I Need Somebody

Teacher, Teacher, I'm in Love....
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Heegyu’s POV


Ergh! Why do I always feel so thirsty in the middle of the night?

Is this normal?

I typically drink three glasses of water before going to sleep but every mid night; I used to wake up just to drink another glass of water.

What’s wrong with my throat?


I lamely walked towards the fridge then grabbed lifelessly the handle and opened it with less force. Nice. I just wanted to sleep but my throat is not cooperating with me.

I took the glass from the compartment and took the pitcher of water to fill it.

I slowly drank it just to make sure that every drops of it will wet my drying throat.


“Ah~” I let out a loud sigh of refresh.




I almost screamed at twelve midnight. I clutched my chest and leaned my other hand on the fridge for my support.


“I’m sorry if I scare you.”


Luhan was there in the sofa, sitting alone in the dark as the dim light of the moon shines on his face. What is he doing here this late?


I put down the glass on the counter and tiptoed towards the staircase.


“I’m going now. Good night Sir.”


“Heegyu-ah, is it really awkward for you to call me on my real name?”


I almost slipped on the first step because of his question. I stopped on my track and said, “It’s not that I’m uncomfortable with it but I am just respecting you as my professor.”


I looked at him and though his face was surrounded by darkness, I still saw the hint of a thin smile on his lips.


“I guess so.” He said.


He shifted his position to face the window. I watched him gaze the moon from the window and I can feel that something’s not right.


I sighed and went to him. I sat beside him.


He looked at me, “I thought you’re going to sleep now.”


“Not until you tell me about your problem.”


“I don’t have a problem Heegyu so you may sleep now. Good night.”


“I won’t.” I insisted. I planted my gaze on him until I finally convinced him.


He was silent for a minute before he opened his lips. His eyes shifted on my direction and at this close distance; I could see tears forming in his eyes.

“I was about to get married but she changed her mind.”




Did I hear him right?

My first love was about to get married?

Wow~ what a big revelation huh?


I looked at him with sympathy and gestured him to go on with his story.

I think it’s a little bit awkward for him to open up this kind of matter especially to me. We’ve been so close when we were young but because of several reasons, he has to move out of the country and leave me. When he came back, I thought, it would be easier for the both of us to be friends again but I guess, there’s a gap formed while we are apart from each other but for this moment, I will drop all the awkwardness just to comfort him. Besides, he’s been a friend to me until now.


“Why did she refuse to marry you?”


I saw his hands clenched into fists and I began studying more of his face. His brows cringed and I can see how hard he bit his lips that it almost bled in front of me.


“Heegyu, my fiancé is dying. She wants me free from the burden; she wants to shoulder all the pain without me.”


“Sh-she’s sick?” my lips trembled.


Then, he began sobbing silently but e

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Chapter 11: Welp. LuRis. <3
qinmad #2
Chapter 11: I just happened to find this story and I'm already mesmerized with the plot twist! Gosh, how I wish you would update soon! I wanna know what is this that Kris is feeling. And how everything with Luhan will go on. I have some thoughts but will remain silent because they are negative haha
Please, update soon, Author-nim! :) x
kkbyebyehaha #3
Chapter 11: hahaha interesting story i want her and kris to end up together
dawnxiamara #4
Chapter 11: Is Kris falling for his student?
kkbyebyehaha #5
Chapter 10: ooohhhh go kris!
Chapter 10: Pabebe ni Kris. hihihihi. I want to knock some sense to him--but finally, he's having concern with HeeGyu. :)

I'm curious of this girl whom Luhan was supposed to marry. o_O
Chapter 9: </3

heartbreaking. luhan </3 </3

and Sir Kris. T___T
xkellyngx #8
Chapter 9: Sir Kris ♡♡♡