Promoting Other Stories

My Other Half

Just Promoting my Other EXO Stories 

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Chanyeol- Lingerie Dare

You and your friends decided to play a truth or dare game and since your friends dont' believe that your boyfriend chanyeol would do anythign for you they ask that you get him to wear a lingerie set of yours and to get a picture of it to show them that you really did what they had asked. What could go wrong?

Tao- Selcas with Tao

You are in love with your best friend but it seems he's on the way to confess to a girl. He's leaving hint on his twitter account as he walks to her house. All you can think of is, "I should have told him that i love him."

Lay- Venice City fo Love Connected Us

A threeshot (3 chapters) about how you had met a boy named Yixing in Venice. It was a chance meeting where he gave you a day to remember not anything erted, but he gave you a day filled love. He asked for your name and of course you gave it to him and gave him your home town not even knowing if you'll ever see him again, because fo a dangerous surgery. still when he left the night after a day with you he promised he'd see you again in a year.

LaySave Me

Your dying and all he wants to do is help you. He'll try anything even if it means somehow breaking a sacred rule.

Tao- Let Me Be Your World

Since the first day you met him he has been on your mind. You worked to meet him not knowing he was working towards speaking to you. He was new and didnt know Korean so you learned his language just to speak to him. You spent months after his debut to talk to him and when you did it seemed right away the two of you clicked and became close friends, but is that all you can be.  You seem to notice that you're fallign in love, but you doubt he'd love you back he's famous he could have anyone all you'll ever be is cordinoona's little sister. You dont' know the talent that you hide. He seems ot help make you realize it and so much more. 

TaoLost In the Now Found in the Past

When you were a kid you had a best friend. One day you're told that you'll be moving far away from Tao. The two of you promised to see each other again, but you forget about him and the promises the two of you made to each other. You remember the promises when you're in a car accident and seem to be thrown into the past. Where you meet a boy that looks like you best friend panda. You set out on a journey to find your way home and to find your innnerself. On the journey you make friends that are much like th eones you have at home.  That is half of the story the other half is Tao in the present trying to deal with the fact that you are in a coma state in the present. tao must come over hsi fears of losing you to realize that he's the only one that can help him. 

KaiKai's Cinderella 

Before you were sent to your new school you were a trouble maker but you loved to draw and dance they were always there for you, but when your step-mother tells you to stop dancing and drawing in all to study buissness so that you can be a good daughter for your father. On your first day there you had one thought in mind you were going to be on your best behavoir but without dance your spirit felt broken. So secretly you decided to borrow one of the practice rooms. Until you were almost caught and lost something very important to you.


It was when you were little that you learned how to dance for you were taught by your mother. In your eyes she was the best there was but her friend didn't like your mother because she was able to get married to a wealthy man even if it was for pure love. When you were seven your mother died from cancer. You had watched her die slowly and painfully. To ease her pain you danced for her every day and every time you'd pefect a move for her she'd smile at you and clap. It was for three years until your father even thought of dating again and soon he found a woman with two daughters of her own and was a widow like he was a widower. They soon married. Only he didnt' know that she was once your mother's best-friend and hated you because you were the offspring of your parents. He hatred for you was passed onto her two daughters and even when you tried your hardest you could not hate them. to take out your frustration you danced and drew. Soon they became the onyl time you felt at peace and free. Then kids sstarted to pick fights with you so you learned how to fight for yourself to protect yourself, but that seemed to only cause more trouble for you. So your step-mother told you that you are to study buisness and forget about your passions. If you stepped back to them then she'd make sure that your dreams would never be reached and your past will haunt you. You became your step-families' slave and that was all you were to be, but why did a boy you barely know make you feel like you are far more.

SehunShould Confess to My Best Friend

I'm going to confess to him someday its just Luhan is in my way

Luhan- Who My Son Picked to Love

Your a single mother  of a three year and hate all men that you run into as of course your son likes them as well. When your mother told you that you're moving to Korea to live with your father you go along with it. Since you want to escape from your son's father who is causing your life to fall apart. In the aiport you run into a group of 12 guys but looking at one made your heart quicken, but being subborn you decide to hate him. he's a guy after all and all they have caused you in the past in pain. On the plane the guy that made your heartbeat quicken sits next to you, but when your son starts crying he's able to calm him down with a beautiful angel voice that sounds familar like you heard it before. Your son smiled and hugged the man and woulnd't let go. Almost like he sensed that he was the one to melt your heart and bring his warm caring mother back to life.

Being in love with a human is dangerous and against the code, but you can't pick who you fall in love with. I am in love with a human boy who had helped save my life.  My pack wants me to kill him since they do not approve of the idea.  Our pack has a bad history with humans to begin with.  My pack has been telling me that i should just one bite since that's all he is and if I can't do that they'll do it for me.  For he is not to know about what we are... I can’t let them kill him. There has to be a way to save him. Breaking the cycle of bad love and feelings between us the wolves and regular humans. I believe we can do this, but I know not everyone will accept this.

Xuimin- Hatred Flowers

You hate flowers, but you always have made an exception. Still one day Xuinmin comes in to buy some for his mother that does not have a passion for them anymore. His words touch your heart. He seems to change somethign inside you.

Chanyeol- Accidental Confession

It's hard to be secretly in love with someone fro two years and then one day without noticing it he accidently confess to you without noticing it. 

KrisPaintball Kisses

You get mad at Kris so your friends take you to play paintball, but you're in for a suprise

Do KyungsooNot So One Sided

He had said that he lhas a crush on the radio but you had no idea that it was you. After hearing him say that you end up confessing to him on accident by a sleeping habit of yours

Park Chanyeol- Be My Lady

The two of you met at the opening of your club dancing through most fo the night, but you never expected it to turn out the way it has. 

Chen- Chen's Pen Pal

You have been Chen's Pen Pal since you were in middle school. Now you're losing your eye sight from a car accident 2 months ago. Still you finally get to see jongdae in person after your friend won concert tickets to EXO in Seoul. 

Chanyeol-  My Black Pearl

Meeting her changed my view of life, but how could I have known she has two parts of her life. 


Your POV

My mother always said I was like a pearl compared to faux ones that would be found by divers. Some people just couldn’t tell who are the rare amenities while other’s will fall for the fakes. Truthfully, I find my mom’s metaphor confusing because personally it makes no sense to me. could she had been talking about my eyes as well since my left eye is a caramel coffee color while my left is a bright blue-green shade

Tao- Embarrassing Night

You were invited over to the exo dorm  By Kris, but by the time you get there your boyfriend Tao is no where in sight. After a long while of waiting you decide to take a shower. How can an innocent thing lead to the most embarrassing night over at the dorms in yor life?

Kris- My Other Half

You're simple girl named Rae who is dating a guy who has a habit of  saying crazy like things and not just that, but he's not like any other human on earth. You see he can control the wind and you call him a dragon and you are the other half of his heart. 

This is a side story for Rae and Kris from my story Save Me.



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Control the wind? haha i think of cute thing like he could stop the wind from blowing my hat away. lol interesting story! author nim fighting! :)