"Are you cold?"

The Other Music Student

They'd almost kissed.


That was keeping Chen up at night. He was tossing and turning in his bed, the sheets getting tangled around his limbs. He hated being restless, he hated fidgeting when it was time to sleep. Glancing at his alarm, Chen huffed. Almost four. He'd have to get up in three hours and face the day, having had approximately thirty minutes rest, if that. Damn Joonmyeon. Damn him and his stupid dark eyes and stupid dark hair and his stupid yet gorgeous smile. Every time Chen finally managed to push the boy from his thoughts and drift off, the memory of their lips mere millimeters from each other's suddenly popped up in his head and he jumped awake, a dumb smile on his lips. It didn't last long. He'd look at the clock, barely a minute had passed. God ing dammit.


"Chen Chen!" The usual shrill voice of Baekhyun came out of no where, startling Chen. A pair of hands poked his sides, causing him to jump a little more. He spun round and shushed the blond behind him, his look of disgust lasting a few seconds. Chen loved the library, he wasn't about to be kicked out due to Baekhyun's obvious excitement.

"We're in a library."

"Oh. So we are!" Baekhyun glanced around, noting the seven foot shelves surrounding them. “That’s why all there’s books everywhere.”

“Yes, so why are you here?” Chen was being a little hostile, probably, no definitely due to his extreme lack of sleep.

“I wanted to come and see my best friend in the whole wide world!” Baekhyun beamed up at Chen, his eyes shining with a little mischief. Which Chen saw right through.

“Chanyeol isn’t here.” Bit of a low blow, Chen.

“I’ll ignore that.”

“Good. What do you want?” Chen raised his eyebrows as Baekhyun began swaying on his heels. He was definitely about to ask for a favour. “Spit it out.”

“Okay, I’m doing a sponsored silence for charity and I need sponsors. How would you like give me some of your hard earned money to see me shut up for a whole three days.”

Chen’s eyebrows couldn’t possibly get any higher, else they’d e flying inches above his hairline. “You? Silent? For three days?” He held it together, trying not to break out into a fit of giggles.

“Yes? So gimme your money!”

“Baekhyun, you’re aware that’s seventy-two hours?”

“Yes. I’ll be asleep for like, twenty four of those. That’s a day knocked out already.” Baekhyun seemed so eager to do this and Chen quite liked the idea of having a silent Baekhyun. The amount of torture he could hold…

“Yeah, sure. You got a sheet?”

“A what?”

“A sheet. A donation sheet. Like, to keep a record?”

“Yes! No. I mean, it’s in my room. Stay here! I’ll go get it!” Baekhyun quickly brushed past Chen and fled the library, followed by a dozen of voices telling him to not run in a sacred place. Chen chuckled to himself. As much as Baekhyun annoyed him sometimes, it was rather adorable to see him flail about like a headless chicken. In small doses, he was the perfect friend. He didn’t know how Kris dealt with him sometimes. Chen felt his phone vibrating in his pocket and he sighed, sliding the book he’d just taken out back on to the shelf. He pulled his phone from his jeans pocket. Of course, Victoria. He smiled, but his eyes caught the time. Almost seven? The library was about to close, it was best to just leave and take the call. Slipping out of the still somewhat packed room, Chen lent against the wall just outside, pressing the phone to his ear.

“I was just talking about you.”

“Che- What, really?” Victoria sounded extremely surprised, causing Chen to grin gleefully.

“No. What’s up?” Chen had a playful tone of voice. He was in an extremely teasing mood for someone who was so grouchy throughout lesson time.

“Oh. Oh! I’m on a date!” Victoria let out a piercing scream and Chen flinched from the phone.

“Yeah, with Luhan? How’s it going? Wait, why are you calling me if you’re on the date? Get off the phone you little !”

“Kris called Luhan, something rather important.”

“Wow, how rude. So how is it?” Chen scuffed his feet on the floor, staring down at the carpet as his body wasted time. Why was he even wasting his time hanging outside the library?

“So much better than I could have expected. He’s incredibly sweet, Jongdae! He picked me up in his car and we went for a drive around the outside of the city. Stopped off and got a burger and soda and now we’re just sat on the hood of his car over-looking the city on the High Cliff.” Well, didn’t that just sound adorable?

“Burger and a cliff, how extremely classy of him.” Chen didn’t know Luhan that well. When they hung out, they only exchanged greetings and other small social pleasantries, nothing more than a few sentences. He seemed like a lovely guy, sweet and playful like himself, so he guessed he’d be a good match for Victoria. But he had to talk to him properly and play the best friend role in this situation. Even if Luhan was a little taller and probably stronger than himself.

“Shut up! It was an expensive burger. He’s being really lovely, Jongdae. Oh god, have I ever told you about his hands? They’re so gorgeous, I can’t help but think of them on m-“

“Nooo la la laaaa, don’t want to know!” Chen scrunched his face, pulled a rather disgusted expression. Having mental images in his head of Victoria even topless just made him shudder. She was an extremely attractive girl, no one could deny that, but she was almost like a sister to him. He thought for a moment that maybe he had a crush on her, but then he realised he was just hungry and a hot dog cleared that right up. Which probably would’ve done the same thing had he been .

“Sorry! I forget that sometime my filter gets a little dirty.”

“A little?” Chen had given up pacing the same few meters and made his way back to his dorm room slowly, eyes on the ground.

“I just wanted to see how you were doing, I haven’t seen you today.” That was true. Chen had avoided everyone the entire day due to his grouchy mood, but apparently wasn’t succeeding so well. He’d completely forgotten about Baekhyun who was supposed to come running back at any moment with his sponsor sheet.

“I’m doing alright, just about to go crash, since I got no sleep.”

“Chen, it’s just gone seven, go out with Baekhyun or something?”

“Nah, I’m really not in the mood. Gonna grab a couple of hours sleep, then I’ll call you back and you can tell me how the date ended, yeah?”

“Of course. Sleep well, chicken.”


Luhan came back shortly after Victoria had ended her phonecall, a little smile on his lips. He had a twinkle in his eye, but that wasn’t because of the call with Kris. The bastard always interrupted him at important moments or events. Sliding back up on to the bonnet of his precious silver Audi,, his shoulder gently brushing against Victoria’s. The sun was beginning to set, causing a beautiful creamy glow across the city. It was the precious moment between the brightness of the sunshine and the dimness of the street lamps illuminating the city streets. It was rather romantic and Luhan felt proud of himself for arranging such a thing. A pat on the back for him later.

“Are you cold?” Luhan cocked his head to look at Victoria by his side, giving her a gentle nudge with his elbow. She smiled sweetly up at him, unfolding her arms and dropping her hands on to her lap. She was wearing a sleeveless vest shirt, extremely brave with an evening date. But Luhan sort of liked it.

“Not at all.” Victoria spoke softly, shaking her head, her fringe bouncing gently over her eyes. She flicked it away before turning back to the setting sun, her lips. Luhan could see the prickles on her skin, indicating her coldness so he sat, shrugging his thick baseball jacket off.

“Here.” Luhan offered the jacket out and Victoria smiled once again, accepting it with a nod. She tugged it on, the southern part of her face lost in the collar as she wrapped it around her body. She was tall but skinny, and Luhan always bought clothes a little too big, so she was lost in the fabric, but it was endearing.


“You’re welcome.”

Silence. But a comfortable one. They stayed there on the bonnet for a minute, just watching the sun descend until it had completely disappeared, leaving a navy sea in the sky with the odd little star coming out to play. They started a conversation shortly after, relaxing back, gazing up at the stars as they conversed about anything and everything that came to their mind. It was a typical first date; a little awkward at first, but it ended with both of them wanting to meet up again. Luhan said he’d call like a typical boy would do and Victoria just prayed that he actually would. Too many times had she or even her friends been neglected when it came to the next-day call. Luhan drove Victoria back to the campus and gave her a gentle goodnight kiss on the cheek, which left a sense of disappointment in her stomach.

But that just made her more determined to get a little extra on date number two.


A/N: So I'm aware you're probably a little disappointed by this chapter. I struggled but I promise I have ideas for the next few parts so it'll get better! Feel free to let me know if you want more KrisBaek or SuChen, or maybe even mentions of other characters? 

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aLiaLovella #1
Chapter 5: I love this chapter ! Kris was so protective around Baekhyun and getting mad at Tao for pushing his boyfriend into the water.Luckily he is there to save Baek.Lol,I really love KrisBaek so much!
Chapter 7: Krisbaek~ moooore pls XD aaaahhh ^_^
D_S_H_ #3
Chapter 11: Yep, Victoria could give Cupid a run for his money! lol. Cept her own date hasn't called back... The carnival date was so fluffy!! haha.
D_S_H_ #4
Chapter 8: I'd be up for a bit more SuChen, but the LuToria was sweet and cute!
Estrangedother-half #5
Chapter 7: Ok you just mentionned Baekhyun dancing to Iggy Azalea and I lost it. You now have a definite place in my heart!! XD plus Krisbaek are talking to each other again and all is well!
Chapter 6: Oh My Gosh!!! I'm a new subscriber! I love it~
D_S_H_ #7
Chapter 6: Congrats Victoria, but darn your timing!! Ooo Chen Chen you (almost) lucky devil you! Poor Baek baby.
Estrangedother-half #8
Chapter 5: Ooh I feel the start of some Krisbaek dramatic turn! I'm also very curious about what their problem is.. And Chen being all happy around Junmyeon! So cute.

And Luhan... I wonder what he wants to ask Victoria.