"Do you marshmallow?"

The Other Music Student


Chen spun around. He searched through the crowds of people as they passed in a rush, bumping into him frequently. He recognised the voice, it was Joonmyeon. But he couldn't find him. A particularly tall person slammed into his shoulder, knocking Chen to the ground. He fell on to his hands and knees, groaning slightly at the pain. Chen looked back at the man who'd brushed him, but he was long gone."Thanks a lot, apo-"

"Jogndae!" He heard it again. How did Joonmyeon know his real name? Turning his head back to the correct positioning, Chen looked up, connecting his eyes with Joonmyeon's.  Chen's heart stopped, skipping a beat, then another, and another. Joonmyeon crouched down and extended a hand, gently brushing Chen's fringe from his eyes with the softness of his fingertips. A smile grew across his lips, and it hit Chen like a tidal wave. "Be careful, you silly goose. Are you always this clumsy?" 

"I- N-no, I.." Chen was lost for words. This only caused the grin on Joonmyeon's lips to grow.

"C'mon, let's get you up." Joonmyeon offered his hand, and as Chen reached up to grab it, there was a piercing alarm ringing out across the street. But no one reacted. Joonmyeon just stood there smiling, waiting for Chen to take his hand. But he couldn't. Because Joonmyeon was fading. It's like the crowd was swallowing him up.

"No! Come back!" Chen reached out his hand desperately, longing to hold on to Joonmyeon's. He was searching for him, but by now Joonmyeon was gone, leaving him alone in a crowded street with the alarm still pounding in the atmosphere.

Chen suddenly shot up in bed. He was panting, fighting for breath like he'd been running for hours, his heart racing in his chest. His covers were strewn across the floor, leaving him in nothing but boxers and the blue t shirt he'd pulled on before sleeping.He glanced over at his roommate, who hadn't stirred, and Chen was thankful. So he flopped back down, gazing up at the ceiling until he fell asleep once again.

That was the first night Chen dreamt of the incredible Joonmyeon. It and certainly wasn't going to be the last time.


A few nights after his dream, Chen was cooped up in his dorm on a Friday. He was sat at his desk, his laptop in front of him, a blank word document open. He needed lyrics, he needed inspiration, but nothing was coming to him. The song was due in two weeks, and there was no possible way that he'd be able to get the lyrics, the notes and record all of the different accompaniments for the deadline. He was sick of staring at the blank word page, so he slammed his laptop shut and let out a deep, angry groan.

"That isn't good for the screen."

Chen jumped and spun round, noticing his roommate in front of the door. When did he get in? How did he not hear the door opening, or even closing? "Hm? Oh... Yeah, I'm just angry."

"I can tell." Sehun dropped his bag on the floor at the end of his bed and fell down on to his back, letting out a hearty sigh.

"Good day?"

"Eh. Good and bad." Sehun shrugged his shoulders and sat up, dangling his legs over the edge of the bed. "And you?"

"Same." Chen shrugged, leaning back on his chair. This was typical conversation between them. It wasn't a bad relationship, they just didn't really have much in common. Except Chen sometimes mixed songs for Sehun for his dance class, and Sehun in return gave his opinion on Chen's attempts at dancing. Which were rare. A knock at the door dragged Chen out of his thoughts, and both boys in the room were thankful for the distraction. Chen spun round and jumped up, quickly sliding over to the door. He pulled it open and let out a moan at the sight. Victoria stood there with what looked like a Lidl bag packed with alcohol cradled in her arms. Baekhyun was beside her, a cheeky grin on his lips. He was carrying another bag, with chips poking out at the top. A girl was behind them, fiddling with her hair. Chen didn't recognise her.

"Come on you, get dressed. We're going out." Victoria spoke with a cheery tone, it made Chen nervous.


"To the Black Lake."

Chen groaned, "But that's far away! I'm not walking there!"

"We don't have to walk, Hayley's driving us." Baekhyun nodded to the girl behind them, who gave Chen a weak smile.

"So you're using some poor girl you don't even know for her car? Aren't you just the nicest people in the world?"

"Oh relax, she's in Yixing's class." Chen didn't feel so bad about the others dragging her around. Yixing was Kris' little brother, a first year dancer, who sometimes tagged along whenever the group hung out. Baekhyun poked Chen's chest. "You coming or not?"

"I have work to do."

"He's lying, he's in a fight with his laptop." The four in the doorway snapped their heads to Sehun, who was now hugging a book, eyes down on the pages.

"You can come too, if you want, Hunnie." Victoria , cocking her head to the side. 

"No thanks, and do-" Sehun raised his gaze, about to scold Victoria for the nickname, when he spotted the girl between her and Baekhyun. his mouth hung open slightly, the girl completely oblivious to his stare, hers on the ground. Victoria and Baekhyun shared a look before grinning.

"Oh, I think that just became a yes." Baekhyun giggled slightly and poked Chen once again. "Get dressed, we'll meet you downstairs in ten okay?"

"Where are the others?"

"Kris and Tao are getting a lift from Luhan, and Bomi stayed over Nanjoo's, who lives like, right by it anyway. Now hurry up! Look nice!"


Black Lake was one of the group's favourite places to hang out. It was a large field with really beautiful green grass, the occasional daisy patch popping up in the spring.. But it was autumn, which mean dry leaves and dry grass. But at least it wasn't raining.There was a lake that ran around the edge of the field,about six foot deep at it's peak. It would probably be took cold to swim, but that wouldn't stop the gang after a few drinks. Luhan and Tao had managed to get a small fire going, and Baekhyun had the genius idea to bring chopsticks and marshmallows. Kris had brought along his portable iPod dock, so their night was set with food, music and the possibility of throwing each other into the water.

Chen and Victoria were sat side by side, legs crossed, a few feet from the fire with marshmallow stacked chopsticks in their hands. "So, why are you over here with me, and not over there shoving chips down your throat with Luhan?" Chen motioned over to the doe-eyed boy who was clutching a bag of Doritos, refusing to let Tao have any.

Victoria blushed and dipped her head, picking at the semi melted marshmallow shyly. "He's busy in conversation, I don't want to disturb him."

"I think you're just shy."

"Am not! Look, he's all wrapped up in conversation." Chen looked back over at the pair still fighting over chips and laughed slightly. Just as he did, Luhan flicked his gaze for a second or two at Victoria before snapping his head back to Tao, telling him off for something. Victoria didn't seem to noticed. "And anyway, I can say the same thing to you about Joonmyeon."

"Yeah, well, he isn't here, is he?" Chen stuck his tongue out at Victoria, who had a wicked grin on his lips. 

"On the contrary..." Victoria trailed off and pointed behind Chen at the new arriving couple. Chen spun round, and his jaw dropped as he saw Joonmyeon walking towards the group, leading a girl along. It was getting dark, and Chen couldn't tell if he saw Joonmyeon holding the girls hand for a second, but was soon relieved when saw a significant gap between them. Why did he even care?

Joonmyeon spotted Chen and looked at the girl, muttering something to her. Chen couldn't hear, they were still a few meters away. Chen suddenly looked back at Victoria with wide, concerned eyes. "Who invited them?" He whispered quietly, afraid anyone would hear his slight panic.

"Chen!" Joonmyeon's voice meant Victoria didn't get a chance to answer, and she stood up.

"I'll talk to you later, I need to go push Baekhyun into the water." Victoria quickly hurried away towards Baekhyun, who was oblivious to her advances. Chen slowly turned to look back at Joonmyeon, who was now sat down beside him. Awfully close, if Chen was not mistaken.

"Hi! You don't mind me sitting here, do you?" Joonmyeon was smiling brightly, his eyes practically shining. The glow of the fire was bouncing off the left half of his face perfectly, and Chen's heart began racing in his chest. He shook his head, and Joonmyeon turned to the fire. "I kind of feeling like I'm crashing, I don't really know anyone. But JiJi is on Victoria's course, and Victoria invited the both of us. She said you'd be here." Chen's heart stopped momentarily. Did Joonmyeon come because of him?

"No, of course not." Chen spoke a little too quickly, he didn't want to seem desperate or needy.

"Well good! Because I wasn't going to leave, even if you didn't want me here." Joonmyeon chuckled, and the laugh hit Chen hard. This was going to be difficult.

"Do you marshmallow?" Chen coughed nervously, internally punishing himself for his rambling. He was always so together, so clean and precise with his words, his thoughts, his actions. But Joonmyeon just made him lose control of the basics. But again, Joonmyeon laughed a little, and Chen felt like he was going to pass out. "I mean, would you like one?"

"I've never melted them before, but sure!" Chen reached across and grabbed the bag of marshmallows, handing them to Joonmyeon. He rummaged in the bag of snacks for the chopsticks and pulled one out, offering that too. Joonmyeon took the stick, and Chen almost passed out as his fingers were brushed by Joonmyeon's as they exchanged the stick. Both boys quickly looked away, Chen's face extremely red. Thank god for the darkness, he didn't want Joonmyeon to his flushed expression. He was never this easily embarrassed or shy, and it bothered him a little that the other boy had this effect on him. But, maybe Joonmyeon felt the same, as he too was looking away, rubbing the back of his neck slightly.

The pair spent the next half hour talking and sharing marshmallows, and neither one was sure if the sparks in the atmosphere were coming from the fire three foot away, or from the chemistry that the two were obviously sharing. It felt incredible, being able to talk so easily to him now. their first few encounters, Chen had barely said a word, but he was relaxing now, and back to his usual chatty self, and Joonmyeon was more than happy to offer the same amount of conversation, if not more.

But this night was going to be remembered as Cupid's night, since Chen and Joonmyeon were not the only ones to hit it off under the moonlight.


A/N: Finally, a longer chapter! There will be more to come on their time at Black Lake, so don't you worry! t will be more detaled than this one too, hopefully!

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aLiaLovella #1
Chapter 5: I love this chapter ! Kris was so protective around Baekhyun and getting mad at Tao for pushing his boyfriend into the water.Luckily he is there to save Baek.Lol,I really love KrisBaek so much!
Chapter 7: Krisbaek~ moooore pls XD aaaahhh ^_^
D_S_H_ #3
Chapter 11: Yep, Victoria could give Cupid a run for his money! lol. Cept her own date hasn't called back... The carnival date was so fluffy!! haha.
D_S_H_ #4
Chapter 8: I'd be up for a bit more SuChen, but the LuToria was sweet and cute!
Estrangedother-half #5
Chapter 7: Ok you just mentionned Baekhyun dancing to Iggy Azalea and I lost it. You now have a definite place in my heart!! XD plus Krisbaek are talking to each other again and all is well!
Chapter 6: Oh My Gosh!!! I'm a new subscriber! I love it~
D_S_H_ #7
Chapter 6: Congrats Victoria, but darn your timing!! Ooo Chen Chen you (almost) lucky devil you! Poor Baek baby.
Estrangedother-half #8
Chapter 5: Ooh I feel the start of some Krisbaek dramatic turn! I'm also very curious about what their problem is.. And Chen being all happy around Junmyeon! So cute.

And Luhan... I wonder what he wants to ask Victoria.