[GaIn’s POV]

If DooJoon felt like the love letter is some toy for him then I ‘ll make another one and this time it will be probably for him and not anyone anymore.I realized I love him and not JoKwon sunbae anymore.I had thrown away the love letter for JoKwon and burn it up.It’s all the past now.I know who I really want now.

“Hey,GaIn.Are you really going to do this?”JiYoon ask when she notice the love letter on my hand is for DooJoon.

“Yes,I’m very sure of it,JiYoon,”I nodded and have confident that DooJoon will have to see this.

“Ne,I’ll support you.You’re my chingu and if I don’t support you who will,”JiYoon link her arms around my shoulder and give a courage for me.

I walk to DooJoon’s class which is just at the second floor of our class.

“Hey,isn’t that him,GaIn?”JiYoon point at the guy who walk with a group of guys towards.I notice that it’s really him.I’m ready to confess to him as he walk closer but unluckily when he walk towards with his group of friend,DooJoon just pass by my side and look like didn’t notice me at all.A wind blow through when DooJoon walk pass me.I felt my heart throbbing again when he walks pass through me and ignore me.

“Hey,what’s with that?Doesn’t he see you here?”JiYoon said dissatisfiedly.

I bet he just hate me now for being lying to him for all these days.I bet he doesn’t want to see me anymore.I’m so sorry if I make him like that.I don’t mean it.

*After school*

The whole day just so .I felt my heart is throbbing and don’t have any mood on study.I can’t concentrate with study when in the class and even being scold by almost all of the teachers who teach us.All I can think of in my mind is Yoon DooJoon.The way he pass by me is still so fresh in my mind.The way he ignore me as well.I’m such a bad girl for hurting a nice guy like him.

“YAH!!!!SON GA IN!!YOU’RE LOSER!!”I yell out while one the way to home.

“Who is the loser here?’suddenly I heard a similar voice from behind.The voice sound so familiar.

I turn around,”It’s you.What’re you doing here?”I notice it’s DooJoon.

“It’s a monthly anniversary for the both of us after you confess to me with the love letter.So I came over to see you,”DooJoon said.

“I thought you hate me.Just leave me alone,”I said and turn away only as if DooJoon grabbed my wrist and making me turn around and crash his lips on mine.

“Bwo?”I push him away but his arms still wrapped around my waist.

“I love you,GaIn,”DooJoon’s words make me blush.

“I-“I don’t know what to say.

“You don’t have to say a thing.I love the way you are and I realized I had fall in love with you deeply.Even I try to erase you from my mind.I can’t do it at all.Today when I just ignore and pass by you,I felt my heart throbbing to see your disappointed face,”DooJoon explained.

My tears start to flowing out,”I’m sorry…I really don’t mean it to make you feel like I’m using you.I’ll always try to tell you about the truth but every time I wan tot say it,I’ll be stuck and felt like wanting you.I’m so selfish,”I cried out and DooJoon pat my head as I buried my face into his shoulder.

“It’s okay.This is why I love you because you’re a true person,”he pats my head and comforting me as I’m in his embrace.I felt warm under his embrace.

“DooJoon oppa,saranghae,”I finally confess out with the person I really love.

“Nadu saranghae,”he replied and crash his lips on mine.

And from that,DooJoon had forgive me and we’re finally being together.Despite of a wrong person but it turn out to be the true person I really want to love.That day,it’s not only a monthly anniversary after I confess to DooJoon oppa but also the day I realized how important DooJoon oppa for me.




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hielooo #1
luv da story<br />
I love doogeum too!!!! <3 <3 <3 XDD
ghia_meow #4
yay!! doogeum!! please update soon!!<br />
i love your story.. ")<br />
Doogeum jjang!!! love it :DDD