

I’ve been thinking, how’s my life actually going on so far. Is it bad or good, am I doing it right or wrong. But I noticed, I’m not the only one having so many problems and obstacles to go through. A person may look as happy as ever, but deep down inside, they’re at their saddest state and no one will ever know. 


I waited for Taehyung outside of class, the minute he walked out I blocked his way. “Are you okay?” 

He avoided eye contact and walk straightly towards the cafeteria, I quickly followed.

After getting our food we sat down at a round table for two since the boys are still in the middle of their lessons.

He munched on his food quietly, not wanting to bring anything up. Should I really just act like nothing happened?

Unfortunately I can’t do that, he’s my friend and I need to help him. Eventhough, we’re not that close yet but…it doesn’t hurt to help right?

I cleared my throat, “Kim Taehyung”

He looked up from his food for a minute and continued eating.

I lightly pushed his shoulders, “Hey”

Once again, he looked up and back down again.

I sighed. How I am gonna-


“I’m sorry” he muttered.

I paused and stared at him, “H-Huh?”

He looked up and stared back, “What just happened, just forget about it”

He doesn’t want to talk about it.

I was speechless, but I get it, “Alright” I said and just ate my food while he stared at me but slowly looked away.


After school I decided to have dinner at that ddeokboki shop I last mentioned since I didn’t get the chance to the other time. I was skipping happily along the street, clearing my thoughts away while replying Yuwon’s text, till I didn’t even noticed I bumped into someone. I looked up and hah, is this some weird coincidence or something, there he was, the main reason why I moved.


My dad.


My eyes widened, “Y-You-“

Before I can even finish my sentence, my dad slapped me across the face. And yes, It hurts so bad.

“What do you think you’re doing, leaving your beloved father in jail and run all the way here. You think I won’t come find you? You think you can get away from me? Well think again, we’re going back right now and there’s no way you can get away this time” He took my hand forcefully and dragged me along with him. 

I yanked his hand away, “No”

He scowled at me, “What did you say? No? Oh really, do you really want me to do it to you infront of everyone? Okay then” he grabbed my collar and leaned in untill someone pushed him away hardly.


“I don’t think it’s very nice to do that to your own daughter”


That voice.


I quickly turned to face that person.



He came, Kim Taehyung.



My dad scoffed, “And who are you to care? Are you one of her boyfriends?”


“I am a friend. Don’t you think you’re not acting like a father at all” he gulped.


I was looking at the both of them, terrified. How did everything end up being like this.


“Listen up kid, you have no rights to say that to me. Now move.” he tried pushing him away but failed to do so as Taehyung was pretty much alot stronger than him.

“How about no. Leave your daughter alone” he said and held my arm, pulling me away from my dad.

My dad was furious, “ You son of a , you’ll get it one day. Just wait.” he said and ran off.

He sighed and held my shoulders, “Are you okay? I don’t know  whether what I did was right or wrong I just thought that maybe I should help out because he was gonna do something to you and I can’t let them happen I just-”


Before he can even finish his sentence, I surprised him with hug. 

And it was the sweetest embrace I could ever give to a guy.


“You’re cute you know,… Thank you, so much”


He smiled and patted my head, “What are friends for”


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Chapter 6: Hope you update again soon!
Chapter 6: Awwwww he came to her rescue! Hahahhaaa so cute!
Her dad is a bit sickening thoughh O_______O
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #3
Chapter 6: And how dare u Seyeon's dad calling my Taetae Oppa a !!! Well, meet me now!! I'm so gonna murder u!!><
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #4
Chapter 6: Love ur story Author-nim!!XD
Chapter 6: Waaaa i love this! Update soon please ♡ *-*
Chapter 5: Finallyy~~ I waited for so longgggggg
Can't wait to know more about Taehyun's past!!! Hahahahahaahah XDDD
Chapter 4: Good story ^^
update soon :)
Chapter 4: keep up the good work
Chapter 4: Seyeon and Taehyun's interactions are so cute >____<
Chapter 4: it's not that lame! don't be so harsh on you~
i actually like this one ^~^

but will Yuwon still ignoring all BTS? it's somehow... silly idk...
anyway, pls update soon ^~^