Chapter 3

i don't know what to name this x. x

(Blue is Korean)

" Oh ok are you home yet or no. We are getting on the plane soon." your dad said

" Umm no not yet and why do you keep switching between English and Korean and why did you say we?" you said

" I got to go call you when we get there." your dad said and ended the call.

" What the hell." you said when you moved your phone from your ear.

" What?" Nick ask ( this was his face o. o)

" Nothing " you said " we better get going because my dad coming soon or is on the plane."

" Okay lets go then." Nick said and wraps his arm around your shoulder.

" Time to go to the bar woo." you said and you both started walking up to the front again. We saw our boss (or his boss now cause i quit) talking to someone.

" Who's that?" you asked 

" i don't know." Nick said

" Your a lot of help." you look at Nick

" I know I am." he look at you. You rolled your eyes.

" Lets go before my dad gets to my house." you guys walk out of the coffee shop and went left.

" Do we have to ride the bus?" Nick asked

" No we can walk there if you want. Its only a block away." You said and look in your bag for your phone.

" ok." 

You guys walk for 10 more minutes then you were in front of the bar.

" you can stay out here if you want." you said

" ok" Nick said then look up " just hurry up this place gives me the creeps."

" Haha ok" you said and walk in. There won't a loot of people in there just one or two because it was around 7 or 8 in the morning.

" Good morning." Savannah said

" Morning" you said " how are you?"

" Good, just tired." Savannah said.

" Me too" 

" Yeah i bet you are." Savannah said

" Well i better get my stuff before my dad gets to my house, sigh"

" Oh okay well bye Annabell." Savannah said the started cleaning up some cups.

" Bye Savannah." you said. You walked to the back to grab your make up that you had back here. You put it in your bag then walk out to the front. You told savannah bye again and hug her then walk out to see Nick looking at his phone.

" Yo already." you said when you got closer to him. Nick jumped then looked at you.

" Never do that again." Nick said and had his hand on his heart. You just smiled and started walking to the bus stop.

" HEY WAIT FOR ME. " Nick yelled and started running to you. You started laughing and kept walking to the bus stop.








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