that it was proved that he was the one and the statement was perfectly for you two.” Jessica held on Joo Hyun’s hand.

“Yes, YoonA eonni got everything right, from the reason behind our break out to oppa’s identity. And Jessica eonni, I now believe that we are destined together after all these happened.”

“Loos like I can go as private investigator for my free time, I’m such a genius.” YoonA prised with herself for being able to guess the entire story correctly and she earned a laugh from the others.



A/N: Hello. Now the two pen-pal had back together again... what will happen next? Do you all think i should end this story here or not? since all the problem had been solve already... Hahaha

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pipopanda #1
Chapter 40: It's kind a late ....
But nevermind........
Its sweet story
annsel #2
Chapter 40: hai auothornim, nice to get a chance to read ur story, even it's late but i'm so happy that i can read this. this story is so daebak, yongseo finally faited to be together ..
i hope so in the reality, even it has to take so long, but we, yongseo shipper, never give up to supproting and prayng for the best for yongseo :DD
Chapter 40: Die of no air? Seohyun!
You're just making him more alive! \(O∇O )
Chapter 40: This is so beautiful author-nim Thank you...
Tzarista #5
good story
dawnxiamara #6
I a a goguma & this is what i am waiting for the yongseo couple to be doing someday.I know it will take a long time but, i'm keeping my fingers crossed because i have faith in them.I love what i'm seeing now from this couple & hope to God that my waiting for this day will come true. Thank you again for your story it keeps me on my toes & not bored from waiting for good news. Thank you again & more power...
Its a very goguma way of ending the story :) DAEBAK!<br />
luv4cnblue #8
I love the ending! I liked this story & I'm sad it ended.
MissBarbietch #9
a fairy tale happy ending story.. i'm so satisfied;)<br />
<br />
Thanks for the wonderful story..<br />
<br />
keep up the good work in the future..<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
faisazali #10
sweetest chapter ever!!<br />
my eyes were tearing during the proposal event..<br />
it's simple but very romantic..<br />
it's define YongSeo perfectly..<br />
they've been through a very long journey to reach this moment..<br />
i'm glad that they remain strong and trusted each other all this time..<br />
TQ chinggu for the sweet story!!<br />
Terima Kasih.. =)<br />
see ya in your next story..