"No, no more crying."

The Other Music Student

Chen and Baekhyun had managed to slip into one of the first year's rehearsal classes. And yes, that meant they had sneaked into the main auditorium, hidden at the back, dropping to the floor any time the professor looked up in their direction. Baekhyun had ran towards Chen, who was perched on the table of a picnic bench, puffy cheeks and heavy breath, but a wicked grin on his lips. Chen knew this meant trouble. Or he'd had . But the latter was least likely.

"Chen! Chen, come with me, you're so going to want to see this!"

And that's how they ended up creeping on Joonmyeon's class, watching them perform solo's, duo's, trio's and group numbers. They were sat in the back row, feet resting on the back of the chairs in the row in front, hands in their laps. They were yet to hear Joonmyeon's voice, but Chen hoped that it wouldn't be long. 

"How did you even find out they were rehearsing here today?" Chen leaned over slightly, whispering lowly to Baekhyun.

"I thought my class was in here today. Came stumbling in and they all looked and laughed. I spotted Joonmyeon then fled to get you."

"Okay..." Chen hesitated a little with his next sentence because he knew the answer was obvious. "Why did you come and get me?"

Baekhyun tilted his head towards Chen, the smug smile on his lips growing. "Because I knew you'd take any opportunity to ogle at Joonmyeon. And if there was also a chance you'd get to hear him singing." That was true. As soon as Chen discovered that Joonmyeon was on a music course, he was eager to hear him perform. He just hoped with every fiber of his being that he was good. But he had to be to study the course at university, right? 

"Thank you, Danielle. Remember to work on your breath control. Joonmyeon, let's hear what you've got." The professor spoke in her usual shrill voice that both Chen and Baekhyun and learned to hate. She was a lovely teacher, extremely helpful, but neither boy could tolerate more than a few sentences from . Joonmyeon popped his head from behind the piano, a little weak smile on his lips. He shuffled round and handed a few sheets of paper over to the pianist before taking his place in front of the class towards the front of the dark stage. The stage lights were off, just the auditorium lights showing his expression, which was something the professor was keen on. God knows how many times Chen had been scolded for not showing enough emotion, or even showing the wrong emotion.

"Dear god, I hope he's good." Chen muttered to himself, but Baekhyun had picked up on his words.

"He has to be. She only takes the best students. Like me." Baekhyun gave a callous shrug of his shoulders, pursing his lips together with a cheeky grin on then. Chen gave him a light punch on his arm, to which Baekhyun frowned at, but their attention was soon stolen by the scene on the stage as the soft notes began playing from the piano. Chen didn't recognise the song, which wasn't common. Being a music major, he knew a lot of compositions, lyrical and not, but this was new to him. He kept his focus locked on to Joonmyeon in anticipation, just hoping that Joonmyeon would notice him.

"If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song..."

The soft, deep tones that came from Joonmyeon's throat were incredibly smooth and beautiful. Each word that came out just grabbed a string on Chen's heart and gave it a harsh tug. It took his breath away. Chen dropped his feet to the floor and sat up, leaning forward a little in his seat as if wanting to hear him better. Chen was transfixed on Joonmyeon, mesmerised by his words. And if Joonmyeon had heard his secret wishes, he raised his focus, his eyes rested on Chen. They made eye contact and Chen's heart skipped a beat. Or two, maybe even three. Oh gosh, he was incredible. That wasn't even a good enough word. And there was no way that he could get scolded for lack of facial expressions. Joonmyeon put in so much emotion as he sang and the eye contact was just killing Chen. 

"I've never known the loving of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand.
There's a boy here in town, says he'll love me forever
Who would've thought forever could severed..."

And just like that, Chen felt a heart-wrenching pain in his chest. It wasn't a generated emotion to please his professor, nor something that naturally happened when singing. It was real hurt, real pain that Joonmyeon was feeling. Even though there was quite a distance between them, Chen could see Joonmyeon singing his heart out, expressing some deep trauma that had occurred and that this song was bringing up in him.

"And maybe then you'll hear the words I've been singing,
Funny when you're dead how people start listening..."

Joonmyeon stopped singing, holding his gaze with Chen for just another moment before he looked down. His mouth hung open like a goldfish as if he'd forgotten the words, but it wasn't that. Chen just wanted to reach out to him and hold him, his hair and tell him it was all going to be okay. Joonmyeon looked up at his professor and shook his head, clenching his fists. He muttered something that wasn't audible to Chen and Baekhyun before he bolted towards the door, fleeing the auditorium. That did it for Chen. He jumped up out of his seat and raced down the stairs, following out after Joonmyeon not even ten seconds after the other had left. He barged through the doors and looked up and down the corridor, spotted Joonmyeon disappearing through the double doors to the right. Chen continued to chase him, calling Joonmyeon's name but it was ignored every time. So Chen picked  up the speed and reached out, managing to grab Joonmyeon's wrist before he could get any further.

"Joonmyeon, please..." Chen gave a small tug, trying to pull Joonmyeon to face him. He didn't, keeping his head down. He sniffed and let out a shaky breath, causing pain in Chen's heart. Was he... Crying? Joonmyeon spun round and flung his arms around Chen's neck, pressing his fist into the back of his neck and his face into the front. Joonmyeon was clinging to him and Chen could feel the deep sobs coming muffled from the guy in his arms. Chen just held him, rubbing his hand up and down Joonmyeon's back, whispering it's okay, it's alright repeatedly into his ear. He'd never been around anyone crying before, at least not reckless and uncontrollable like this. Victoria and Baekhyun often let out the small tears at the sad chick flicks that Chen was forced to watch, but it was nothing like this.

"Don't make me talk about it." Joonmyeon's words were broken and weak, cracking at his emotional outburst. Chen tightened his grip on the other, rocking him ever so gently.

"I'm not going to. We don't have to talk about anything, just cry all you want."

"No, no more crying." Joonmyeon pulled away ever so slightly, staring at Chen. Gosh, his eyes were so puffy and red, the tears staining his precious porcelain cheeks. He looked so vulnerable, but Chen was somehow thankful for this. Thankful that Joonmyeon had completely crumbled and was broken in his arms. It just meant that maybe Joonmyeon trusted him, that they were a little closer than before.

"You can cry as much as you want." Chen gently cupped Joonmyeon's cheek and caressed it with his cheek. "I don't mind."

Joonmyeon shook his head once again. His eyes darted across Chen's face, the odd sniff coming from him. They were so close, so connected by the gazing into each other's eyes and the way Chen was holding Joonmyeon, even though Joonmyeon was older and taller than him. Joonmyeon's eyes slid down to Chen's lips and Chen swallowed. Not again. Please don't you dare interrupt again, Victoria. But she didn't. No one did. The halls were empty and Chen had left his phone in his bag back in the auditorium. Which meant Joonmyeon had plenty of time to capture Chen's lips on his own. It was hard, a little desperate, but Chen guessed that it was due to need of emotion. But it didn't matter. They were kissing. Their lips were touching, moving slowly against each other's, taking in each other's taste. Joonmyeon's lips were extremely soft and tender, making his own tingle with delight at the sensation. Joonmyeon had cupped the back of Chen's neck, Chen's hands on his waist, holding him close. It was an absolutely perfect kiss, even if Joonmyeon's cheeks were still damp with tears. Joonmyeon slowly pulled away, pressing his forehead gently to Chen's. His breath was shaky and light against Chen's lips, his eyes closed. Chen couldn't tell if he was regretting or reveling the situation. But Joonmyeon opened his eyes, looking down into Chen's. He held contact, the silence keeping Chen on edge. Once again, he was anticipating Joonmyeon's words and actions, so he bit down on his lip out of nerves.

"Go out with me." Joonmyeon whispered so quietly that Chen barely caught the words. But he did and he smiled a little.


"A date." Joonmyeon's voice was breathy but he was definitely sincere.

"Okay. A date."  

Joonmyeon pulled away completely from Chen, wiping his eyes. They were going on a date and both of them were struggling to contain their excitement, smiles tugging at their lips. Joonmyeon didn't say anything else, but he didn't have to. Chen was happy. Joonmyeon nodded and gave a small embarrassed smile before slipping past Chen, heading back into the auditorium. Chen watched him, keeping a straight face. But as soon as Joonmyeon had disappeared, Chen broke out into a dumb smile, covering his face to hide his happiness. A date. A real date. Holy crap. How did he manage that?

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aLiaLovella #1
Chapter 5: I love this chapter ! Kris was so protective around Baekhyun and getting mad at Tao for pushing his boyfriend into the water.Luckily he is there to save Baek.Lol,I really love KrisBaek so much!
Chapter 7: Krisbaek~ moooore pls XD aaaahhh ^_^
D_S_H_ #3
Chapter 11: Yep, Victoria could give Cupid a run for his money! lol. Cept her own date hasn't called back... The carnival date was so fluffy!! haha.
D_S_H_ #4
Chapter 8: I'd be up for a bit more SuChen, but the LuToria was sweet and cute!
Estrangedother-half #5
Chapter 7: Ok you just mentionned Baekhyun dancing to Iggy Azalea and I lost it. You now have a definite place in my heart!! XD plus Krisbaek are talking to each other again and all is well!
Chapter 6: Oh My Gosh!!! I'm a new subscriber! I love it~
D_S_H_ #7
Chapter 6: Congrats Victoria, but darn your timing!! Ooo Chen Chen you (almost) lucky devil you! Poor Baek baby.
Estrangedother-half #8
Chapter 5: Ooh I feel the start of some Krisbaek dramatic turn! I'm also very curious about what their problem is.. And Chen being all happy around Junmyeon! So cute.

And Luhan... I wonder what he wants to ask Victoria.