Diagnosis… I’m Really Sick

My Other Half

Rae’s POV

When I first met Kris I found him rather annoying, but also sweet.

It was a simple day at school with Mei and me.

Mei was acting strange and when she told me that she is hiding from Lay the guy she likes I knew something was wrong. Then she told me that she was dying. She said she was going through treatments but they are just going to more so prolong her life since no one knew anything what is wrong with her.

She spent the next few days tied to me.

Then I met Kris when he was the one they picked to try and talk to Mei for Yixing once again.

I blocked his view of her and said, “What do you want?”

Kris simply had looked down at me cause of our slight height difference, “I’m here to talk to her why she left Yixing. He’s a mess.”

I got mad and pulled his head down cause it seemed like he was walking down to me, “He’s a mess. She’s a mess. The 2 of them are both messes. Mei destroyed herself when she told him to leave her alone.”

“Then why break him off of her life?”

“She has her reasons,” I told him as I stomped away.

“Well he wants to know. We all do,” he had sounded like a wounded puppy.

“I’m sorry but it’s not my place to tell you.”

I had walked off and a little bit later he found out and then promised he wouldn’t tell Yixing.


That was just 3 years ago.

I smile as I look at my side to see my now boyfriend look at me.

“What?” he asks confused.

“Nothing it’s just I never thought that we’d be dating.”

“I know. I can’t believe you agreed to date me. I thought you hated me.”

I look at him with my lip turned up a bit, “I do.”

He looks at me worried and I laugh at him.

“I don’t hate you. I was joking. Though I hated you until I realized it was a small niche in your personality that makes you who you are.”

“Oh you mean?”

“You’re an to those you care about and those you don’t care for you ignore.”

He pouts a bit, “Yeah, but you kind of beat that out of me.”

I nod my head as I rest it on his chest.

“So you’re going to the doctor today?”

“Yeah, hopefully they figure out why I’ve been sick.”

He nods his head as he rests his on my head, “Hopefully it’s nothing serious. I’d really hate to lose you.”

“When I call you and tell you will you come to see me?”

“I’ll fly to you,” he says to me.

I look up to see if he’s joking but he seems to be perfectly serious.

“Can you really fly?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, of course I can.”

“Liar,” I say to him as I turn my head to rest on his chest more and lay on the couch.

I hear my parents come into the room and I don’t bother moving.

I maybe 16, but they’re okay with me dating as long as we’re appropriate and not doing anything where god would frown.

My mom is a Christian and my dad is a full out Buddhist of some sort. They don’t force any kind of beliefs on me.

Kris looks up at my parents and waves to them, “When is the appointment?”

“She didn’t’ tell you?” my dad asks him.

“No, she said it was when I had practice.”

“It is and they said she might have to stay in the hospital so they can run some tests, but she should be out for your game. It’s at 4 I believe.”

I know Kris is pouting like a child, but I’m okay with that part of him it’s kind of cute when he does things so unlike him.

I tap his cheek and he looks down at me telling me, “Hey, get some sleep while you can. I’ll wake you before it’s time to leave.”

I nod my head, “You’ll be here when I wake up?”

“Of course who else is going to wake the sleeping princess,” he says that just to get me to blush something he seems to enjoy.


I wake up to a slight shaking and I look up to see my boyfriend looking at me with a smile on his face.

I feel something on my hand and I look at it to see a ring on my promise finger that is shaped as a dragon.

The design in simple enough and it was big enough to cover a bit of my pinky and middle finger.

“It’s beautiful Kris, but why is it on my promise finger?”

“It’s a personally made couples ring,” he holds up his hand to show me he’s wearing a ring very similar to mine, “It’s a design I picked myself… Do you not like it?”

“No, I love it. it just surprised me is all,” I wrap my arms around his waist and let him pull me up so my head is in his chest.

“Call me when you get the results. I’ll be waiting by the phone.”

I nod my head as I hug him tighter knowing a bit of what’s going to happen.

“I’ll see you later,” I tell him as he jumps up and goes to walk to school.

My mom stops him, “Wu Fan, are you sure you don’t want a ride?”

My mom is the only person I know that refuses to call him Kris.

“I’m alright. I’m okay with walking there it’s only a 20 minute anyways.”

He waves to us and I run up to him and jump up to try and give him a kiss.

He laughs as me and I look away from him, “Fine, no kiss for you.”

“Huh, why?”

“You laughed at me.”

“I’m sorry it was really cute and funny.” He wraps his arms around me and looks at me, “Forgive me.”

I turn towards him, “Maybe, if you’ll give me a kiss.”

He looks at my parents then leans down and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips, “I’ll see you later.”

I nod my head as he starts to walk off to the school.

I turn towards my parents and they are smiling.

They sure are a rare set of parents being all happy about their 16 year old daughter dating.


As the appointment goes on I lay in the bed that they had set up for me.

It was nothing really.

I called Kris when he got home from practice.

We talked about nonsense to try and take my mind off being in the hospital.

Thank you mom, for letting me borrow your phone while I’m in here.

When the nurse comes in to check on me I tell her I have slight pain in my stomach and she simply nods her head and writes it down.

When she heads to leave she looks at me, “You should try to catch some sleep. It’s pretty late.”

I tell her that I have problems sleeping and she tells me to hang up the phone which I do after saying goodnight to my boyfriend.


I wake up and wait until Kris comes home from school to call him and talk.

I’m not sure how long we talk until I mention anything about being in the hospital.

“I wonder if it’s anything bad,” I ask myself as I watch my parents talk with my doctors outside my room.

As I watch them take and their facial expressions.

“What do you mean?”

“Mom and dad are talking with my doctor and I wonder what it is that they can’t tell me.”

“It’s probably them talking about more tests.”

“Kris, I’ve been here for a day already and I want to leave. They’ve ran enough tests what could they now know enough about to make me stay here.”

“Some of the test results probably aren’t even in yet.”

I sigh knowing he’s right.

When I notice them turning towards my room to enter it I say, “I need to hang up I’ll call you after practice okay.”

“I don’t’ have practice today so call me when you can.”

I look up at them and smile as I hang up, “So did my test results come in?”

“Yes, we figured out what’s wrong. We caught it early luckily that rarely happens with this.”

“With what?”

“It seems that you have a pancreatic cancer, but to be sure we need to do a biopsy.”

“To figure out if I have cancer or not?”

The doctor nods his head and I turn to the side and throw up a bit of whatever I ate for lunch glad that it stayed down as long as it did.

When the doctor leaves my parents look at me, “We can stay tonight if you want us to.”

I don’t look at them instead I’m staring at my stomach, “I’m fine. I think I want some alone time.”

“Alright, we’ll visit you in the morning.”

When they leave I turn towards the window and let my tears fall down from my eyes.

My mom phone starts ringing and I look to see it’s Kris calling me.

I sniffle as I clear my throat before I answer my phone, “Hello.”

“Hey, your dad called a little bit ago and said that I should probably call you.”

“Ahh… Yeah, Kris I wish you could fly over to my side right now.”


“Kris… I… I have cancer. They said I have cancer.”

“I’ll be right there,” is all I hear before the line goes dead.

I sigh as I stand up to open my hospital window a bit to look up at the sky.

Let's hold a celebration that I finally wrote my first chapter for this story... 


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Control the wind? haha i think of cute thing like he could stop the wind from blowing my hat away. lol interesting story! author nim fighting! :)