
Teacher, Teacher, I'm in Love....
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Heegyu’s POV



I’ve never been interested to guys who are older or younger than me. ‘Coz for me, it’s kinda weird and at the same time, they’re not really my type.

On top of that, I am not yet ready to fall in love.

But, can you tell your heart not to beat if the guy you’re waiting for is already there in front of you? Can you tell to it to stop when all it knows is to jump whenever he’s there? Or can you tell it not to love him when all it knows is to fall and fall all over again?

Who would have thought that I will swallow everything?

Phew~ whatever happens, I’ll just let my heart fall, wishing that at least, someone will catch it. Hoping it was you.




First Year of College, first day of hating you…


Since I was a child, I’m already dreaming of becoming a teacher. I know how hard my life would be once I finished my studies but actually it doesn’t matter. That is my dream and that’s all that matters.

Adjusting on my new environment wasn’t that hard. Being a sociable one helps me cope up easily with my new life. I’ve gained friends, even haters and on top of that, there are admirers too that I never-ever paid attention.

I’ve entered college not for a love life but for a brighter future. I’m such a nice kid huh.


I thought that my life in college will turn out good and as fine as my first week but as the days pass by, I am starting to hate it.

Why? It’s because of my favorite teacher. It may sound sarcastic but yeah, I hate him.

I just can’t understand but the first day I met him, it was like the first day in hell.

Seriously, he got the looks, the height, and the brain – all. He’s so total package that you can’t even say that he is a teacher. He’s so damn gorgeous that even a Greek God will be ashamed on how good-looking this teacher was.

But my first good impression lasted for a millisecond – only.

This teacher was so y.

That’s how the other students describe him. Even education students cannot bear his attitude towards others.


He never smiles.

He gives a lot of homework. Like seriously, three assignments in a meeting?

He often calls me in recitation.

He always scolds me for not paying attention.

He stares at me like I’ve committed a crime.


It was always me that he notices. My classmates almost thought that we have a past relationship or a certain connection that makes this hot/gorgeous/tall/y teacher gets on my nerves and so am I to him.


Ergh! He is seriously frustrating me in every second, in every day and in every week.

I truly, madly, deeply hates WU YI FAN.


Yes, Wu Yi Fan or let’s just call him Kris. My favorite teacher.


I hate him.




It was almost 1 PM when I was heading towards the old building of College of Education and cradling bunch of reference books for our research on my favorite teacher. I just hate how Kris Wu loves giving us home works on the first day of the week and submitting it on the next day. Can’t he just understand that he is not the only subject we have in our

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Chapter 11: Welp. LuRis. <3
qinmad #2
Chapter 11: I just happened to find this story and I'm already mesmerized with the plot twist! Gosh, how I wish you would update soon! I wanna know what is this that Kris is feeling. And how everything with Luhan will go on. I have some thoughts but will remain silent because they are negative haha
Please, update soon, Author-nim! :) x
kkbyebyehaha #3
Chapter 11: hahaha interesting story i want her and kris to end up together
dawnxiamara #4
Chapter 11: Is Kris falling for his student?
kkbyebyehaha #5
Chapter 10: ooohhhh go kris!
Chapter 10: Pabebe ni Kris. hihihihi. I want to knock some sense to him--but finally, he's having concern with HeeGyu. :)

I'm curious of this girl whom Luhan was supposed to marry. o_O
Chapter 9: </3

heartbreaking. luhan </3 </3

and Sir Kris. T___T
xkellyngx #8
Chapter 9: Sir Kris ♡♡♡