Stage of the Stages

My Other Half

Rae’s POV

“Kris… I know I’ll die cause of this. When I’m not sure, but I know I will. Pancreatic cancer even if it’s caught early is still known to kill most of the people.”

“Who told you that?”

I look away from my boyfriend of 2 years as I mutter, “I read it somewhere when I first got sick. For some reason I had a feeling that it was this. I thought it was a joke until today.”

I start talking with Kris telling him about this feeling I’ve had for the last 5 months, about how I’ve had this feeling I’m gonna be dead by the end of this year.

He’s silent looking at me with dead eyes and I know that inside he’s dying and wanting to yell all kinds of things.

“Why didn’t you tell me something?” he asks in a quiet hurt tone.

I look over at him, “I thought i was going crazy. I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me. I still think so.”

“Still don’t you think that you shouldn’t have told me. I thought we tell each other everything.”

I give a look as I show the ring on my finger, “You say that when you were hiding the fact that you’re an alien and what the heck is this ring supposed to mean?”

I look at my hands, “It’s a symbol that it means that we are meant for each other. I don’t know a lot of the details it’s just something my parents explained to me from when I was a kid. All of us… the guys and I have birthmarks in certain designs and these show our families what our powers will be.”

“So the guys and you are descendents of aliens and have special powers. Great and I’m the 1 that’s having a nervous breakdown. That’s what this must be.”

He looks at me as he takes my hands in his own placing them on his chest over his heart, “Fell that. Rae this is my heartbeat I’m realy. I’m really here. I’m here.”

I start crying as I fall against him as I start whimpering, “I don’t want to be sick. I don’t want to die. I want to grow old with you.”

He smiles sadly as he wraps his arms around me whispering my name and setting his head on my head as he my hair.

I smile softly as I let him set me back on the bed and he crawls in too lay by my side.

He keeps my head resting on his chest so I’d listen to his heartbeat that’d calm down from a few seconds ago.

Maybe I really have a calming affect on him much like he does on me.

I smile as I start to fall asleep.


It’s dark in the room as I look around trying to find something that seems out of place.

I look too my side and Kris isn’t there anymore.

I start shouting his name and I get no answer.

THe room is dark so I sit up and have to climb out of something that feels like a box.

I start walking around the room until I meet the wall.

I go along it until I find the light switch to turn it on too find myself in a funeral showing room.

Sitting in chairs are my family and friends.

Kris is standing in front of the coffin now staring down at me.

I go to touch his shoulder only to go through him.

He looks so sad and alone while he looks down at me.

I keep shouting his name only to for him to mutter, “I loved you and all you did was show in the end that you started to hate me for my worrying.”

I try to shout, “I’d never hate you. I just didn’t want to leave you alone. I wanted to be with you forever.  I wanted to grow old and die with you.”

I fall down too my knees crying. Soon I feel someone touch my shoulder and I look up too see a beautiful girl that looks a bit like me.

“Who are you?”

“I’m not sure… but I think I’m you or at least a part of you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not sure. I know I”ll heal Kris when you are gone. Please just say that’d it’d be okay.”

The girl reaches her hand out to me and I feel uneasy, but I still take her hand in my own, “Alright. Just make sure that he’d no longer be sad anymore.”

She nods her head as she smiles sadly.


I open my eyes to find Kris looking at me as the sun rises.

“Ahh, how long have you been awake?”

“Not long. What were you dreaming about?”

I shrug, “My funeral showcase. You were really sad.”

He looks at me with sad eyes as he pulls me too him.

He sighs as he pulls me against him and all I want to do is push him away from me. I don’t want to be held. I don’t want to be here.

“You should go,” I tell him in a quiet tone.

“But I still have a lil bit before they come too make their rounds again.”

“I know but I’d like to be alone Kris. Just give me some time alone.”

He doesn’t try to argue with me. He simply nods his head as he heads over to the window looking around before he grabs a sheet from the bed and jumps from the window.

I look after him like he’s an idiot, but what would he know since he can’t see my face at the moment.

My nurse comes in a little bit after Kris leaves and says, “We’re about too start your treatment.”

I look away from her while I mutter, “I’m not sick. I can’t be sick or Kris will be alone and hurting for how long.”

My nurse seems too ignore as she sets a thing of pills infront me, “I need you too take these.”

She hands me a glass of water. I sigh wanting this too be over so I down the pills with the water and put the cups together before squashing it in my hand.

She looks at me with a certain looks as she sighs, “Since you took those you should be able too leave today or tomorrow. We’ll talk with your doctor and parents in the afternoon.”

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Control the wind? haha i think of cute thing like he could stop the wind from blowing my hat away. lol interesting story! author nim fighting! :)