The whispers say

The Fading Tone of Bells


His name is Chen. That's what the whispers say.

They say that he's the odd exorcist. He's the one who takes the jobs that everyone else has rejected, but not in the good way; not out of the goodness of his heart.

There are stories, too. One speaks of a comatose patient who had been forgotten, rotting in an abandoned hospital and yet he woke her from a sweet dream to a figurative nightmare, alive as a living corpse. And there is one about those sad, forlorn ghosts you always see – the ones who never did anyone harm, just pining away… And yet still, there is this particularly famous one where the ghost had wept, her cries lingering long after the ritual had been completed. 

And perhaps the one that everyone knows – the one about the ghost that had acted as guardian angel to the ones he had left behind. No one had wanted him gone – his family and friends had wanted him to stay, glad that even death had not separated them. It had been a shock when a mudang had showed up when none had been called. They didn't need him there.

The exorcism had been completed anyway. 

But there are other whispers of more stories than these; so many others. And they wrap around him like a cloak as he walks down the street. They all point to one thing, and the cloak that they create is a cruel picture of satisfaction in sadism – the main reason why he could do such horrible things.

So many whispers. Oh, so many.

Even when he exits the streets and walks into the headquarters of the mudang, the whispers only grow thicker. Even his own kind shun him. 

He is Chen, so the whispers say, and he is a mudang who exorcises spirits that don't need exorcising. They say that he does it for fun.  

He's reached the level of the building that he's intended to go. There is a single door there. It's non-descript, but then there's no need for any indication of its purpose or fancy designs. All who come here know, and they come for only one thing. 

"Chonrian Lay." He calls out, and the sole figure in the room turns around, and smiles.

"Oh. Hello, Jongdae."



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Chapter 16: This could honestly be a novel. It is a real piece of art and extremely cerebral. I loved it~
Chapter 16: I knew that this fic had my whole mind in it while reading :3 I loved it really <3
Chapter 15: this is actually a piece of art
it is beautiful
Chapter 12: Omg. I was like reading and then when I finally got up to this chapter I realised something. Im like why is there only one comment? So yeah. Authors usually need support so yeah. ^^. Here I am! This fanfic is awesome! Ill be anticipating the next update! ^^ Fighting!!
Chapter 1: dahkajhdkjfhkjdhkgh I really love how Chen is just so resigned and dark and afkhdkjhfkg
