"Chen, Chen Chen!"

The Other Music Student

"Dada dada, dadada dada, dada dada, dadada dada!"

It was needless to say that Baekhyun and Chen were a little drunk. Hands behind their heads, bum's wiggling along to Baekhyun's favourite Girl's Day track, laughing as they sung along. The group had gathered to celebrate Chen's birthday in his dorm room, considering is roommate was out studying late. It was an empty room, and they needed somewhere they could all relax with a few drinks. Kris, who was normally stoney-faced and solemn, was sat on Chen's bed with his elbows on his thighs, hand clasped together, eyes on Baekhyun. He had an amusing grin on his lips as he watched his boyfriend of two years dancing like an idiot with his friend, who also resembled an idiot. Victoria was beside him, leaning on him as she giggled as Chen did his best to keep up with Baekhyun's hips that wouldn't lie.

"Bomi, come dance with us!" Baekhyun's voice was at a higher pitch as he crooked a finger over at the little brunette who was hiding in the corner with a bottle of Pepsi in her hands. She shook her head, trying to hide her smile. "I won't take no for an answer!" Baekhyun reached out for her hand and tugged her up, and she was quickly swept up into the dance.

"Your boyfriend is a good little dancer." Victoria nudged Kris gently, motioning over to the blond who was oblivious.

"Mm, he's a special snowflake."

"Must be dynamite in the bedroom with those hips." 

"Sure." Kris tensed a little, his voice going cold. Victoria snapped her head to him, realising she'd struck a nerve.

"Have you guys not ha-"


"And you've been toge-"

"Two years." Kris knew all of the questions, he had the answers memorised. "Save the rest of the quiz. Sehun's already asked me."

"But ho-" Victoria stopped mid-sentence as Kris was giving her a death glare and she pressed her lips together, mimicking a zip between then which she closed. Kris nodded, thankful that she'd dropped it, but he knew she'd only question him later.

Moments later, Chen came flopping down the other side of Kris, red in the face but a smile on his lips. He seemed somewhat cheerier than normal, but that was probably because he was the center of attention for the day. That and the several units of alcohol inside him. "It's really hot in here."

"No love, that's just you." Victoria gave him a playful smirk, to which Chen cupped his hands under his chin, batting his lashes. "Oh, I meant to tell you something. A boy in my design class got a new roommate this year because his old one dropped out of Uni, and you will never guess who his new friend is?"

Chen shrugged blankly and looked back at Baekhyun, having no clue. "Enlighten me."

"A certain Korean boy who goes by the name Joonmyeon." Victoria's smirk only double as Chen snapped his head towards her. He felt his cheeks even flush at the name. He hadn't been able to get the boy off his mind, and here was another reason to talk about him and make him a nervous mess. 

"Oh? That's interesting." Chen smiled, trying to brush it all off, but Victoria was having none of it.

"Yeah. And I may or may not have done something completely cheeky." Her words made Chen nervous.

"Oh god. What did yo-" Their conversation was drawn to a halt as a very faint knocking on the door was heard, barely audible above the loud music. Victoria shrugged callously and nodded her head towards the door, taking a sip from her bottle to hide her growing grin. Chen rose to his feet and made towards the iPod dock, lowering the volume slightly before walking to the door. He wasn't expecting anyone, so he guessed it was his roommate who'd forgotten his key. Opening the door, Chen fully prepared himself for an angry, tired Sehun who was going to kick everyone out. But no. The boy in front of him was a lot shorter, his hair darker, eyes brighter, smile wider than his roommates. And thank god.

"Hi." Joonmyeon spoke in a cheery tone with what Chen thought was a sparkle in his eye. No, he'd just had one too many and was imagining things. "Chen, right? I hope you don't mind me disturbing you this late." Chen frowned a little, completely speechless by Joonmyeon's presence. The other boy could sense his confusion and let out a soft laugh. "It's almost midnight, I wasn't too sure if you'd be up, but you are!"

Chen was still utterly lost. How did Joonmyeon know which room he was in? And why was he clutching Chen's piano score book? "I.. No, you're not disturbing at all." Finally, words. "I'm just with a few friends, celebrating."

"Celebrating?" Joonmyeon seemed intrigued, and maybe, just maybe, Chen could get him to come inside. 

"Chen, Chen Chen! Come back in and dance with me again!" Baekhyun's voice could be heard from the inside, causing both Chen and Joonmyeon to laugh. Oh god, his laugh was so sweet and beautiful.

"My birthday. I'm having a few drinks with friends, and I think someone's had too much."

"Oh, it's your birthday? Happy birthday!" Joonmyeon chuckled as he held out the piano score book to Chen. "Your friend said she'd borrowed this from you, and she left it in my dorm room. She's friends with my roommate or something." Chen accepted the book, staring down at it. He didn't remember lending it to Victoria. She didn't even take music. Unless... She took it from his room and purposefully left it there. She knew it had Chen's name and dorm room number, so Joonmyeon would have an excuse to see him when returning it. Baekhyun was right, she had been spending too much time with him.

"Thanks. She er, likes to borrow my stuff a lot." Chen tucked the book under one arm and bit down on his lip slightly, looking back into the room. No one was paying them any attention, they were too busy focusing on Baekhyun who was now doing his own rendition of Bubble Pop. Chen turned back to Joonmyeon and opened his mouth, about to invite the other in to join the party, but Joonmyeon had other ideas.

"I should probably get back to my room now. Have fun with the rest of your party!" Joonmyeon gave Chen a bright, shining smile before swiftly walking down the corridor without a second look. Chen was forced to stare at the other's back, his heart hammering in his chest, clutching his music book tightly. The music book that had been in Joonmyeon's room. In Joonmyeon's arms. This was going to painful.



A/N: Apologies that this and chapter two were shorter than the first! I couldn't think of anything else to add without ruining the quality. I'll try to make future chapters longer!

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aLiaLovella #1
Chapter 5: I love this chapter ! Kris was so protective around Baekhyun and getting mad at Tao for pushing his boyfriend into the water.Luckily he is there to save Baek.Lol,I really love KrisBaek so much!
Chapter 7: Krisbaek~ moooore pls XD aaaahhh ^_^
D_S_H_ #3
Chapter 11: Yep, Victoria could give Cupid a run for his money! lol. Cept her own date hasn't called back... The carnival date was so fluffy!! haha.
D_S_H_ #4
Chapter 8: I'd be up for a bit more SuChen, but the LuToria was sweet and cute!
Estrangedother-half #5
Chapter 7: Ok you just mentionned Baekhyun dancing to Iggy Azalea and I lost it. You now have a definite place in my heart!! XD plus Krisbaek are talking to each other again and all is well!
Chapter 6: Oh My Gosh!!! I'm a new subscriber! I love it~
D_S_H_ #7
Chapter 6: Congrats Victoria, but darn your timing!! Ooo Chen Chen you (almost) lucky devil you! Poor Baek baby.
Estrangedother-half #8
Chapter 5: Ooh I feel the start of some Krisbaek dramatic turn! I'm also very curious about what their problem is.. And Chen being all happy around Junmyeon! So cute.

And Luhan... I wonder what he wants to ask Victoria.